A painter and decorator has been fined £30 for smoking in his own van because it was deemed to be a workplace.

Gordon Williams, 58, of Llanafan, near Aberystwyth, west Wales, was on the way to buy teabags for his wife when he incurred the on-the-spot fine.

He claims the van is insured as a private vehicle and he only uses it to travel between jobs. He has lodged an appeal with Ceredigion county council.

“Of course there are tools and things in the van, but a barrister would carry about documents in a briefcase in his own car. This is no different to my mind,” he said.

I don’t smoke and am intolerant of smoking. However, this sounds way over the top. Besides, I still will vote for free will over the nanny state every time.

Thanks, K B

  1. Breetai says:

    I’m surprised the States didn’t beat the UK to that one.

  2. SJP says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  3. FrPeter says:

    This is a non-story typical of this time of year. When the law changed in England last year, all work vehicles were required to display no smoking signs. Unlimited free signs were distributed to businesses, along with posters, CDs, DVDs etc etc. The only exception is for private cars – i.e. not used for work or never used by more than one person for work.
    The law was well advertised when it changed. The only ‘story’ here is whether this man is a one-man business or not.

  4. Thomas says:

    This just goes to show the dangers of any new legislation: someone is going to abuse the original intent of the law just to screw with someone. It is for this reason, I think all laws (other than perhaps felonies) should have an expiration.

  5. SJP says:

    “What we have here is failure to communicate.”

    “No problems here, boss.”

  6. Had the van been registered commercially, especially if there were employees that had to ride in it, this might make sense.

    However, even as a strong advocate of smoking laws, giving a ticket to someone in their own vehicle, registered as a private vehicle, with no employees, crosses the line in a big way.

    The no smoking laws are designed to protect people from second hand smoke. Who was being protected here? Should we outlaw smoking in his house too? The article mentioned his wife. Perhaps she is a non-smoker.

    This is so far over the edge that even strong supporters of anti-smoking legislation can see the error.

  7. MotaMan says:

    I hate tobacco and the companies that peddle the shit, but it’s your own damned right to smoke that crap in your car if you like.

    This is just a law enforcement tool like seatbelt laws, just another reason to pull you over and check you out.

  8. hhopper says:

    If more smokers had been courteous to begin with, there wouldn’t have been a need for anti-smoking laws.

  9. eyeofthetiger says:

    Road Worthiness. I gotta write that one down.

  10. lou says:

    The UK gets worse every day.
    I’m glad I don’t live in the UK/ home of big bro and the but Nazis.

  11. deowll says:

    Police state. If this machine is registered as a private vehicle and insured the same, the fact that he uses it to go to work in means jack.

    If it were registered the other way then the person writing the ticket has a point but local law says those vehicles have to be marked as such and I’d assume the same would be true in no freedoms Briton.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ya break da law, ya take your chances. Just quit crying to me when you get a ticket.

    I guess several people on this blog wouldn’t have a problem if some idiot brought a loaded gun on a plane. Geeze, it isn’t like the guy planned on using it.

  13. fred says:

    #12: Mr.Fusion
    I see. So you would approve of being fined one shilling for not going to church on Sunday , would you? Last I heard that crazy law was still on the statute books in the UK.

    “Rules (and laws?) are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.” Who said that?

  14. julieb says:

    I can’t believe it. It’s just crazy. Now the poor guy has to hide his cigarette everyday now.

    I think the #12 post by Mr Fusion exposes him as a troll. I’m going to ignore his comments going forward. I don’t think the views expressed by Mr. Fusion represent a real person but are merely trolling.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, fred,

    The difference is I don’t live in Britain. I have no input on their laws.

    #14, julie,

    So, I now assume reverse is your favorite direction.

  16. KarmaBaby says:

    So Brits can’t smoke on the WAY to their workplace? If you work at home (i.e. writer, artist, housewife, etc) or tele-commute, are you equally screwed?


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