Greg McKendry died defending others.

A man accused of shooting dead two people in a Tennessee church was motivated by hatred of liberals and anger at being jobless. Knoxville Police Chief Sterling Owen said they had found a letter in Jim Adkisson’s car in which he described his feelings.

There were about 200 people in the church, which is known for its liberal stance, at the time of Sunday’s attack. Mr Adkisson, 58, has been charged with first-degree murder.

Children were putting on a play at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church when a gunman entered with a 12-gauge shotgun and opened fire on the congregation.

The Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church describes itself on its website as working for social change since the 1950s, including desegregation, racial harmony, fair wages, women’s rights and gay rights.

A criminal act – by an illogical demented fool. One of the species of “hero” who sets out to kill those who disagree with his pitiful beliefs.

The only hero on the day was Greg McKendry who deliberately stepped in front of Adkisson’s shotgun to protect his friends – and died.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    #30 – Furnie

    >>But, if he did it because he hates libs &
    >>homo’s wouldn’t it make sense to go after
    >>this “church”, because of its leanings?

    Sure it would. There’s always a reason for those who hate people of faith to slaughter them.

    They don’t like conservative churches…**BOOM** RELOAD They don’t like liberal churches… **BOOM**. RELOAD They don’t like middle of the road churches … **BOOM**. RELOAD.

    There are always killers on the road, looking for a reason to murder people of faith.

    Sad, but that’s today’s society fer ya.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #33 “Sure it would. There’s always a reason for those who hate people of faith to slaughter them.”

    So true…

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – Jägerino

    >>It didn’t say what he actually believed in.
    >>What you’re concentrating on is the effect…
    >>what was the cause? All those years of
    >>indoctrination fucked him up real good.

    Man. You’re working pretty hard to make a point, and a bogus one at that.

    Give it up. You’re deep enough in the hole. Stop digging.

    The guy was a fucking Christian-hater as documented by the very link you posted.

    Cause –> Effect.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #33 – Mister Mustard
    #34 – Paddy-O

    Dumb & Dumber

  5. Dallas says:

    It’s starting to happen. The Christian Right wing nuts are losing it and don’t piss off our own Mr Mustard as he is showing the tell tale signs.

    Folks, when Obama is elected to clean up this Republiko-Christian shit hole mess we are in there will be chaos. I just hope they start burning down the the churches before the gay bars since gay bars are so hard to find.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #37 – Dougie

    Yes, I’m familiar with what the UUC is. Read my posts.

    I’m also famiilar with the insane hatred that non-believers have for people of faith.

    This guy obviously lost his way, bought a 12-gauge, and started shooting at the first church he came across.

    Sad, sick, and pathetic.

    That’s what happens when you have no moral compass.

  7. Matt Garrett says:

    It’s a deeply sad story. May those who defended and protected others rest in their eternal reward. As for the shooter, may God have mercy on his soul, because the state won’t.

    As for those seeking to make political hay out of it, SHAME ON YOU.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Time to come back to a sad reality.

    This has nothing to do with Adkisson being an Atheist, Catholic, Unitarian, or whatever.

    A sane Atheist, Catholic, Unitarian, or whatever wouldn’t walk into any building and kill people.

    This guy is severely mentally ill. It doesn’t really matter what particular reason he had to justify his insane killing. If it hadn’t been “liberals”, it would have been something else.

    Although we argue a lot here, I believe not a single person on this blog would do what Adkisson did. I do believe there are plenty on this blog who would do what McKendry did.

    The most we can hope for is that there are more McKendry’s (Atheist, Catholic, Unitarian, or whatever) than Adkisson’s.

  9. debegray says:

    #28 Wow, I didn’t realize that the church I was raised in wasn’t really a church. I guess all those years of Sunday school were a real waste. Oh, wait. I was also married in that church. Maybe I should sue the minister?

    One thing I agree with is that it probably wasn’t about religion, unless the guy was completely insane and really believed that the liberals and gays were somehow responsible for him not being able to get a job.

    He was just looking for someone to blame. He couldn’t accept that the economy just sucks and that lots of people, including liberals and gays, are losing their jobs.

    I might add that even if it’s not a “real” church in some people’s eyes, it’s obvious that there was at least one churchgoer there, the guy who sacrificed himself, who embodies all the positive virtues of Christianity.

  10. bobbo says:

    #39–Mustardo and other bible thumpers==I was going to post that the article (main link) was silent on the issue but I would bet better than even money the man was a religious nutball.

    Mustardo==you are simply wrong. “Non Believers” don’t hate. Thats what religious people are good at. And when non-believers do hate, its not directed at the religious==they are more to be pitied.

    But, just for grins, I googled. Sure enough, what we got here is a life long bible thumper.

    Hah, Hah. Of course, I have much more respect for the good folks in the UNN Church (in Tennessee no less) than anyone who hates other people, strangers even, whether they be nutbags like this guy, or the worst of the bunch, god himself.

  11. Said says:

    #28 – GTFO!

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #43 – Bobke

    There’s nothing at the link you posted, other than some video credits and an invitation to join up or log in to post some comments (of which there are none).

    Nice content-free response.

    In any case, I think the most charitable thing you can say about this guy is that he USED TO believe in a higher power.

    Then, he went over to the dark side (worshipping at the Altar of Atheism, or whatever). And picked up a 12-gauge and started shooting.

