With “non-impeachment” hearings Friday against Prez Bush (odd, I don’t recall seeing that story as the lead on NBC, CBS or ABC — that damn left wing press), a Bush operative is now receiving some reverse love from the people he worked so hard against.

Second Arrest Attempt On Karl Rove In Iowa Leads To 4 Arrests

Four Iowans were arrested today while attempting to make a Citizens’ Arrest of Karl Rove in Des Moines, Iowa. Citing Iowa Code provisions for making Citizen’s Arrests as well as citing Federal Statute violations they claimed Rove had violated, the four were stopped at the gate of the Wakonda Country Club in Des Moines where Rove was scheduled to speak at a Republican Fundraiser.

The four arrested were retired Methodist minister and Peace and Justice Advocate, Rev. Chet Guinn, 80, as well as three Des Moines Catholic Workers, Edward Bloomer, 61, Kirk Brown, 25, and Mona Shaw, 57. All four were cited for trespassing and released.

The four maintained that they were acting within the guidelines of Iowa Code that obligate private citizens to make such an arrest if they believe a felony has been committed and turn Rove over to police officials to bring Rove before a judge for formal indictment. By law, a federal judge should consider the charges and determine if an indictment should be made.
Rove remains unindicted and recently refused to cooperate with a Congressional subpoena in the Valerie Plame leak investigation. Despite mounting evidence of Rove’s wrongdoing concerning leading the U.S. to war as well as other actions, Congress and the U.S. judicial system remain reluctant to bring charges against either Rove or the Bush administration.

  1. t0llyb0ng says:

    The populous?

    [Huh. Turns out I’ve been using that word incorrectly for years! Changed. — ed.]

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    I hate to kick ya when yer down, Unc, but the ex-co-president’s name is spelled “Karl”, not “Carl”. Perhaps you were thinking of Carl Icahn?

    [Argh! Time to go back to bed. – ed.]

  3. Improbus says:

    For goodness sake people use a rifle. Dubya will just pardon him.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    Posted by Uncle Dave, “odd, I don’t recall seeing mention of that on NBC, CBS or ABC”

    Maybe because you didn’t look? I picked ABC and there it was. Don’t have time to check the other for ya. I do offer courses on how to browse news websites though.


    BTW – Police won’t accept an arrest from a citizen who didn’t see the crime take place. Funny attempt but would fail against ANYONE under the same circumstances…

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: I was talking about the TV newscasts. And not these arrests, but the non-impeachment hearings.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #5 – Ummm, click the link. It is for “Politics Live” National ABC TV news coverage of the hearings from the 25th or 26th…

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: Changed. You should be happy now.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #7 , Okay. Although, I wouldn’t expect political grandstanding to be a lead story. Not with Obama just wrapping up his European presidential campaign tour in the EU.

  9. Sean O'Hara says:

    citing Federal Statute violations they claimed Rove had violated

    Isn’t violating a violation a good thing?

    This story would be a lot better if it were written by someone who was literate.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #8 – Paddy0

    >>Not with Obama just wrapping up his
    >>European presidential campaign tour in the

    Well, he’s already trounced McBush in the US presidential campaign; he’s got to do something to occupy himself until January 9, when he takes office.

  11. gquaglia says:

    Ha, what a bunch of fools. Don’t you realize the powerful take care of each other. No one will be impeached, no one will be indicted or arrested. It simply doesn’t happen in Washington. And in the odd chance that it does, the next President will surely pardon him/her without question as all Presidents do, because that it how it is. To think otherwise is the be the mayor of fantasy land.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #10 – You’re probably correct.

  13. BillM says:

    What happened to the obligatory attack on anything a “religious nut job” does? I guess when the whackos agree with your position, they aren’t so bad after all.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    #13: ??? What does this story have to do with religion?

