Explaining the current economic downturn to a closed-door fundraiser last week, President Bush said, “Wall Street got drunk.” “There’s no question about it,” Bush said. “Wall Street got drunk, that’s one of the reasons I asked you to turn off the TV cameras. It got drunk and now it’s got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments.” Bush made the remark at a closed-door fundraiser for Republican Pete Olson, who is challenging Rep. Nick Lampson (D-Texas). No cameras were allowed in the fundraiser, but an ABC affiliate in Houston acquired the video and posted it on its YouTube page Tuesday.

Last week, Bush indicated that he fears YouTube moments such as this making it to the web. After asking a room of 400 supporters gathered for a fundraiser in Tucson, Arizona to turn off any recording devices, Bush said, “I don’t know a lot about technology, but I do know about YouTube.”

Hah Hah! I am so happy to see our Comedian in Chief having a good laugh at our expense.

  1. Maddog says:

    Come on now what else are you going to do but laugh at the financial situation in the US…..

  2. Stephanie says:

    Damn! I gotta move now. Next county over is too close for me!

  3. Malcolm says:

    Has there ever been a bigger boob in the White House? It has gone way beyond embarassment. It will take decades to recover from the damage this asshole has done to every segment of our lives.

  4. bobbo says:

    It is interesting what this bit of unscripted Bush shows. He sees the world as a recovering alcholic does. He thinks there are “fancy financial instruments” showing a complete lack of understanding of our economy.

    He should be put to sleep.

  5. alex says:

    Can he be any more disconnected from reality? George must be afflicted by some form of personality disorder….seriously. I also wonder about the mental state of the people in the audience who apparently found his banter worthy of a few laughs. I think Bush is like Michael Jackson in many ways…living in his own world…with the cognitive faculties of an elementary school child. I really pity the guy.

    And yes, he should be put to sleep.

  6. lucidologist says:

    I will miss him when he’s gone.

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    what a maroon

  8. Self Appointed Genius says:

    Why are we bothered by this? It’s the smartest, most coherent, accurate statement he’s ever made.

  9. JimD says:

    Wall Street was NOT DRUNK, but very sober ! They were just engaged in STEALING IN ALL DIRECTIONS !!! With the Fed’s practically free Money Maching, they set up borrowers they knew would fail, then packaged baskets of mortgages to sell off to European Banks , and then TAKING THE MONEY AND RUNNING !!! It was just a case of BANK ROBBERY BY FRAUD !!! Let’s have some FINE REPUBLICAN ***LAW AND ORDER*** AND PUT THEM IN THE SLAMMER !!! Oh, but the Republicans set this all up through their deregulation of the Financial Sector and the Fed’s free money policy !!!

  10. bobbo says:

    #10–JimD==that captures more of the truth==but maybe more about the Repuglican Party than Bushies personal faults.

    Its been said all too often. The republicans run for office by saying the government doesn’t work, then get into office and prove it.

    I just wish there was some party that offered an alternative.

  11. hhopper says:

    Bush now looks exactly like the comedians who imitate him. Pretty sad.

  12. lou says:

    Some pres got drunk and invaded Iraq.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Hopper,

    Ah yes, life imitating art.

    I always like to leave these things to the experts. And who is a bigger expert about being drunk than this idiot.


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