SEATTLE (AP) – A mob of bicyclists riding in Seattle with the monthly Critical Mass demonstration injured a motorist after an altercation. Seattle Police spokesman Mark Jamieson says that on Friday between 100 and 300 bicyclists were riding down a street in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, blocking traffic on both lanes, when a man and a woman in a Subaru station wagon tried to pull out of a parking spot. But some of the bicyclists blocked them, sat on the car and began banging on the vehicle. Words were exchanged between the male driver and the bicyclists.

The driver feared being assaulted and backed up, but bumped a biker and enraged the group. In response, some of the bikers smashed the windshield and rear window. He tried to drive away but hit another bicyclist. The car stopped a block down and the bicyclists surrounded the car. One biker punched the driver through an open window and another used a knife to slash the tires. When the driver got out of the car a male suspect struck him with an unknown object in the back of the head. The driver was later taken to the hospital. His female companion was not injured. Jamieson says two men were arrested and police are looking for the suspect who struck the driver in the back of the head. He added police know the man’s identity.

According to the Critical Mass web site, every month, bicyclists ride to promote bicycle use and assert cyclists’ right to the road among many reasons.

Bikers make me Cranky. Hundreds at a time will jam the highways where I live. While I respect what they do, I wish they would stick to the back roads and stay off the highways. Maybe it’s time to implement “spandex free” zones.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    I drive a car and I ride a bike. I’ve seen goofballs on both sides but, without question, car drivers are the more aggressive, dangerous jerks.

    Yet, I can’t remember this Blog running any articles about car drivers abusing bicyclists.

    So, here is one for you that just happened in Portland.

    This biker got chased down by the car and he ended up clinging for his life to the wiper blades! After intentionally running him down, the driver keeps screaming at him to get off his car or he’ll “kick his ass”

    I mean, what the hell is wrong with these car drivers? They’re a bunch of loonies!

  2. R.O.P. says:

    Maybe reading the law about using a deadly weapon to defend yourself might be helpful for you. Blocking traffic is a part of the protest, banging on the car (done after a threatening action was performed by the driver, seriously just wait the 20 seconds for the bikes to pass) might not be how responsible people should handle the situation, it hardly qualifies as a life threatening situation. I am done with you Paddy-O, you are clearly one that will not be changed in opinion by facts or law. Please stay out of MN or if you do please follow MN 169.222, I know I will. Thanks.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #31 Greg Allen said,

    “Yet, I can’t remember this Blog running any articles about car drivers abusing bicyclists.”

    “It all started Sunday near the intersection of SE 58th Avenue and SE Washington Street in Portland, when Rehnberg [bicyclist], 37, yelled profanities at Millican, 21, and told him to slow down.”

    Sounds like it started with bicyclist verbally abusing the driver of the car. Doesn’t excuse assault but, this isn’t a good example to use to show “the other side”.

  4. QB says:

    Greg Allen said: “I mean, what the hell is wrong with these car drivers? They’re a bunch of loonies!”

    Personally I think we should just kill everyone who’s IQ is below, say, 100. I’m comfortable with that. If you’re within about 5 points you can have retest.

    Once you fail, game over. Don’t want to be messy or anything, lethal injection should do it. The driver in your example would fail. The driver above and at least half the guys in bike mob would fail.

    Everyone treated equally. You’re stupid, too bad.

  5. QB says:

    Did anyone else notice the crappy bikes these guys are riding in the above picture. Personally I would jam a stick in their wheel just to warn them to get some decent wheels. I would be there isn’t a Dura Ace gruppo in the entire bunch.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #32 “Maybe reading the law about using a deadly weapon to defend yourself might be helpful for you.”

    I have and I’ve successfully used a weapon to defend myself, much to deadly surprise of two thugs who attacked me. Like I said, if they’d jumped on my car pounding to get in they’d be history…

  7. jccalhoun says:

    Here’s an article from Seattle that also has some details from the bicyclists

  8. QB says:

    #37 Wow, cyclists attacking a Subaru. Next thing you know Dick Cheney will be shotgunning Ford F150’s.

  9. qsabe says:

    The problem is with idiots like this, they create more idiots who read and want to avenge the poor driver. While it would be great if they were arrested and made examples of, it does no good for me. I ride a bike, not to save money but for exercise. I ride alone or with one other person. I’m 72 years old and not really equipped to fight off some lard ass sitting in or on a motor who decides it’s his turn to pay those bikers back. … Shit!!

