1. bobbo says:

    #31–Mike==I’ll ask you for two definitions or descriptions:

    1. Who are the elites Bush does not pander to?

    2. Who are the folks Bush does pander to?

  2. hhopper says:

    I’m surprised that JPV didn’t comment on this post.

  3. peter_m says:

    This has to be the creepiest trailer I’ve ever seen!

  4. Oliver says:

    Bubbo said on voting

    “The countries best interest as best can be intuited.”

    I think it would in the country’s best interest to take all the whiny lefties and smack them about the head until they grow a pair.

    Where do I vote for that?

  5. Malcolm says:

    Good movie, bad movie, WHO CARES!
    Just get this dimbulb out of office ASAP!
    We the People have suffered enough!

  6. RBG says:

    Wow. An Oliver Stone movie about a neo-con who overcomes all personal obstacles to create a wonderful world. Uh-huh.


  7. JoshY says:

    I for one can not wait to see this film. Will it be all true and accurate? Probably not, but a good film none the less.

  8. orangedog says:

    @9 “No matter how much Hollywood tries, very few normal people want to sit through a hate your country movie.”

    Here’s a hint…the occupant of the office, no matter what party he’s with, is NOT the country. Making fun of whatever ass hat who has the job doesn’t mean you “hate” the country. Funny how the liberals used to get made fun of for playing the “hate” card. Now it seems to be the favored weapon of what passes for conservative these days.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    After “JFK”, I don’t trust Stone. As somebody once joked, I think he is a disinformation junkie (or pusher). We’ll get to see only the safe “bad side” of W. This movie is more about selling the fiction that the movie industry has either the balls or freedom to say anything about highly place politicos. Even if it were so, the movie will come out in late October, when it’s least likely to be viewed. So after it languishes in a couple dozen theaters, it go to DVD and end up in the bargain sections, or dumped on public libraries. Like that movie about the Reagans.

  10. MikeN says:

    How come the Path to 9/11 hasn’t come out on DVD yet?

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, Lyin’ Mike,

    Why don’t you get internet access and check it out yourself instead of always asking others to find out for you.

    NOTE:, if you don’t know how to do something, then ask. I’m sure most people would not have a problem helping someone to be better at this.

  12. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, you ask at what cost. Clinton’s Yugoslavia adventures made the Russians mad at us, Iraq did not.

  13. McCullough says:

    #43. There was a movie about Rayguns?


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