1. McCullough says:

    Wild, Whacky stuff!

  2. Skippy says:

    Oh puh-leeze. This is so obviously a hoax it’s insulting.

    There are many examples of people claiming to have pseudo-scientific powers, and when tested in a lab, manage to fool the so-called experts with a little trickery.

    Years ago, a young Russian girl claimed to have psychic powers and fooled dozens of “experts” by reading from books while blindfolded. They all claimed she was the real deal. James Randi, famous magician and skeptic, tested her, and found that yes, indeed, she could read while blindfolded. Then he had her repeat the test with a piece of paper under her chin. Lo and behold, her powers disappeared. Turns out she was reading thru a tiny crack between her cheeks and the bottom of the blindfold.

    Read more about this kind of thing at the James Randi Educational Foundation (randi.org)

    [But… but… gee, we thought it was real. (Check out the category.) – ed.]

  3. dvdchris says:

    Bull. shit.

  4. JFStan says:

    Yup, definitely bullshit. This is an old method used by magicians and charlatains alike over the years, anyone can do it. I wouldn’recommend trying it yourself, though, without consulting someone in the know.

  5. Fred Garvin says:

    Her father is a scumbag. He is abusing his daughter by making her stuff that crap in her eye socket. He should be in jail.

  6. xwing says:

    I’m calling shenanigans

  7. admfubar says:

    next on ‘in search of’………

  8. envirotex says:

    It’s a new dark age. All hail the death of the enlightenment.

  9. Balbas says:

    So this is why we’re invading the Middle East. Diamonds are more easily found in young girl’s eyes.

  10. drben says:

    Aliens! They walk among us!

  11. Likes2LOL says:

    At 7 crystals per day since June 1996, it’s no wonder the international eye crystal market is glutted…

  12. Zybch says:

    I can produce crystals the same way but out of the end of my, umm, don’t worry.

  13. Art Bell,

    I live by the river.
    almost every night aliens touch down on a parking lot of a nearby school for wayward girls

  14. KD Martin says:

    Very dangerous stunt. A cousin of mine thought he lost a contact lens. Several months later, the ophthalmologist found it, buried on the far right side of his right eye. Removing it was not easy.

    This girl must be nuts to let anyone do this to her.

  15. ZZ says:

    Cool. If you had a daughter you would do the same to be rich and famous, right? Every father would gladly go out and buy some crystals, then insert them in her daugters eyes.

    If those crystals really materialize behind her eyes, I would eat my hat. Damn, I shouldn’t say that, my mom made me chew on my old cowboy hat, after we saw a ball lightning.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    WOW, Amazing !!!

    I am so surprised they didn’t look like Jesus. Hey wait, look at that one crystal, … isn’t that, … could it be, … well I’ll be !!!

    Never mind.

  17. Special Ed says:

    I’ll bet the father can pull a gerbil out of his ass too!

  18. Judge Jewdy says:

    I like that special “pulling the crystal out of the eye” music – easy to dance to, makes me want to wear a tablecloth on my head.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    Anyone surprised? This is from the part of the world that brought us Jesus and Mohamed…

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #10 – mnieman

    Good link.

  21. deowll says:

    I would like them to be analyzed.

    We do make crystals.

    Gall stones, kidney stones, Ghout.

    This could be a metabolic disorder but if they are let’s say quartz. Then forget it.

    The fact they are flat and have razer edges is kind of interesting though I’t have thought the location might have shaped them more.

    Doesn’t happen with gall stones and kidney stones most of the time so maybe not here either.

  22. oil of dog says:

    Do I hear an Amen:)

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #23 – oil of dog

    More likely to hear Allah-o-Akbar… 😉

  24. dvorakisamoron says:

    How fing stupid is he?

  25. Glenn E. says:

    #2 Skippy- Thanks for the Randi reference Skip. He’s been my hero for years. But I lost track of him, since Tv doesn’t seem to think he’s entertaining or educational anymore. Not even on PBS! Apparently, they want us to believe in this stuff. Ever since the major networks started programming shows like “Medium” and “Ghost Whisperer”. Pul-lease. They corrupted that term from Horse Whisperer. Which is meaningless in the context they’re using it in. They’re not communicating with the dead thru body language!! They might as well have called it “Ghost Blogger”. That will probably be next year’s hit show. A girl who Texts with the dead. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  26. reddddd says:

    Does anyone else seem to notice that her eye is all red and fked up?

    haha. Nice try, crazy.


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