I realize this isn’t news to the tin foil hats wearing set, but why doesn’t the government just come out and admit it?

Separated at birth?

Fear of backlash from fundamentalists who believe we are unique? When we say enemy combatants are renditioned to foreign countries do we really mean foreign planets where torture is a tad, um, different? When conservatives talk about putting up a wall to keep out illegal aliens, do they mean other than Latino’s? Answers Now!

Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up

Former NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell – a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission – has stunningly claimed aliens exist.

And he says extra-terrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions – but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades.

Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as ‘little people who look strange to us.’

He said supposedly real-life ET’s were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.

Chillingly, he claimed our technology is “not nearly as sophisticated” as theirs and “had they been hostile”, he warned “we would be been gone by now”.
In a statement, a spokesman said: “NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe.

‘Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.’

The phrase non denial denial comes to mind.

  1. it's just an expression says:

    If they are shakin’ hands with the Evil One we are doomed, right Obamaites?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Those damn extraterrestrial aliens !!! And I bet they are breeding faster than us too. And they all got criminal minds.

  3. RogerDucky says:

    Actually, the fundamentalists are the ones to watch for, since the Judaism/Christian/Islamic end times sure looks like an alien invasion to me.

  4. Malcolm says:

    Anyone who believes in aliens from another planet (galaxy?) simply doesn’t understand physics. While there is probably life on other planets thousands of light years away, what makes you think they’d travel for thousands of years to explore? This is assuming trave at close to the speed of light is possible – it’s not. AND, if such a thing were possible, once they saw the conditions on Earth, they’d hang a space sign that read “no intelligent life” as a warning to others and move on!
    Utter nonsense.

  5. MikeN says:

    Maybe the technology is more advanced, so they are able to make the journey.

    ‘NASA doesn’t track UFOs.’ means nothing, since here they are accused of following an IDENTIFED flying object!

  6. MikeN says:

    This reminds me of an Entertainment Weekly issue on the XFiles, and so many of the crew said they had been kidnapped by aliens.

  7. TomB says:

    It would be interesting to see what the fundies would say if an alien showed up and said, “I’ve been traveling for over 8,000 of your years to get here.”

    “But . . . but . . . that means your clock is wrong because the universe isn’t that old!”

  8. TVAddict says:

    Theoretically we may not have to “travel” at the speed of light to cover any given distance. Folding space would allow travel to be nearly instantaneous. Of course it’s theoretical and requires massive amounts of energy that we have not tamed. Who’s to say that a sufficiently advanced race could not perform such a task? UFOs could be real but then again why the hell would they come to this corner of a universe that is unimaginably huge.

  9. Balbas says:

    Why does the US gov’t still cover up exotic aircraft technology with this tired-worn nonsense of grey-skinned space aliens in rotating disc spacecraft who don’t like nuclear power and cut out cow tongues and subject us to S&M sexual experiments?

  10. gquaglia says:

    Chillingly, he claimed our technology is “not nearly as sophisticated” as theirs

    No shit. We don’t even have a space craft that can leave low Earth orbit and the one in development will surely be canned once Obama gets into office.

  11. Simple Minds says:

    You DO understand that we don’t know what their technology would be? Someone from 1450 would simply NOT believe in a 747 or Apollo craft for that matter. Magic and witchcraft would be the answer. To say we know EVERYTHING and nothing is possible unless we can do it? Hmmm. A physical object can’t accelerate through standard space-time past the speed of light. If you understand physics, that has little to do with long distance travel. That’s a very specific issue about mass, acceleration and energy and doesn’t limit the concept of ‘travel’. Obviously (if we survive) in 5000 years we won’t use “rockets” to travel in space. Can you even IMAGINE our tech in 5000 years? Good god! We went from the Wright Brothers to traveling to the moon in 66 f**king years. Do you think our tech in 5000 (or 100,000 or a million) years won’t be vastly different?

    The folks who say it’s simply not possible for race thousands/millions of years more advanced to have a technology we don’t have or can’t imagine is just stupid.

  12. gquaglia says:

    If Dr Mitchell suddenly dies of natural causes in the next few weeks, you will know he was telling the truth.