  10. QB says:

    qsabe, I think I speak for all of us here when I say “Good on ya buddy”.

  11. Floyd says:

    ROP: My first name’s not really Floyd, and my last name’s not Landis.

    In New Mexico and in Indiana, two states I’ve lived in, bicyclists can only ride on the road, in bike lanes (edge of the street, separated by lane paint) or on designated bicycle paths. Riding on sidewalks not designated as bike paths in those states is not allowed and could get the cyclist a ticket, unless it’s a little kid.

    I’m living in Minneapolis right now. This town could be cycling paradise because of the rules here, but I have no idea where those rules have been promulgated other than Minnesota.

  12. GregAllen says:

    >> 3 Paddy-O said, on July 27th, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    >> “It all started Sunday near the intersection of SE 58th Avenue and SE Washington Street in Portland, when Rehnberg [bicyclist], 37, yelled profanities at Millican, 21, and told him to slow down.”

    The guy was screaming with his car though a residential district totally drunk out of his mind. He NEEDED to be told to slow down. I forget what the cops said his skid mark was … 50? 75 feet, something like that.

    If you think the driver was justified in running this guy down, you have some twisted values.

  13. bill says:

    Here north of San Francisco, the roads are infested with aggressive bicyclists. “share the road” means “share among the bicyclists” not with any one else. the next time one of them pitches a rock into my windshield again, I’m going to the CHP. I also keep a camera handy for evidence.

  14. R.O.P. says:

    Floyd, I was just kidding you about the Landis thing. You made a good post(s). Hit my website link (click on my site name) if you want to do a ride someday (I race for Flanders Bikes, although I s*ck compred to my team mates). Hopefully we won’t run into Paddy-O. Great post qsabe!!

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, ROP,

    Maybe reading the law about using a deadly weapon to defend yourself might be helpful for you.

    The Supreme Court has established on many occasions that it is quite legal to use force exceeding that delivered if someone seriously believes his life is in danger.

    The car is NOT a dangerous weapon until he purposely tries to injure someone.

    Blocking traffic is a part of the protest,

    It is also illegal and when the protesters blocked and sat on his car it became an assault.

    you are clearly one that will not be changed in opinion by facts or law.

    It seems you believe the law is there for your protection only. BTW, most jurisdictions I am aware of classify bicycles as vehicles and thus must stay off of sidewalks.

  16. R.O.P. says:

    Thanks Mr. Fusion, I didn’t realize that a vehicle could be legally assaulted. It would normally be called vandalism (property doesn’t have rights) and vandalism is not a crime that is afforded the use of a deadly weapon. Post your Supreme Court link for your argument. Someone in a 6,000lb vehicle is not at risk until the perps actually try to enter it (which I have already stated I would support his running over the bikers if they entered his vehicle first and in this case it happened after he assaulted someone with his car), much like you can’t shoot someone in your yard but are totally vindicated if they enter your house. Don’t let your hate get in the way of facts. In this case, people only entered the vehicle after the driver used his vehicle to harm someone. I still think the bike idiots are a**holes and deserved to be arrested (they could have called the cops as well), but if people that witnessed an assault physically restrained the perp they are usually viewed as heroes no matter how much harm they cause to the perp (as long as they aren’t bicyclists, evidently). It is kind of weird that I totally support law enforcement by following (at least my) state laws and you “bicyclists are the devil” folks don’t even address that stance.

  17. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    the bicyclist quoted in the seatle times article claims that the car was only assaulted once it ran over a bike.

    It is funny how a lot of the comments in this thread can be read in favor of or against either the cyclists or the people in the car depending on the interpretation because they use labels like “idiots” that could apply to either party or undefined pronouns.

  18. R.O.P. says:

    BTW Paddy-O, I call BS on your use of deadly force. I have a conceal and carry license (yeah mobbed up union politics) your definitions of action would put you in jail. Post a link over your incidents to prove you acted appropriately.

  19. R.O.P. says:

    jccalhoun hates the spam filter said,…GREAT NAME!!! How much spam do you get?

  20. Thomas says:

    Frankly, bikes should not be allowed on the highways with cars. They are a menace to automobile traffic much like a car that drives too slow is a menace. They should *only* be legally permitted in bike lanes or, IMO, on sidewalks. If none exists, then they should have to get out of the way for automobile traffic.

