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Its amazing the left wing dribble as if god gave msnbc its talking points
Do they not realize that they are on the air to inform – to disseminate news as opposed to entering their opinions into the mix – and on top of that acting as those opinions are not only true as well as evident but are open minded as well
Its not far off from Tokyo Rose or Amy Goodman of the Amy Goodman show / Democracy Now
Its a case of the pot calling the kettle black
More left wing dribble
Not far off from Stalin
Freedom of the press allows the press to say whatever they want, and it doesn’t specify that THEY had to come up with it.
Until news corporations become non-profit, I don’t fully trust any of them.
um, ok, and this is news to anyone?
#1 – Clutch Cargo
You are so far off the scale, there’s not even a response to your post. And reading the blog you link to, all I can do is shake my head and think that Misanthropic Scott is right. Society is doomed.
I haven’t cared what any of these people think or say for decades,they provide nothing useful about the current events from any side of the aisle and like politicians only glorify themselves. However i do like and appreciate Dvorak’s site and cranky geeks never miss it now that news i can use thanks
News organ being shoved down our throats…
Sigmund Freud?
An embittered ex-employee asserts s/g and it is news? Come on. I’m sure Fox is in Bush’s hip pocket as much as MSNBC is in Obama’s…
Get it directly from Cheney…
I believe that it is true that Fox gets its talking points from the right wing, and that ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all get their talking points from the left wing. And I don’t think that this is news to anyone but people who are just now tuning in.
#1 – Amen! MSNBC spends 6 and a half minutes talking about this? Sounds like they feel threatened…
You absolutely, positively can NOT eliminate any bias in the news media. Fox’s slogan is that they do so, but c’mon, we all know it’s impossible. And when someone points out that Fox receives “talking points” from the White House, we’re surprised?
For crying out loud, who cares? If they don’t like what they hear, they won’t report it!
Same thing with MSNBC, CNN, CBS, etc. They haven’t picked up on a number of stories that are “anti-Democrat,” yet they have the audacity to point a finger at their competition, claiming they’re biased? Give me a break.
It’s up to us, the enlightened citizens of this country, to disseminate the truth from what we hear. Fox News is only one opinion, so I bounce back and forth between them and, usually, CNN. From there, I have my options.
#9 So today I flipped around American news and saw Glenn Beck and Pat Buchanan on CNN. The I changed channels and saw George Will and Mathew Dowd on ABC after a long interview with McCain. Yes, they are cauldrons of Communism.
Apparently MSNBC, hopper, and the rest of you goof balls don’t know the difference between the op-ed and the news at FOX. Hannity and OReilly are opinion guys and both speak their own minds.
No wonder nobody watches MSNBC.
And Fox has Alan Combs. So what. There isn’t a truly ‘unbiased’ network out there. There can’t be. People lean one way or the other. Just a fact of life. They may have certain people on the staffs that they hire to argue the other side, but that doesn’t mean that they are truly unbiased.
HeadMonkey said: “No wonder nobody watches MSNBC”
Actually, Keith Olbermann has passed O’Reilly and Hannity & Friends in the ratings. Colmes’ job is to lose every argument of course.
xwing, I’d agree that any news organization is biased in some way, but Fox is just juvenile. It is truly becoming embarrassing to conservatives and libertarians.
Now we see that MSNBC is going to war against FOX.
Now I want to see if FOX has the brass to go to war with MSNBC.
Now THAT would make for entertaining TV!
It’s scary that the people so blindly defending fox news and this administration don’t see it as the totalitarianism that it is!
Are you kidding me? A state sponsored news organization? This is fascism at its worst.
When are you nutjobs on the right wing fringe going to stop defending the criminal in the white house, stop worrying about being on the ‘right’ side of things, and just wake up to what needs to be done?!
It’s scary that so many people in this country are so afraid to admit they’re wrong, that they’ve been wrong in the past about Bush and the Republikans that they won’t face up to the mountains of evidence that show it?
As if NBC and the DNC weren’t joined at the hip!
Many fine and educated folks don’t appear to appreciate the difference between bias and corruption.
And thats all it takes for corruption to do its job.
Good job haters.
Isn’t NBC owned by General Electric?
Have we been using liberal left light bulbs?
Machiavellian Marxist motors? Reformist refrigerators? Syndicalist stoves? Commie computers?
Who knew?
W will be working over at Fox soon.
This is more proof of the SHAMELESS propaganda tactics of the Bush Hitler administration to propagate lies and deceit ala Adolf Hitler.
#15 QB said, “Actually, Keith Olbermann has passed O’Reilly and Hannity & Friends in the ratings.”
#19 Three cheers for Bobbo. You see the point. 🙂
#13 the point being made is that the White House should not be sending the “talking points” to the Fox contributors. it is one thing to have a press release to try to get a story out there, it is quite another to drive the story into the media spotlight.
the fact that Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity wait for the White House to tell them what their opinion should be is another and speaks to their intellect and integrity.
#28 “the fact that Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity wait for the White House to tell them what their opinion should be is another and speaks to their intellect and integrity.”
No different than the MSM waiting for DNC permission to mention the Edwards problem” and HOW to report on it…
Where is the proof that the media guys echo the talking points? It’s no surprise that the White House would feed things to media that will be more receptive. In the 90s, Republicans would bring in mainstream reporters and explain to them we aren’t cutting spending on Medicare, and show them the numbers, but the reporters would go on reporting cuts because that was what they were led to believe by the Democrats.
QB check your facts man it is not even close O’Reilly blows msnbc out of the water period, more people watch O’reilly than msnbc at any time
#31 – I posted a link with the latest stats but QB
disappeared after I showed him.
#31 – Paulio Mitchelli
You also might want to consider that there’s a diffrence between the number of people who watch a show and the number of people who take it seriously.
I sometimes watch Loofah Pad O’Reilly, and listen to Anal Cyst Limbaugh, because they’re laugh riots. Can you imagine late middle-aged Loofa Pad whispering in his dirty voice mails, trying to seduce the female colleague with tales of how he’d scrub her vagina with an exfoliating sponge? HAW!!! I chortle every time I see that imbecile. It’s better than the Comedy Channel.
However, if I want any serious news from a cable channel, I go to MSNBC. As do most people.
Fox “news” is more like an upscal Jerry Springer show.
#29 i was unaware of the story that you refer to as i rarely, if ever read the National Enquirer. from my quick google search, even Fox news only confirms a small portion of the story. so perhaps MsNBC doesn’t yet have any confirmation of the story, and may not want be be seen as pandering with lurid but unconfirmed gossip.
especially as john edwards is probably seen as old news and not worth devoting airtime to. even when he was running his campaign, i could not have been less interested in him and he calls North Carolina home, as do i. he also graduated from NC State, as did i. a fact that i did not know before this thread. and yet i am still yawning when i learn this.
my guess is that MsNBC is not running with this unconfirmed story because they see no gain in eyeballs from this and a chance to get egg on their face from running it.