Wacky Florida

He’s the guy on the right…

Holmes County – Principal David Davis led a “relentless crusade” against homosexuality at Ponce de Leon High School, a federal judge said in court documents….

“Davis embarked on what can only be characterized as a witch hunt,” wrote U.S. District Judge Richard Smoak, who blasted him for his “morality assemblies” and misunderstanding of the First Amendment.

The opinion came more than two months after Heather Gillman and the American Civil Liberties Union won a free-speech lawsuit against the Holmes County School Board – which actually was Davis’ complicit “alter ego,” Smoak wrote….

Students had begun showing support following the taunting of a gay student at school.

In response to the taunting incident, Davis told the gay student it wasn’t right for her to be homosexual and held a morality assembly, according to testimony.

Then, after an investigation into the “secret society” of gay pride at school, Davis suspended several students for supporting the girl. He told one suspended student’s mother “he could secretly send her daughter off to a private Christian school” and said “if there was a man in your house … you wouldn’t be having any of these gay issues,” according to the court.

Davis banned rainbows, pink triangles and a number of what he called sexually suggestive slogans. The slogans included “I Support Gays” and “God Loves Me Just the Way I Am.”

According to another source [here], this jerk, who is no longer serving as Principal, is teaching American Government at the same school. Poor kids!

Thanks, K B

  1. hotdog says:

    his world will always be flat.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    My best friend always liked to use silly phrases like “if God didn’t make homosexuals, there wouldn’t be any.” “God must have also made people with Down’s Syndrome and cerebral palsy” was always my reply.

    Religious people are stupid.

  3. echeola says:

    Me think he doth protest too much!

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #2 – Briny Shylock

    >>Religious people are stupid.

    So are Atheists, if your post is any indication.

  5. Dave W says:

    I give 6 months until we find out how many of the boys he was molesting.


  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    #4, … and easily goaded too.

  7. Simple Minds says:

    I agree. Silly. Florida is home to mostly insane people anyway. Nothing that happens there surprises me anymore. Look, there will always be people who don’t like blacks, gays, Jews, immigrants, or some “other” group. They’re nuts and are always on the wrong side of history…always. We look back and go, wow, it was wrong and stupid of us to attack and blame the blacks/Irish/Japanese/Jews/Italians or group of the minute for all our problems and try to ban/restrict them. It’s always been wrong and just closed minded retards that supported that nonsense. It’s sad we have to even put up with them, but there are always more dumb people than smart people. So it’s always an uphill fight.

    “She’s made of wood….BURN HER!”

  8. Breetai says:

    I don’t see the problem.

  9. the answer says:

    Just because he can’t see his dick doesn’t mean other kids shouldn’t see dicks.

  10. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    The principal sounds like a closet homosexual if I’ve heard one!

    I am still trying to figure out why anyone would ever care if someone is gay or not…. I mean, there must a be good reason because so many people do seem to care, but I just don’t see it…. I mean, I can understand why it’d be a bit upset to fall in love with someone, then find out they are gay so you just don’t have a chance… but other than that….

  11. Improbus says:

    Another small minded bigot running a school or school board. Sounds normal to me. Some days I read the news and just cringe. How do we dig ourselves out of this pit of stupidity and woo?

  12. Cursor_ says:


    No the reason why you ‘see’ more stupid religious people than non-religious ones is the religious outnumber the non’s 10k to 1.

    But don’t feel bad… most religious folk don’t follow their religion and so will never see their jade palace/paradise/happy hunting grounds/heaven/elysium/valhalla.


  13. Roddy6667 says:

    Soon we will be reading about him having sex with anonymous men in a public toilet.

    He’s gay gay gay!

  14. Dallas says:

    “..District Judge Richard Smoak, who blasted him for ..misunderstanding of the First Amendment..”

    Of course, the logical thing to do is to make him an American Government teacher.

  15. grog says:

    3rd law of homo-dynamics:
    the more a supposedly straight dude obsesses about homosexuality the more likely he himself is gay (larry craig?)

  16. GF says:

    Hmmm, and yet the greatest lesson of the New Testament is still misunderstood by so many Christians.

    Even Judas is still going to get go to heaven. Re-read the New Testament not the Old Testament and hopefully you’ll understand why this is.

  17. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Ohh… I like that word ‘Woo’ …. hadn’t heard it before… but looked at your link… I’ll have to use that…

  18. eyeofthetiger says:

    Another impressive job done by a fine public school board. A person who abuses their power does not get to go back to a position of lesser authority in the same institution.

  19. Sai Kai Lee says:

    The problem with Christianity is a little like when kids at school pass along a verbal message until it is totally unrecognizable.

    How many of these Christians have read the Old testament? The new testament is a freaking fairy story by comparison.

    To #4, I can only say “yes, religious people are stupid” – unless they also believe in Santa and the Easter bunny!

    In the end, all religion is just an “acceptable use policy”, that is meant as a social framework. Not that it has ever worked out too well…

    If you believe in God, then you *must* believe that he created AIDS, cancer, parkinsons, and even ALS. If a priest gets colon cancer, he should thank his God for the gift bestowed on him. By extension, if priests bugger little boys, and *dont* get cancer, then I guess that means that God is all for it!

    Sexual orientation has nothing to do with religion or beliefs – unless God makes homosexuals.


  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    Pretty soon, the rest of the wing nut will be here to trash the ACLU for imposing its leftist views on the rest of us.

  21. Special Ed says:

    He looks like he may have EATEN some young boys.

  22. me says:


    Ponce de Leon High School

    has there ever been a gayer sounding high school name?

  23. montanaguy says:

    What kind of screwed up community elects a school board like this into power in the first place? Is this school district lost in some 1950’s backwater?

  24. Nimby says:

    I hate myself for saying this but, I concur: he’s gotta be taking a wide stance but hopefully not in the little boys’ room.

    Hmmm. Gives a whole new meaning to “searching for the fountains of youth” at ole Ponce.

  25. Hmeyers says:

    Guys like the guy pictured in the photo are closet homosexuals or get convicted of molestation.


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