Tania Ledger, from Croydon, employed a 3D art expert who reconstructed the famous painting for the The Da Vinci Code film to do the same in her garden.

Chris Naylor took two days to replicate Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterpiece in grass, using a small lawnmower and a handful of garden tools.

The design will grow out within a few weeks but Mrs Ledger, 48, says that is what made the project so exciting.

“It’s like a hair cut – if you don’t like it you can grow it out and you can try out as many new looks as you like,” she said.

How long before the Virgin Mary sighters show up?

Thanks, K B

  1. eyeofthetiger says:

    Nice but he took a little too much off the top.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    Garden fertilizer and a little patience, will have the same effect. Weed killer, too.

  3. boru says:

    Too mulch….

  4. admfubar says:

    hhmmm crop circles now with more details…….

  5. TVAddict says:

    She has a beard.

  6. lou says:

    Nice work !

  7. Bill says:

    Seems to me the same thing was achieved 30 yrs ago off hwy680 in Alamo, CA.


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