1. MikeN says:

    The networks including I think Fox News wouldn’t call Ohio for George Bush until John Kerry conceded. This was even though Ohio had a bigger margin than Pennsylvania which they had no problem calling for Kerry.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #34 – “especially as john edwards is probably seen as old news and not worth devoting airtime to”

    Yeah right. He’s a very real potential VP candidate & cabinet post possibility.

    If you can tell me with a straight face that if it had been Romney and the MSM would TOTALLY ignore it, to the point of the LA Times forbidding their staff bloggers to even MENTION it (even though it supposedly happened in LA), I’d take you seriously.

    Until then…

  3. RBG says:

    You guys are so funny.

    Some… no, *every* successful organization sends press releases to the media for possible publication. These stories follow an exacting format and include quotes, side bars, facts and stories. Newspapers and TV stations, especially news organizations, are swamped with these things. They are not created for fun, only because they work.

    Much of the news you read or watch has been inspired or directly taken from these releases, including NBC, ABC, CBS, and even your loser above. In spite his professing that no one tells him what to write.

    “It is difficult to be certain, but it is a fair estimate that on some days 50 – 75 percent of all stories used in a newspaper originate from press releases…

    -page 126 “Publicity: How to make the media work for you” Ted Klein & Fred Danzig

    Editors decide what to use and what not to use. No one remotely considers these outlets to be organs of these PR-producing organizations.

    If Whozits above doesn’t receive releases, he’s either suffering from professional jealousy, or to be kind, no one thinks his broadcast is worth their time.

    Tell him to generate a news story with Air America. Wait, that’s just what he did.


  4. Paddy-O says:

    #37 “Much of the news you read or watch has been inspired or directly taken from these releases, including NBC, ABC, CBS”

    Yep, I’ve had days where my PR exec would send out a release and within 2 hours there was a camera crew in my office from an alphabet network & CNN asking if I could come to their studio for the evening broadcast.

  5. RBG says:

    #38 Mr. Table:
    I didn’t know CNN ran local stations. Maybe you mean an affiliated news station “fed” the story of your company’s newest flugelbinder to the national newscast when the discovery became of national significance. Unless you worked for Enron, Haliburton or Freddie Mac.


  6. Paddy-O says:

    #39 “I didn’t know CNN ran local stations.”

    Well it’s local when it’s on Sunset Blvd. Although, I’ve been to the Atlanta studios also. But that’s when I was already in DC or s/g working with the Feds.

  7. mike cannali says:

    Is this the only way MSNBC can get people to watch – by simulcasting on the Dvorak Blog? their ratings are lower than whale feces in the Mariana’s Trench.
    Memo to Keith: Hostile isn’t funny; satire is.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    Hey, RBG where did you slink off to?

  9. KwadGuy says:

    The only thing worth watch watching on Fox is the 6pm talking heads hour with Britt Hume and guests, and then mostly if Charles Krauhthammer is on. Unbiased? Nope. But intelligent and usually spot on analysis. As for “news”…there’s not much. Nice legs on the anchorwomen, however.

    Sadly, though is at least as liberally biased as FNN is conservative, they do not wear their biases as proudly and so there’s a greater dishonesty to their coverage. That said, there’s more substance in an average hour of CNN coverage than an average hour of Fox coverage.

  10. LOL — This is hilarious… Stop the presses, White House sends out Press Release!!! Har. Like Clinton didn’t do this? Like Reagan didn’t do this? Hell, I used to get these press releases myself! Is there ANY proof or commentary that they won’t send these memos to anyone interested? I doubt it.

  11. #40 – Furniture Boy

    >>Well it’s local when it’s on Sunset Blvd. Although,
    >>I’ve been to the Atlanta studios also. But that’s
    >>when I was already in DC or s/g working with the

    Whoa! From Hollywood to the nation’s capitol to the Atlanta studios!

    Talk about a dude with gravitas!!

    Are you Alberto Gonzales? Colin Powell? Scooter Libby?

    Or maybe you’re Smilin’ Bob.

    Only your hairdressere knows for sure.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #45 “Are you Alberto Gonzales? Colin Powell? Scooter Libby?”

    Don’t you wish you knew?

    I DO know who you are though…

  13. Paddy-O says:

    Mustard. I will tell you s/g that will give you a clue.

    One day I was in the VPs office. I opened the middle desk drawer, you know the one that your legs are under when you sit at a desk.