  13. Breetai says:

    I’ve always found it silly that the so called aliens have a humanoid shape. For that reason alone IF they do exist they’re not aliens. They’d have to be us. Maybe our time traveling future descendants or something along those lines looking back at us like we do the chimpanzee.

  14. Let’s hope that if there are aliens out there, that they don’t listen to our scientists who insist that they shouldn’t bother looking for ways to travel big distances now that the humans have discovered it’s impossible.

    As for the fundamentalists; fuggettabootit. It’s the atheistic governments and scientists which want to be the supreme authorities in everything we proles get up to who will be the problem.

    Just imagine it, if aliens were to be acknowledged to have visited us, all our scientists would look like a bunch of pussies compared to the superior technologies of the ‘visitors’. Suddenly, sticking a human ear onto the back of a mouse would seem a bit like a cheap trick.

    And don’t give me all that crap about how we would benefit from alien technologies because the first thing that would happen is there’d be war. War? Because one country would have something another country doesn’t and another superpower would start saying “share it with us or we’ll kick your ass” and the first country will say “bring it on! We got ourselves some laser blasters and we want to try them out!”. Of course, someone will inevitably say that God wants us to blow up the aliens with crucifixes but good luck to them – I’ve read War Of The Worlds.

    If not war, then patents. The technology wouldn’t benefit the common man until the big companies had sorted out patents for the new sciences. Cure for HIV? Sorry dudes, we had to pay these aliens thirteen thousand human specimens to get this shit. You gonna have to pay for it with your liver.

    That’s assuming the aliens are nice and don’t want to blow us up or stick probes up our asses.

    And you think that the biggest problem in this discussion is fundamentalists? Sheesh, someone needs to recallibrate their sensors.

  15. ZZ says:

    “Anyone who believes in aliens from another planet (galaxy?) simply doesn’t understand physics. While there is probably life on other planets thousands of light years away, what makes you think they’d travel for thousands of years to explore? ”

    My physics professor put it this way: “So little we know about physics we can’t even explain how the UFOs are moving.”

    Erik The Bruce said: It’s surprising to hear Edgar Mitchell say these things considering his, supposed, grasp of Aerospace knowledge. He said it was “Undeniable”. Where is his evidence?

    Well, the evidence is everywhere, you could even do a little experiment and shoot some infrared video of the sky with a camcorder.

    I think this is the reason why some influental people are coming out of their closets. More and more people are pointing their HD camcorders on the sky. Sooner or later there will be people with same kind of footage that NASA has from their space missions. Would it be nice if you had already saved your butt, from trying to hide the truth.

  16. Ron Larson says:

    Dvorak is right. All this UFO crap in the news, such as this blog post, is because of the marketing machine behind the new Xfiles flix. Government, UFOs, Secrets. All the elements of the movie are here in this “news”.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    Is it just a HUGE coincidence that the new X-Files movie is comming out, NOW?! I seriously doubt it. Yep, Mitchell is shilling for 20th Century Fox. Probably getting a little bonus in the mail for that. It can’t hurt his rep at 77. He can always claim early senility after the movie runs its course. Or maybe he’s got a book deal in the works. Ya know, the year that all that BS about Roswell first came out, was the same year of the first Superman movie (1978). And just like superman’s cape, the so-called ufo evidence (fabric) couldn’t be cut or burned. But obviously it could be torn apart by a crash! Yeah, weather balloon material can be like that. The Roswell town folk saw their chance to boost tourism, after seeing the movie, and ran with it. Inspite of all those supposed threats to their life to keep quiet. Apparently they all got braver in their old age. Or was it poorer? Just like Mitchell, I suspect. You can’t be part of some coverup for decades, and then when your finances are stretched, recant and go public. It’s not credible. If Mitchell knows something, then hundreds (maybe thousands) of other NASA employees would know it too. Are all of them keeping this a huge secret, out of loyality? Cause I doubt they’re being paid to keep quiet.

    Believe me, if NASA had any such evidence of alien life, they wouldn’t cover it up. You couldn’t shut them up talking about it. They went bananas about that Mars rock, they had sitting on a shelf, that they rushed to press about showing a sign of life. Completely bypassing scientific review. VERY bad and unprofessional science. Critics have since refuted it. NASA never apologized. I can’t see them sitting on visiting aliens with that kind of publicity seeking record. Mitchell has either sold out to a movie publicist, getting ready to sell a book, or has just plain lost his noodles. How is he the only one to talk in decades?

