Recently, your Uncle Dave was in Santa Fe, NM and drove past this odd rock formation. Camel Rock is a hunk of naturally eroded sandstone next to Highway 84 about a dozen miles north of Santa Fe at Tesuque Pueblo. The casino across the highway takes it’s name from it.

  1. Jason Z. says:

    World’s Largest Radar Gun Evar.

  2. Gamil says:

    More like a turtle.

  3. moss says:

    A few friends have signed posters from Peter Fonda – from the scene by Camel Rock from Easy Rider.

  4. edwinrogers says:

    I guess that’s a good example of either wind erosion of a basalic intrusion due to a hill profile, or freeze-thaw erosion due to it being a high altitude desert. Or it could be a fiberglass movie prop ditched in the desert.

  5. Floyd says:

    I believe Camel Rock’s head is mostly sandstone, and the body is dirt and more sandstone chunks.

    On the other hand, the casino is pure money.

  6. it's just an expression says:

    More proof of the catastrophic effects of global warming.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    Thanks for the pictures, Uncle Dave! Very nice.

  8. Les says:

    I think it looks like a snake, if don’t include the hill.

  9. MarkP says:

    While you were in Santa Fe, Uncle Dave, I hope you indulged in some of their awesome New Mexican style southwest food. I haven’t been to Tomasita’s in years, but it used the best of its kind in Santa Fe. Authentic New Mexican red chile and sopapillas… Man, it don’t get better than that. 🙂

  10. anthromajor says:

    Tent rocks, also around that area in NM, is another sight worth visiting; also showcasing the amazing effects of erosion.


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