    Well anyway, all the VPs going back to the early 1800’s have carved their name in the bottom of that shallow drawer. They do it with a pocket knife, the name being about 3-4 inches total size so as to save space for future office holders. Well, Gore carved his name about 4X as large as everyone else. Right next to Monroe’s. Used up a bunch of remaining space. That’s when I really understood what he was about. No wonder he couldn’t carry his home state. LOL

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #36 the quote i saw attributed to the editor of the LA Times was to order staff “not to cover the rumours or salacious speculations”. not covering rumors is a long slog from covering facts. here is a question for you: how out in front was Fox News on Newt Gingrich’s affair with a Congressional staff worker? Or did they wait for confirmation or until it was widely covered in MSM.

    i still maintain that Edwards is not that much of a story (outside of the tabloid part). why would a candidate who has yet to complete his 1st term in the senate pick a person with only the one term as his running mate. maybe their campaign theme could be “You can’t get less experience”.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #48 – “how out in front was Fox News on Newt Gingrich’s affair with a Congressional staff worker? Or did they wait for confirmation or until it was widely covered in MSM.”

    I’m SURE Fox moved slow on that one. They’re biased to the right. Just as most of the MSM is biased to the left. What’s your point?

    “i still maintain that Edwards is not that much of a story”

    Uh huh… 😉

  16. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    John C – a press release i get, but to call up the network and say these are the points we want you to hit and hit hard? and for the network to say keep it coming? they should at least make the attempt of an appearance of independence. then again, when the White House had a crisis in press relations, Tony Snow rode in from Fox to save the day.

  17. d2d_ohme says:

    @John C Dvorak

    So you can’t trust the word of the former White House Press Secretary and that’s not a proof enough?

    Politics is a dirty world.
    Nobody is clean.

  18. deowll says:

    To a large degree this is BS.

    _Every_ news agency including MSNBC is constantly getting “fed” crap by some political group that hopes they use it as a talking point.

    What they do with it is up to them. If they don’t agree with the talking points they go in the trash.

    Pretending this is not so isn’t even worthy of disrespect.

    Anybody that thinks the factor doesn’t occasionally kick white house butt has never watched it very much not that I think that is worth doing most of the time.

    All of the politcal hacks are trying to keep people upset all the time so their ratings go up.

  19. MikeN says:

    The Newt Gingrich affair didn’t get covered much cause they wanted proof that this was why he quit.

  20. r_and_om says:

    for #2


    completely supported by donations
    no hips joined
    no hands pocketed.

    and kudos to #19

    but fighting ignorance with intolerance guys will just beget more of the later and strengthen the former~

    give people a reason to wake up,
    not a reason to to fight.
    reason is the reason.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, JCD,

    These weren’t press releases. They special “talking points” and information sent specifically to FOX SPEWS and no other outlet.

    If they were Press Releases there wouldn’t be a problem.

  22. RBG says:

    55 Mr. Fusion
    So a press release you’d expect to be above propaganda, unlike the people who craft the message, is that it?


  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, RBG,

    A press Release is released to ALL the media. They aren’t sent to just a few people. Second reputable outlets reveal where they came by the information.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, Cow-Paddy,

    Gee, I was hoping you would tell us about the time you and Senator Larry Craig would go stall hunting seeing who could put the most hash marks up. That one is far more hilarious than making up crap about how you blew the VP.

  25. MikeN says:

    Mr Confusion,
    Do you have a link for all of your details you claim?
    It certainly wasn’t in the video.

    As it is, McClellan retracted all of it, saying O’Reilly and Hannity were just examples, but they never got talking points.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #59, Lyin’ Mike,

    Go google it.

    When did McClellan ever state that Billo was the recipient of the talking points? He certainly didn’t say that in the interview with Chris Mathews I saw.

    Face it Lyin’ Mike. You are a troll.

  27. Wretched Gnu says:

    It’s unbelievable — or maybe it isn’t — that the right-wing does not understand the difference between having opinion-makers (in addition to news reporters) who swing right or left and actually *coordinating* a specific message campaign with the white house.

    If you don’t understand the difference, you have no business talking. MSNBC has never coordinated and sculpted its broadcasts with the government. Fox clearly, obviously, has.
    This was obvious even before Scott came forward, as the text from Fox newscasts were *exactly* identical to the talking points prioritized by the White House and the RNC.

    I challenge any conservative to show such textual, talking-point coordination between MSNBC and any government official or political party. Saying they’re both “leftists” is entirely beside the point. Dimwits.


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