• Scrabble sues Scrabulous. Why not buy them?
  • Facebook opening the architecture for others to take advantage of it’s system.
  • Google activates KNOL, its Wikipedia clone.
  • The Northern Lights are actually explosions.
  • Intel gets serious about SOC – systems on a chip – AGAIN.
  • Sony modernizes its e-book reader. Alien formats now work.
  • Yahoo announced a rollout of Zimbra e-mail consolidation software.
  • Spammer walks out of jail and is now an escaped convict.

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  1. MotaMan says:

    I knew those spammer were just pure evil!


    “Just four days after escaping a federal minimum-security work camp, “Spam King” Eddie Davidson shot his wife and child and wounded a teen-age girl before turning the gun on himself.”

  2. hhopper says:

    I’ve had a Sony reader since they were first released. They work great but… the price of the books on the Sony site is ridiculous. You can buy hardback editions cheaper. I dumped my Sony and bought a Kindle. I have not payed more than $9.99 for any book since.

  3. Charbax says:

    Spam King killed child, wife and himself. Well done USA.

    The US has got insanely high prison rates, in fact the US has about 20 times more % of their population in prison then any other civilized European country.

    That is the US mentality of putting poor people in jail cause they are a disturbance to their gated communities. And then US people not willing to pay for a decent prison system, with prisoners sleeping by the hundreds in bunk beds in big halls as if they were animals.

    In Switzerland, you don’t get penalized for escaping prison. It is in fact determined that it is 100% natural for any person in prison to attempt to escape. But in the US, if you manage to escape prison, even if you were in a minimum security prison, the first thing that happens is the FBI and every heavy armed police is after you with shotguns, you are to have your prison sentence prolonged and you are basically threatened to be put in higher security incarceration. Which basically pushes any escpae convict to do more and more desperate things such as hold hostages, take arms, and basically go crazy under huge pressure and can commit any amount of insane violence which you only see in the USA, which nearly never happen in any other civilized country in the world.

    Not only is the USA society totally unfair, with tens of millions of people living in extreme poverty, the reasons for the oppressed to feel a sense of revolt is extreme. And if Obama doesn’t fix this, the chaos in the streets of the USA is only going to get worse.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Don’t you just love how they cuddle the socalled white collar criminals? “Oh we don’t take your crime too seriously, so please stay at our nice little camp and don’t leave.” Apparently they completely misjudged the mental stability of this guy. Couldn’t they have started with a regular security prison, at first. And then moved him to minimum, after he proved to be trustworthy? I’m quessing they’re not going to lose any sleep over having let this nutjob kill some people. Business as usual, slapping more of them on the wrist.

  5. QB says:

    Meanwhile in the tech world: http://tinyurl.com/66bssr

  6. Improbus says:

    Gee, I thought the Northern Lights where caused by the solar wind (ionized particles) following Earths magnetic field lines. John, where did you read that the Northern lights are caused by “explosions”?

  7. Improbus says:

    Thanks QB. This is the same phenomena that is responsible for solar flares, i.e., magnetic field line reconnection. Technically, I wouldn’t call that an “explosion”. YMMV.

  8. MarciopaJoe says:

    I guess we should send all our prisoners to Switzerland. Amazing what other people think of the USA, obviusly never have been here before.

    But seriously, is menal health any better there. The spam king should have been sent there.

  9. Charbax says:

    #3, other then the US being the first country ever to put a spammer in jail. The US carceral system had to take whatever weak spammer you could catch and put him in jail to make some examples, had you? You think putting people in jail and executing some by the death penalty detters crime, don’t you?

    You need to read the facts. prisons and the death penalty does not lower crime rates in any society, quite on the contrary. The more you put people in prisons, the more you threaten people with the death penalty, the more crime you are going to get in your society. It’s a very simple math based on sociological and psychological facts, but I guess you dumbass US voters are never going to accept that, are you.

    Guess this weak spammer was weaker then you thought, guess he collapsed and created atrocities under the pressure that prison is documented to make on the human mental condition. It is a fact that many weak cases get mentally broken by being locked in prisons and they sometimes never get better.

    There are Russian mafias sending out millions of times more spam then any of those example cases that the US prison system wants to punish. You perhaps don’t realize that the current spamming problem is international, and that it will not be fixed by any one country’s prison system all by itself. Or what, are you planning to put the whole Russian spam mafia in US prisons?

  10. deowll says:

    Give the spammer a triple Darwin award. You have to be something special to earn one of those.

    The sound of the podcast was okay.


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