What’s the deal with this story?

  1. deowll says:

    Just the white house doing things with the same skill and tact as always.

    They want to do the right thing. They don’t know how.

    As likely as not they don’t even know what the right thing is.

    They wouldn’t even recognize it if they saw it.

    I wish I had reason to think better of them but God knows I don’t.

  2. aartimus aardvark says:

    What’s the deal with this story?

    You’re being ironic, right?

    In case you’re serious, here’s the answer:

    The Bush administration only goal is to help the wealthy. They’re not interested in helping ordinary people. They think being un-wealthy is a character flaw that can only be addressed with “tough love”, i.e. people (who aren’t wealthy) should learn to take care of themselves and not expect the government to solve their problems.

    P.S. This doesn’t apply to corporations. They deserve all the help they can get.

  3. CZen says:

    Why is it that any thing bad from the government is automatically George Bush’s fault? I challenge any one on this site to prove that Bush had a hand in this.

    FYI I do not have proof against this ATM.

    Note: Suicide is one way to solve the Population Problem, and the stupidity problem.

  4. CZen says:

    Note: They do not specifically say what part of the government is trying to control the Hotline. Based on most of the governmental interference that I’ve seen, Democrates want to control every thing. Republicans want private organizations to control every thing. IMHO a good balance is better than either extreme.

  5. aartimus aardvark says:

    that’s ironic, of course. I never claimed to literate.

    [I think you meant sarcastic. – ed.]

  6. JPV says:

    CZen said

    Note: Suicide is one way to solve the Population Problem, and the stupidity problem.

    Yep… why don’t you take your own advice then?

  7. JPV says:

    CZen said

    Note: They do not specifically say what part of the government is trying to control the Hotline. Based on most of the governmental interference that I’ve seen, Democrates want to control every thing. Republicans want private organizations to control every thing. IMHO a good balance is better than either extreme.

    Gee… what a surprise. Another shit-for-brains moron that actually believes that there is any difference whatsoever between the two major parties.

    Like I said, do us all a favor and take your own suicide advice please. The world doesn’t need idiots like you around.

  8. aartimus aardvark says:

    I challenge any one on this site to prove that Bush had a hand in this.

    Of course, Bush didn’t have a personal hand in it. I’m sure he doesn’t even know about it. But the Bush administration is dominated by moneycons at all levels. Policy filters down from above. Their philosophy is to reward the wealthy, not address the problems of ordinary society.

  9. JPV says:

    Anyway, read up on the “Sustainable Development” movement. There are organizations committed to this idea, that have individuals such as Prince Charles and Ted Turner on their Board of Directors.

    One of their main tenets, is that the planet is not capable of sustaining more than 500 million people at the current level of industrialization that we’ve become accustomed to. It doesn’t surprise me that wealthy elitists don’t care about the safety and well-being of the lower classes. We’re merely seen as cattle to them.

    They love to use the excuse, of looking out for our safety, when it suits their needs, such as invading Arab nations. Funny, the elitists don’t mind us spending 2 billion dollars a week to kill hundreds of thousands of Arabs, just because 2,000 Americans died 7 years ago in an unrelated incident.

    They mention that they take 2,000 phone calls a day on this service…

    I wonder how many people they save each year?

    I wonder how many people they have saved in the last 7 years?

    I wonder how much it costs to run?

    I wonder when are people going to wake up to the obvious?

  10. lakelady says:

    sheesh, instead of pissing and moaning about the politics of this situation why not get off your ass and do a bit of research about this organization. Here, I’ll give you a head start http://www.hopeline.com/2/contactus.asp. I’d call them right now myself to post more info but it’s nearly midnight (and this contact is not the 800 crisis line but the business office)

    [Note: Posted times on this blog are PST. – ed.]

  11. CZen says:

    #10, not sure if your commenting on my post or other idiot’s (see JPV). I only challange the poster of this article to support his claim that George Bush(and most likely by extention the Republicans).

    #6, Because I’m too afraid of doing what you should do first. Dumb ass.

  12. eyeofthetiger says:

    Suicide hot line got calls from 22,000 veterans

  13. OvenMaster says:

    Q: Why Does George Bush Want to STOP the Suicide Prevention Line?

    A: Every dollar spent on suicide prevention hotline payroll is a dollar not spent on the war in Iraq.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Not meaning to stand up and tell most everyone on this thread to get a clue, but Mr. H. Reese Butler isn’t being straight with us.

    The government isn’t stopping this guy, and in fact supported his efforts for years!
    “After moving from San Francisco to the Washington area in 2000, he attracted the attention of Congress. It added funding to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s budget for suicide prevention, and the Kristin Brooks Hope Center received a three-year subcontract from the American Society of Suicidology to fund the hotline.”

    The government gave him free money to for his efforts!