    We don’t let bikes ride on the sidewalks for fear of what they might do to pedestrians and yet we let bikes ride on the roads with automobiles and the problem is identical. It makes no sense.

  21. R.O.P. says:

    Jeez Thomas you seem really confused. Please quote your state law that makes these actions illegal. Most state laws allow for bicycles to “take a lane” (especially when it’s not a standard lane) in non-highway conditions. Yeah a person on a 25lb bike is “menace” to 6,000lb autos. Dude (or dudette) you make me laugh!

  22. Voice o' reason says:

    Good Lord, how many times must I see “6,000 lb” vehicle. It’s a damn SUBARU, probably more plastic than metal, at best 4,000 lbs. But hey, what’s being 50% off in a piss off. I thought Subaru was number 2 on the tree huggers most desired list too. The driver must of had a cheeseburger in his hand or something to make the loons park their skinny asses on his car. Damn, this is funny stuff…..

  23. R.O.P. says:

    Voice o’ reason said, 4,00lbs…6,000lbs not much difference when it’s used to kill or injure you when you are on a 25lb bike. Would you rather be shot with a .45 ACP or a 9mm? Not much difference in the long run. BTW have you read MN 169.222?

  24. QB says:

    Thomas said: “Frankly, bikes should not be allowed on the highways with cars.”

    Frankly, fat people shouldn’t be allowed on sidewalks. They take up too much room and are a hazard for children. IMO, they should only be allowed in WalMarts where they belong. If none exist, then they should stay in their homes so they don’t get in my way.

    We don’t let fat people near small animals like bunnies since they might crush them if they sit down. I think it’s stupid to let them out in public, especially if they have bunnies stuck between their cheeks.

  25. GF says:

    I’m glad cyclists are banned on urban freeways 🙂

  26. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Thomas Frankly, bikes should not be allowed on the highways with cars. They are a menace to automobile traffic much like a car that drives too slow is a menace.

    I kinda agree with you on that. Ban bikes from highways and ban private cars within city limits and I reckon we’ll have a working solution to fuel shortages, obesity issues, pollution, parking, space and all sorts of everything. Not to mention drive by shootings will be a lot harder from a bicycle…

  27. gear says:

    I know this is a very minor point to make but none of the riders pictured are wearing spandex or Lycra outfits. Also bicyclists who wear bicycle specific clothing wear Lycra; so a “spandex free zone” wouldn’t really rid the roads of bicyclists.

  28. Thomas says:

    I’m not referring to the law, I’m referring to the realty of the situation. A bike on the road with a car is a hazard because of their differential in speed. I am well aware that most States let (actually require in most cases) bikes on the road with motor vehicles and IMO that is a mistake. Yes, a person on a 25 lbs bike IS a menace because cars must weave around them in order to not hit them. That increases the odds that two 6000 lbs motor vehicles will hit each other.

    Hey, if bikes on highways are ok, why not let them on the freeway? The damage to the biker is only partial at issue. The primary issue is their propensity to cause motor vehicle accidents which cause far more damage and create far more disruption.

    An obviously irrelevant analogy. A fat person does not create a hazard because they are traveling at approximately the same speed as other pedestrians and because the effect of collision is minimal.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #59 Thomas,

    RE #54,

    Ahh, c’mon. That was funny. You know, the rabbet and all.


    Up his butt.

    Ohhh just never mind.

  30. gmknobl says:

    This one’s simple. Critical mass tends to attract jerks. That’s why I quit riding with them. These idiots need to be taken off the streets.

    However, cyclists should have an equal right to the road – any road. Sorry Mc, but you’ve got it wrong. FAR more often, it’s the cyclists that suffer at the hands of idiots with a car. One such case in my area resulted in the death of a careful cyclist who got hit by a careless and frequently poor car driver. What did the car driver get? A $1500 fine and a suspended license, which, of course, had been suspended before. This is not justice, this is a miscarriage of justice. Not only should this driver have gotten a suspended license for life but a prison sentence.

    I feel for the driver caught by the Critical Mass hooligans. But far more often it is the poor cyclist caught by the idiot car drivers. Then, it’s the cyclists who get it far worse than this poor driver.

    Cyclists should go anywhere they can damn well ride their bikes.


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