  18. Tenkey says:

    Why to the Aliens always come to the United States? I mean 6 decades of cover-up? Why not try Cuba or North Korea – or is this a massive conspiracy where all of the governments all over the world have put aside their grievances to keep the world from knowing that ET did, in fact, phone home?!

  19. McCullough says:

    #18. Glenn E. – you really need to do some homework. Mitchell has been talking about this for many many years. And he’s not alone, another example is Gordon Cooper, and others. Cripes man, Google something, before you rant.

  20. gunny says:

    If the aliens are technologically advanced enough to make the trip here, how come every picture of them shows ’em nekkid?

    C’mon, E.T.! Put some pants on, for gods sake!

  21. Mike says:

    Instantaneous travel over large distances is certainly possible. We have learned to think in finite terms, but the reality is that we live in the infinite with infinite possibilities.

    Furthermore, just because other beings appear mentally smarter than us does not equate to them having our best interest in mind, and promising advances technology is a sure way to manipulate an otherwise googly eyed race.

    If you look into this stuff you will find that the big headed, large eyed beings are referred to as Zetas, and there are many species. And while they are very mentally capable they lack emotional strength and intuition, and can be ruthless in attaining what they desire.

    But don’t get me wrong there are some Zetas who are more emotionally, and spiritually, oriented who are quite friendly and warm. If you ever meet any you’ve got to go on what you feel, no matter what they say or show you.

  22. hhopper says:

    Wormholes and other dimensions of existence… just sayin’.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    “but why doesn’t the government just come out and admit it?”

    I will tell you. For those not old enough or well read, it won’t mean much. I will give a brief preface. I won’t give quotes or links, I don’t care if you believe this info or that it is the basis for the long standing gov’t policy. No, I won’t tell you where I got the data from.

    Preface: Governments can’t govern when they can’t control their population.

    Orwell radio broadcast.

  24. Jim Reed says:

    There should be no apostrophe in “ET’s”.

  25. B. Dog says:

    Well, one way or another, they’d better learn to dance. Whether it’s because they’re happy or because there’s Texans shooting at their alien feet doesn’t much matter to me.

  26. BigCarbonFoot says:

    I’ve had some questions about Obama for a while. This makes it clear. The ETs have tired of running our Presidents like puppets and have decided to run one of their own for President directly. It all makes sense now.

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Why Earth??? Like it or not, our lovely hunk of rock is the entertainment capital of the galaxy, where aliens on vacation come to observe all sorts of freaks and other assorted oddities.

    Alien vacation planners always recommend visiting rural southern U.S. locales to their clients who don’t have a lot of time to waste touring the entire planet. Something about Southern rednecks just cracks them up. I suspect that one of the visitors got hold of a Jeff Foxworthy CD at some point and took it back to their home planet. Alien fascination with the “redneck” variety of life has eclipsed interest in nearly every other life form ever since.

    Damn you, Jeff Foxworthy!

  28. TVAddict says:

    Thanks Gary that explains everything.

  29. Peter iNova says:

    You have to look beyond today’s story to get a bead on Edgar Mitchell. This is not a case of some trusty hero like Neil Armstrong suddenly revealing that he is in touch with proven emissaries from Altair 4, then whipping out a light saber and splitting the lectern effortlessly, as proof.

    From Wikipedia:

    “Mitchell says that a teenage remote healer who lives in Vancouver and uses the pseudonym Adam Dreamhealer, helped heal him of kidney cancer at a distance. Mitchell said that while he never had a biopsy (the definitive test for cancer), “I had a sonogram and MRI that was consistent with renal carcinoma.” Adam worked (distantly) on Mitchell from December of 2003 until June of 2004, when the “irregularity was gone and we haven’t seen it since.”[4]”

    There is more. I’ll spare you.

  30. lunartick says:

    All US astronauts that walked on the moon end
    up a tad “off”. It’s the strange events of there lives. They walk on another freaking world and feel like Columbus. Then they come
    home and hear “Honey did you take out the garbage?…. The cat went all over the carpet… Does this make me look fat? …
    on and on and on………..


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