    One thing I can guarantee you is that you’ll never see UUC members blasting strangers into oblivion with a shotgun.

    Coincidence? I think not.

    [Turn off AdBlock for that page to see the video. – ed.]

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #45 – Ayatollah Mustardi – There’s nothing at the link you posted, other than some video credits and an invitation to join up or log in to post some comments (of which there are none).

    Perhaps you should allow JavaScript and shut off AdBlock?!

    the most charitable thing you can say about this guy is that he USED TO believe in a higher power.

    There’s still nothing that says that he doesn’t believe.

    he went over to the dark side (worshipping at the Altar of Atheism, or whatever). And picked up a 12-gauge and started shooting.

    You love to fabricate evidence. You should consider a job in the Bush administration.

    I can guarantee you is that you’ll never see UUC members blasting strangers into oblivion with a shotgun.

    So, they’ve got no members serving in Iraq? Either you’re with us or against us… I guess they hate the USA, right?

  14. bobbo says:

    Mustard==sorry the link didn’t work for you. Works for me with Firefox 3.0. Next door neighbor talked about religion with him and says He had strong religious based ideas after a lifetime of bible reading and church attendance. His parents made him go to church and he went to christian school.

    I think most members of most churches have good intent. Its just what religions does to those who can’t rise above the darker implications of much of what is taught.

    But its your point that non-believers hate the religious and “psychologically” I doubt that. You have to be in the pool of religion in general to give it notice.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #47 – bobbo – …non-believers hate the religious…

    Religious people love to victimize themselves. But who’s the ones being the oppressors:

  16. bobbo says:

    #48–Jag==yes, I’ve been an atheist my whole life–or since age 12 when sent home from bible class for asking: “Where did all the water come from” and not being happy with the answer. I have never been very open with it. Too many bad things happen.

    Maybe its my fault. I just don’t get that someone screaming in my face that I am going to hell is a communication of love.

    Conversely, much of religious thinking is taken up with thoughts of persecution when they are forced to behave around others of different religions. Isn’t freedom YOU acting in accordance with MY beliefs?

    I would not want to live in the rural South. First question on meeting someone is: “and what church do you belong to?” Goes downhill from there.

    Nice reminding links, thanks.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #49 – bobbo

    Couldn’t agree more.

  18. QB says:

    Nicely said bobbo.

    Mustard, “worshipping at the Altar of Atheism”? You gotta be kidding me. Worshiping has one “p”.

  19. John "two wives" Edwards says:

    This is such bull shit. Everytime a shooting occurs we always hear about how someone “jumped” in front of the bullet to “shield” someone. BULLSHIT.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #49 – Bobke

    >>I just don’t get that someone screaming in
    >>my face that I am going to hell is a
    >>communication of love.

    If that’s the kind of church you went to, Bobbolina, I guess that explains why you hate people of faith so much.

    I pity you.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #51 – Queer Bait

    STFU, you ingorant slut.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #54 It’s supposed to be “Jane, you ignorant slut.”

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #54 – Ayatollah Mustardi – Queer Bait

    Another Christian quality… gay bashing.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Another Christian quality… gay bashing.

    You’re deep enough in the whole already, Cough Syrup Man.

    Quit digging. For the love of God, quit digging!

  25. bobbo says:

    #56–Jag==good call. I didn’t think of it on my reading. I accept the name calling back and forth as part of the joust, but “humor” still has that grain of truth oft times. Mustard has used “Cubie” in the past which is quite innocent, and I would think something like Football Boy would also be humorous.

    But “indeed” why go for the anit-gay bashing? I guess Mustard is hyped up on his religion at the moment and all kinds of christian love just comes flowing out of him.

    #57–Mustard==who knows? Do you think what slant we take in our humor can sometimes reveal deeper workings or is it just random, meaning nothing?

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #57 – Ayatollah Mustardi

    Another Christian quality… denial of facts.

  27. Jägermeister says:

    #58 – bobbo – I guess Mustard is hyped up on his religion at the moment and all kinds of christian love just comes flowing out of him.

    Made me think of George Carlin’s “… but he loves you!” 😀

  28. bobbo says:

    I just noticed that JulieB has left this fine forum (Post #28). Kind of reminds me of “Chef” leaving South Park. After years of filthy mouthed skewering of everything under the sun, SP got around to the Church of Scientology and Chef got upset. Ha. Ha. You’d think working on a show like that would “liberalize” you, but evidently the urge to self approval is very strong.

    Well, goodbye Julie==I didn’t often respond to your posts as they were too reasonable. It is disturbing to me only that you used to like people here until a few days ago?

    I wonder what set her off? Too much Mustard on her vanilla ice cream I suspect.

  29. $58 – Bobbolina

    >>who knows? Do you think what slant we take in our
    >>humor can sometimes reveal deeper workings or is it
    >>just random, meaning nothing?

    Qui sait, Bobster. Do you think intentional perversion of accepted rules of grammar, punctuation, and logic reveal deeper workings or is it just random, meaning nothing?

  30. Jägermeister says:

    #61 – bobbo – Kind of reminds me of “Chef” leaving South Park. After years of filthy mouthed skewering of everything under the sun, SP got around to the Church of Scientology and Chef got upset.

    How true. 😀 At least she said goodbye…


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