    The gravy train stopped when Butler screwed his own contract. “In 2004, the federal agency declared the Hope Center and the American Society of Suicidology in violation of terms of the grant, alleging that they had entered into contracts with corporations without its approval and that Butler had put family members on the payroll. Butler acknowledged having hired his son, Hank, but said he removed him from the payroll when he was notified of the agency’s concerns.”…”Butler’s grant was not renewed and, when it expired in December 2004, the federal mental health agency created 1-800-273-TALK. It contracted with a New York organization to run it.”

    Lastly, this guy is being flat out irresponsible. “Federal officials and mental-health agencies say Butler’s claims are false and could endanger the lives of mentally fragile individuals by frightening them away from both toll-free hotlines — the only two national suicide-prevention lines.”

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    I just don’t get it when otherwise relatively smart people put their common sense on hold when the words “government” or “George Bush” is in a sentence.

  16. go fish says:

    reminds me of the classic Woody Allen comment of a description of a bad day – you call the suicide prevention hot line and they put you on hold
    better to take the day off and go fishing at the lake

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    this is the most pathetic set of comments I’ve ever seen in my life. First the typical “it’s bush’s fault” banter flys around and the typical “republicans are evil” “Democrats want to control everything” that has been rambling on since since Nixon was in office.

    Then the “you’re an idiot bashing” starts with suggestions one should kill your self.

    What a bunch if fucking assholes you all turned out to be on this post. You tasteless assholes.

  18. I’m not going to say anything for or against, left or right, elephant or donkey, but I am going to say this…

    we all die.

    and some day, we will all be forgotten.

    in the long run, in the grand scheme of the universe, does any of it, any thing at all, does any of it really matter?

    No, I’m not some dark emo kid, but.. just the fact that we all die is the thought that helps me get though the the day. -is this sick, or just an “interesting” out look on life?

  19. Jetfire says:

    Ok you take money from the Government and your upset that they tell you how to use it.

  20. Al says:

    #18 “Senseless Babble” – it’s true, but not interesting. You sound either like someone having an “existential crisis” or a newbie Buddhist.

  21. Dallas says:

    BUSH wants to send the ‘business’ to his faith based election supporters :

    Caller: “Hi, I want to kill myself?”
    Hotline: “Your will leave everything to the church so that you can enter the kingdom?”
    Caller: “No, I’m only 15”
    Hotline: “Have you thought about being a priest?”
    Caller: “No, I’m gay”
    Hotline: “Perfect, we have an early bird discount”
    Caller: “I’m not interested. What else you got?
    Hotline: “Listen to the song ‘Don’t fear the Reaper’ and check back with me next week.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    #21, the song used to be “suicide is painless, it brings on many changes…”

  23. orangefly says:

    i give money to the government and i sure as hell am up set at how they use it….

  24. Paddy-O says:

    Sounds like they took grant $ from the Gov’t and now have buyers remorse over the terms.

    Bad business decisions happen everyday.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Ah Yea,

    Good post. Thank you filling the extra information.

    I can respect a person’s dedication. Business and management decisions though are usually more important than just drive.

    May no one ever be put on hold when calling a suicide prevention hotline.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #25 “Because it will mean fewer liberal voters in November.”

    Yep, like states only allowing citizens to vote cuts down on dem votes.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    #26 Mr. Fusion. Thank you and you’re welcome!

  28. rectagon says:

    OK. I’m confused. We read here that it’s bad to prevent people from committing suicide…and now we are reading that it’s good to prevent them from doing themselves in.


    BTW, this is just more evidence that government needs to get out of the business of charity work… and let those that have the passion for it do it. Give them charitable status… heck, even some grants, but let them help folks the way they know best.

  29. deowll says:

    Okay. I’ll try not to be the first to bring up the b word.

    This guy may well have blown his own program out of the water.

    After all shrub isn’t the only person that makes mistakes.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, Cow-Paddy,

    #25 “Because it will mean fewer liberal voters in November.”

    Yep, like states only allowing citizens to vote cuts down on dem votes.

    Yup. More wing nut bullshit. It is a federal felony for a non citizen to vote.

    #28, Eric

    Sounds like the PBS: “We need help from viewers like you. If you don’t call we can’t bring you these programs.”

    Only PBS doesn’t blame the Federal Government for their need for money. In fact, PBS would get along quite well without the federal handouts unlike those wing nut bastions of freedom like Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, or Blackwater.

    #30 Rec,

    OK. I’m confused. We read here that it’s bad to prevent people from committing suicide…and now we are reading that it’s good to prevent them from doing themselves in.

    Too bad idiots like you can’t differentiate between those who are mentally ill / stressed wishing to harm themselves and those who are terminally ill and don’t want to be a burden.

    BTW, this is just more evidence that government needs to get out of the business of charity work… and let those that have the passion for it do it. Give them charitable status… heck, even some grants, but let them help folks the way they know best.

    No. This is a good reason why there is need for government oversight of programs it sublets. Believe it or not, there are many programs that do require more than desire to succeed. Passion doesn’t pay the bills.


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