  15. BillM says:

    Uncle Dave

    “The four arrested were retired Methodist minister and Peace and Justice Advocate, Rev. Chet Guinn, 80, as well as three Des Moines Catholic Workers, Edward Bloomer, 61, Kirk Brown, 25, and Mona Shaw, 57. ”

    Any other story on DU that mentions a minister or Catholic “anything” usually blasts them for being dilutional religious nuts. Just wondered if these guys are crazy “believers” also.

  16. bobbo says:

    #15–Bill==I think the fact that these 4 where dilutional in their attempt to arrest Rove was hard to miss. If you want all your issues block printed with crayons, this isn’t the medium for you.

  17. MikeN says:

    Of course the liberal media won’t play it up. They also act as Democrats, and the party hasn’t made this a major issue.

    Why do you say ‘nonimpeachment’ hearings? Isn’t this being done by Judiciary with an intent of imepaching?

  18. bobbo says:

    #17–Mike==do you not follow the news, or follow it but forget, or simply view contemporary news as irrelevant as you post your slant looking to boost the morale of the 30% who still support Bush?

  19. MikeN says:

    So now disagreeing with someone’s politics is enough to get them arrested?

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #19 They probably got arrested for trespassing or s/g like that.

  21. bobbo says:

    #19–Poor Mike==maybe its attention span? Memory Loss? When you have questions like that maybe you should put a sticky on your computer screen to read the original post again?==they were cited for trespass.

  22. lou says:

    Keep trying

  23. MikeN says:

    I meant the attempted arrest of Karl Rove.

  24. Brian says:

    Anyone who claims a liberal bias in the media is obviously smoking crack.

    Perfect example is CBS editing Katie Couric’s interview with McBush. As usual, he gets it wrong, but CBS edited the interview to make it look like he got it right.

    Liberal bias? Pshaw.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hhmmm, isn’t obstructing a peace officer a felony? Maybe the cops could be arrested.

  26. Fred Garvin says:

    “So now disagreeing with someone’s politics is enough to get them arrested?”

    Indeed. These losers don’t like Rove’s politics and want him arrested. It’s just like Clinton ordering the arrest of that woman in 1999 because she wore a “Clinton Sucks” t-shirt.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #26 – Mr. Flintsone

    >>It’s just like Clinton ordering the arrest
    >>of that woman in 1999 because she wore
    >>a “Clinton Sucks” t-shirt.

    Uhh. Einstein. It wasn’t a woman, “she” wasn’t arrested, and Clinton had nothing to do with it.

    “She” was a 42-year-old male schoolteacher from Pennsylvania (and a guest of Senator Rick Santorum [http://spreadingsantorum.com/]), who was removed from the Senate VIP gallery for refusing to button his jacket over a t-shirt that said “Clinton doesn’t inhale, he sucks.” Others in the gallery said they felt threatened by his t-shirt and his actions.

    He was questioned, sent on his way, and told not to return to the Capitol building for the remainder of the day.

    Typical right-wing distortion of history. Say it enough, have Anal Cyst Limbaugh say it a few times, and next thing you know it’s written in stone for the right wingnuts.

    Why are they all so dishonest??

  28. Paddy-O says:

    “Hhmmm, isn’t obstructing a peace officer a felony? Maybe the cops could be arrested.”

    Who obstructed a cop?

  29. bobbo says:

    #27–Mustard==congrats. The only way the likes of Fred Garvin and Lyin Mike can escape your command of the facts is to change the question. Disingenuous, but it works for the only crowd they relate to==other dittoheads.

    Revealing that the ditto heads make no distinction between a violation of law and political action with their conclusion being that all things political are A-OK. With that thought in mind, lets hope Obama rounds them all up and sends them to camp to earn a High School Equivalence Degree so they can be gainfully employed outside of the BushCo administration.

  30. GregAllen says:

    Good for these guys but this route is hopeless. Our government is too compromised and collisional to press war crimes charges.

    Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzoles, Ashcroft, Yoo and their collaborators need to stand at the Hague.


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