Clad in knee-high leather boots, spandex shorts and a sports bra, Xiao Yan struck a pose two feet off the ground, her head glistening with sweat and her arms straining as she suspended herself from a vertical pole.

Keeping your grip is the hardest part,” she said. “It’s really easy to slide downward.”

Xiao, 26, who works as a supermarket manager, is one of a growing number of women experimenting with China’s newest, and most controversial, fitness activity: pole dancing.

“I used to take a normal aerobics class, but it was boring and monotonous,” Xiao said. “So I tried out pole dancing. It’s a really social activity. I’ve met a lot of girls here who I’m now close friends with. And I like that it makes me feel sexy.”

Interesting article – not unlike the phenomenon of aerobic bellydancing in some American communities. Guys will still be unable to get their libido around much of this; but, it makes health sense.

  1. thirteen says:

    Nothing says progress like turning women into “acting” skanks.

  2. Improbus says:

    Some how I don’t think this will be a big hit in Muslim countries.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Need to go visit China soon… 🙂

    #3 – Improbus

    It won’t take off in western China…

  4. Drunken Duck says:

    My wife is Japanese and when I asked her about pole dancing she wait for night.

  5. admfubar says:

    hhhmmm i wonder if i tell them i’m Polish, they would dance on me.???? 🙂

  6. Brian says:


    Gotta love the negative, holier than thou attitudes toward sexual expression.

    Don’t be mad because you’re not allowed in the strip club, or because your wife/girlfriend is so goddamned fat she’d bend the pole in half.

    So we want to bash women who have found a better, more entertaining way to stay in shape and a way to spice up the sex life of her and her partner?


  7. Glenn E. says:

    Sounds like the blight of Yuppi-dom has corrupted the Chinese middle class, as well. Pole dancing is not an exercise. It’s a performance art. You’re not burning any calories, or improving muscle tone, by spinning around a pole with your crotch. And until guys start doing it, in significant numbers (not just female impersonators). Then it will also be sexist. I wonder if those Chinese poles have lead in their chrome plating?

  8. thirteen says:

    8 –

    Don’t be mad that your wife’s a skank. embrace it.


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