NSFW – click photo for cover shot

A naked model photographed using Peru’s flag as a saddle while mounted on a horse will face charges that could put her in jail for up to four years for offending patriotic symbols.

The suggestive shot of Leysi Suarez, whose main job is dancing for the band Alma Bella, or Beautiful Soul, was splashed on the cover of DFarandula magazine and has caused a political uproar as Peru prepares to celebrate the 187th anniversary of its independence from Spain on Monday…

Suarez said it was patriotic to pose for the photo. “I haven’t committed a crime. I love Peru and show it with my body and soul,” the dancer said.

Sounds good to me. :)

  1. the answer says:

    The worst thing of this is for me to wait until I get home to see the picture.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Imagine my disappointment when I read she was mounted on a horse and then saw the picture.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    Case dismissed.

  4. James Hill says:

    Thread dismissed.

  5. Improbus says:

    If she wants to come to the US I will marry her.

  6. Personality says:

    The photo isn’t that reveling.

  7. amodedoma says:

    Looks patriotic to me, I’m ready to run that flag up the old flag pole!

  8. Curmudgen says:

    15 minutes and counting………….

  9. “I love Peru and show it with my body and hole!”

    More power to her.

    And, it’s nice to know that the entire world is going insane, not just the U.S. Welcome to the club Peru!

  10. #11 – pedro,

    Mmmmm. Peruvian coffee. Actually extremely strong coffee, bordering on coffee concentrate added to warm milk (and we’re back on topic). Peru really is a great country. (OK, so I really don’t understand your comment.)

    Too bad they’re catching some U.S. social ills like getting a tad overconcerned about respect for a flag. Perhaps the flag was happy there?

    I really need to get back to Peru. It’s such a wonderful country.

  11. Jmsbrtms says:

    Best advertising yet for going to Peru

  12. Justin From Penn says:

    I had hoped the photo was more NSFW than it is. Aww shucks.

  13. MotaMan says:

    any country with a recent history of death squads cannot be called a great country. I suppose it’s all about perspective though.


  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    What if the model were an ugly fat greasy 40 year old woman? Then maybe Peru would have something to complain about.

  15. hhopper says:

    Here’s a shot of the magazine cover:

  16. chrisb says:

    Yeah… I definitely wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

  17. lou says:

    I’m OK with it.
    See ya in Playboy.

  18. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    wonder if they would have been upset if she had wrapped herself in it?

  19. deowll says:

    Posed nude but rigged so nobody could see. Yeah, I was wondering why any of the mean even noticed what the saddle blanket was.

    The problem with laws that prevent people from wearing, setting on, or burning the flag is that unhappy citizens need to be allowed to vent. If they can’t do it by attacking symbols they don’t have many options but to attack the real thing.

    Besides some people see what they are doing as patriotic. When we passed the law not to burn the flag the law said and still says that you are supposed to burn the flag to dispose of it. Not just throw old flags in the trash.

    People are nuts.

    I hope the pretty dimwit stays out of jail.

  20. #15 – MotaMan,

    any country with a recent history of death squads cannot be called a great country.

    Hard to disagree with that.

    I suppose it’s all about perspective though.

    My perspective was one of biodiversity. Peru has over 1800 species of birds compared to around 500 for all of North America. They’ve also got pink river dolphins, jaguars, tapirs and many others. So, at least they’re doing well on preserving their biodiversity, for the moment.

  21. chris says:

    She should be punished. I would be upset if someone did it to the American flag. maybe not up to 4 yrs. in jail, but some honest (clothed)community service wouldn’t be bad. On the other hand, its one h3ll of a pic! #22 you have some deep issues if you think the only way for people to express themselves and release their anger is by destroying a symbol. There are numerous other ways to express disatisfaction or anger without having to attack anything (symbol or real).

  22. #24 – chris,

    Are you serious? What would upset you about using the flag in this way?

  23. I think the politicos are just pissed because Ms Suárez treated the flag better than they get treated.

    #14 – J from P

    >>I had hoped the photo was more NSFW than it is.
    >>Aww shucks.

    If you’re a booty man, maybe you’ll like this better.

    Not as NSFW as it could be, though 🙁

  24. #28 No pics of Kuzco. That violates posting guidelines.

  25. Likes2LOL says:

    #28 pedro: I’m seriously thinking abou putting a link here for a venezuelan bikini magazine…but I think I’ll behave

    Aw, c’mon, it’s Dvorak Uncensored, right?
    I assume this was the site:

    Urbe Bikini

  26. Leyci is the most desired woman actually in Peru, she´s beautiful, a great (siliconed) ass, and big tits, the pics from the magazine show her very bad, ugly, too much photoshp from an amateur designer.
    This problem with the flag, is a bad thing for her, appears that this girls have not brain, this is the typical case of a model that receive some bucks and can do anything what the photographer say.
    Just remember that this girl was caught leaving a prision, after visiting a Drug king-Pin prisoner.

  27. demon_eyes says:

    please give me pictures of the said model..pls pls pls send it to my email.hahahaha

  28. demon_eyes says:

    she should be damn in jail but spare to me her pictures.

  29. pimpdaddy says:

    damn dat chick has some nice ass titties if you put her in jail then no man will be able to tap dat ass


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