Fat removed from the lower abdomen and inner thigh through liposuction was found to be an excellent source of stem cells, with higher stem cell concentrations than other areas of the body, according to U.S. journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

This is the first study of its kind to examine whether fat tissues from different areas of the body vary in stem cell concentration.

In the study, 23 female patients having liposuction in at least four different body areas agreed their fat isolated for adult stem cells and analyzed to determine stem cell concentrations. The body areas that were involved are: lower abdomen, upper abdomen, inner knee, inner thigh, flank and hips.

Researchers found a significant difference in stem cell concentrations in different areas. A major finding was that the concentration of stem cells was greatest in the lower abdomen and inner thighs. Interestingly, stem cell concentration in the lower abdomen was five times greater than in the upper abdomen.

Adult stem cells, derived from our own tissues, hold strong promise for improved clinical therapies. “The value of stem cells harvested through fat is the ready and ample supply available,” said Richard D’Amico, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Har! A terrific excuse for liposuction. You’re benefiting humanity.

  1. soundwash says:

    this will be interesting. i see a wonderful black market forming (as well as huge increase in related lawsuits for harvesting without consent)

    so does this mean now when you go for your yearly “tuck and roll” that the doctor will pay *you* for the privileged of harvesting your stem cells? -also, i’d bet yaz a beer that lipo will become a big blackmarket money maker here in the usa. i can see it now, people fatning up even more to sell their excess fat.

    -this could probably be the worst news to hit to release to the public in ages..even better..fat people being abducted in the middle of the night for stem cell harvesting. -being dragged off to some “fat chop shop” waking up the next morning looking fit and trim, -albeit with some hack job lip scars..

    -too funny . /me gets the popcorn ready

  2. Damn!! I was hoping to form a business based on fat-sucking for food for the starving masses of the world. My biggest question was whether it would be more acceptable to people as LipoBlow or Lard Ass Cakes.

    Now I may have to rethink my business model.

  3. Alex says:

    @1 – Hmm. Considering that once the tissues have left your body they are considered waste product, the hospital could theoretically do whatever they want with it, so I don’t think you can sue someone for harvesting “without consent”, since you already gave someone (IE, the hospital) the consent to take the stuff out of you in the first place.

    I also doubt very much that there will arise a (white) market in stem cells. Gray and Black markets, sure – but doctors won’t be paying you for shit. (Though they might ask, I doubt you’ll gain any benefit.)

    “-this could probably be the worst news to hit to release to the public in ages..even better..fat people being abducted in the middle of the night for stem cell harvesting. -being dragged off to some “fat chop shop” waking up the next morning looking fit and trim, -albeit with some hack job lip scars..”

    And while I certainly doubt that this will actually happen, there’s *no doubt* it’ll make for a great movie. Like the missing kidney myth stories.

  4. Hey wait … these fat cells are human cells. And, by definition, they’re still alive else they’d make poor stem cells.

    Perhaps someone will adopt them!!

    (Probably not. Fatflake babies doesn’t sound very good.)

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    Makes good soap too, I hear.

  6. MotaMan says:

    When my sone was born, I remember the nurse squeezed the cord into a container… I thought it was kinda shady the way it was done, I should have hit her up for some of the profit.

  7. PeterR says:

    Wow! I’ve been carrying around a fortune all these years without knowing it! I’m going to be rich, rich rich!!!

  8. smartalix says:


    Bla bla bla

  9. I didn’t know that liposuction can be a good source for stem cells. Really amazing!


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