08.07.27 Sunday – Episode #40

Adam’s Hydroxy Booster
This Episode’s Show Notes by KD Martin:
Once we enjoy our very expensive trip through the Chunnel, we’re off to the Black Cross motocross race. Adam goes for a crazy hydrogen boost gizmo to boost his gas mileage, and it actually seems to work. John’s a bit skeptical, “What will you do with it?”
Adam tells John about the “Eurotom,” the EU Atomic Energy Community and how they seem to be above the law. How does this tie into Project Camelot? Is everyone a “nutter?”
Let’s get on with the “theories.” We’ll tie 9/11 in with a new huge UFO event and the “grays.” The ships are here, with the bases on the Moon and the Men In Black. How about the new $3.9Bn government orders for H1 flu? We’re all going to die! John is “gobsmacked” and wonders where all the product placement for No Agenda is? [Ed. this whole tale gets the Official Cage Match Seal Of Approval].
Adams bring up the headlines, “The robot that is Barack Obama hits Europe!” What the heck is Obama thinking? John has a good story about the Obama teleprompters, his newsman style and the “blown heroin line.” What is a neo-liberal? John’s favorite Obama lines, “My mother grew up in the heartland of America, but my father grew up herding goats in Kenya,” and “As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the icecaps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya!”
Adam wants to talk about the ISPs and possible new deals in Britain between artists and labels. The Rolling Stones, on Mick Jagger’s 65th birthday, leave EMI and take their entire post-1971 catalog with them. As other artists bolt, Adam predicts EMI will roll up and die, it’s the beginning of the end for record labels. This leads to the British ISPs spying on P2P users to report them for piracy. This may become a new “Three Strikes and You’re Out” law. What a bunch of crock. (As John enters that epithet into his lexicon.)
This leads John and Adam into agreement about something — earbuds are a bunch of crock. A good discussion of high-end audio systems ensues. Who knew John and Adam would be proponents of large speakers and the open air listening experience? Somehow Adam leads this back into the hydroxy booster and more discussions of auto engineering.
Uh-oh, Adam’s thinking about adjusting the computer parameters that control engine functions. John may be skeptical [Adam’s a nutter] but agrees to look into it. Johns swings this into a discussion of Ebert and Roeper and whatever happened to the great franchise “2 thumbs up?”
John hypes Craigsfindr, a neat utility his son Aric created for finding things on all the Craigslists. Adam thinks it’s cool.
This show just might get 2 thumbs up — Queue the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!
No Agenda
Running time: approx. 90 mins.
Cage Match Seal Of Approval? OK, I’ll go along with that, it was a good story. I’d like to know more about that gizmo Adam has installed on his car.
That sure was a bunch of bucks to travel across the Channel!
What is a Black Cross motocross?
John and Adam,
It takes x amount of energy to break water into H and O. That energy comes from your gas tank, because your engine drives your alternator, which provides the electricity to the plates in the hydroxy booster. When you burn H and O again in the combustion chamber, you get x amount energy when the H and O go back into the form of water again. Therefore, assuming all of the H and O are converted into water, the whole thing is a wash, and there is no gain, since the energy required to break up water is the same as that produced when putting it back together, and I’m ignoring typical losses involved in conversions. If the H and O are used for other reactions in the combustion chamber, then there might be some gain, but it is not likely to overcome the energy cost of carrying that water around. Now you have an idea of why some car company hasn’t built this into new cars.
Adam’s testing methods must be flawed. This can’t work.
Jeez, could you guys rag on Obama any more? And the damning indictments!
He uses alliteration in his speech! From Boston to Beijing! From Kabul to Kandahar! O the horror! How could we think of electing a president who uses alliteration??
And he favors the teleprompter on one side over the teleprompter on the other side?!?!?! He should have his ass stuck in Gitmo for that!!
My question about the hydroy booster is, if you are water into hydrogen & oxygen it uses power from your battery, doesn’t your engine work harder recharging the battery?
Also, how much hydrogen do you get from a small container and 12v? It must be a very small addition to the mix.
I’m not an engineer or auto mechanic, (hell, I don’t even drive, no need when you live in central London), but I have trouble seeing this work over a decent time frame.
Also, John’s comment about the additional water in the exhaust gasses – what does that do to the exhaust system and cat converters? It may be still too hot in the engine to rust but what about further down the exhaust system?
Where are the Mythbusters when you need them?
Did Leo finally get to you?
Looked up hydroxy and found the symbol HHO. That could be written H2O. I suspect any improvement from sending water into the engine would be similar to the water injection system used on aircraft reciprocating engines.
Then there is the six-stroke engine:
I thought Adam was smarter than this…
Obama said tonight in his speech, because the speech was at 7pm.
loved the show… great “crack-pot, nutball theories”.. adam is watching too many conspiracy theory vids on youtube!!
In Adam’s defense. It’s possible, just possible, that adding H2 plus )2 inot a gasoline mixture that the gasoline could burn more efficently thus creating the additonal power needed to extract the h and o. It’s the only thing I can think of to explain it. Mythbusters would do this justice.
Say what you want. It’s as if Obama is watching a ping pong game.
#12 – Mr. C. Dvorak
>>It’s as if Obama is watching a ping
>>pong game.
OK, so the guy’s not up there with Katie Couric or Bill O’Reilly when it comes to reading a teleprompter. Yet. He’s got what it takes to inspire the nation.
And at least it’s better than watching McBush drone through a speech. He looks like a guy whose dog just died. Talk about a lack of charisma. That guy makes wet cardboard look like Carmen Miranda in her banana hat. And since he never says anything, it’s hard to tell whether he’s reading the teleprompter or not.
Alliteration! Mein Gott! I’m surprised the Berliners didn’t storm the stage and beat him to death. Using two words that begin with the same letter!!! What was he thinking???