Scientists have photographed a giant gas bubble emanating from a whale, suggesting that flatulence is just as common for ocean mammals as it is for humans and many other terrestrial animals.

The picture, released last week by scientists from the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) in Tasmania, was taken by the captain of a U.S. research ship the Nathaniel B. Palmer, while on expedition between Marguerite Bay and Palmer Station, Antarctica.

“The picture is of an Antarctic minke whale taken from the bow of a ship,” said AAD principal research scientist Dr Nick Gales. “The white bits in the photo are pieces of ice-floe, the stream of pinky colour behind the whale is a faecal plume – a.k.a. “poo” – the large circle in the water is indeed the physical eruption of the whale’s flatulence.”

All whales must be destroyed!

  1. Jinkies says:

    Kill a whale, save a planet? To the harpoons!

  2. Raster says:

    Seems unfair – they don’t have to smell them!

  3. Breetai says:

    I knew it! Whales have been planing the conspiracy of global warming all along in a plot to take over the earth by raising sea levels!

  4. bobbo says:

    Just about all whales have been killed off. The continuing acidification of the ocean will likely kill off the food source of everything with a backbone in the ocean long before global warming hits–so hold tight.

  5. boru says:

    Wonder how much buoyancy compensation is required?

  6. mbpc2d.user says:

    #2 smell them? have a buddy fart into a glass of water and then drink it. Now thats gross. Ill take the smell over what the whales have to but up with. haha

  7. mbcp2d.user says:

    #2 smell them? have a buddy fart into a glass of water and then drink it. Now thats gross. Ill take the smell over what the whales have to put up with. haha

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    And they eat plankton too!

  9. MikeN says:

    Whales are yummy.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    Whales have PINK SHIT? That’s so gay.

  11. bill says:

    The Earth is about to be sterilized by an X-ray burst anyway so who cares!

  12. deowll says:

    This is a really bad picture.

    The blarney about animal farts is waste of time. Sure they fart. The big ones make big farts and the little ones make little farts but they were doing this before the current warming trend.

    The big source of increased CO2 in the air are removel of plant cover and burning fossil fuels not that nature can’t equal or exceed us any time it wants to.

  13. FRAGaLOT says:

    Ah so now we found the source of Tsunamis.

  14. Alex says:

    #13 certainly didn’t seem to have had his Satire-o-meter on very high.

    In other news – that is the most disgusting trail of poop I’ve ever seen. Not that I’ve seen all that many… just, ew.

  15. TVAddict says:

    Damn Kirk for going back and getting those 2 whales…Oh wait this is real…Whales fart? What? It’s like they are mammals or something…Maybe they are related to old uncle Joe. When he farts paint peels.

  16. Hmeyers says:

    The actual cause of global warming is whales of the human variety, 350 pound human whale flatulence.

  17. Slovenia stroll says:

    I have felt for a long time we should nuke the whales and use the oil for our SUVs.

  18. lou says:

    They can’t even light a match.

  19. Perhaps this will be our next fuel source. If we can capture whale farts in jars. We can then burn them for energy. Since the CO2 from burning the farts causes less greenhouse warming than the methane in the farts, this would reduce global warming and provide energy.

    Too bad bobbo is right that the vast majority of whales actually were killed off long ago.

    Mister Mustard, whales and penguins that eat a lot of krill, as this Antarctic Minke has clearly done, will shit pink because they at the krill. So, it’s the krill being pink that is gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that), not the whale shit. Got it?

  20. TonyB says:

    Nuke the whales.

  21. Thinker says:

    Now thats just too funny for words. 🙂

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I thought I smelled something.

    #21 Tonay B – we had a local band named “Nuke The Whales” in the late 80’s. They were excellent showmen and players. Funny bunch of smart-ass college kids.

  23. #20 – Scottie

    Got it. Gay krill, straight whales. So hard to keep the sexuality of wildlife straight (woops!).


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