Greece’s holiest pilgrimage site on the Aegean island of Tinos has launched an email service allowing those too poor or sick to visit in person to have their prayers read to its icon of the Virgin Mary

“Those of you who are not in a position to visit the holy island of Tinos and pray to the icon, can write to us via email and we are happy to send you (free of charge) a blessing (an icon of the Virgin Mary, holy water etc),” the church said on its Web site.

“You can communicate with us by email sending your heart-felt prayer to the Virgin Mary and we will read the names in front of the icon,” the Web site said.

Then, you get the spam…

  1. Mister Ketchup says:

    Prayers are so handy. I rank them right up there with throwing money in a wishing well.

  2. Balbas says:

    Here’s a place you can put a prayer into the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem:

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    #2 – Great, now they are encouraging littering.

  4. hhopper says:

    I was at the Wailing Wall once.

    I was disappointed.

    No one was wailing.


  5. Personality says:

    “Then, you get the spam…”

    For a limited time… Act now! Send us $19.95 and get 3 prayers answered for the price on one!

    Ain’t the offering plates a bitch?

  6. deowll says:

    You know I could have sworn I read somewhere that Christians aren’t supposed to pray to icons…er, worship graven images.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Deowll,

    That only applies to everyone else.

  8. lou says:

    Whats the guy doing in the pic ?
    Lookin for his brain.

  9. In the picture it shows a woman show goes on four legs all the way up to the church (which is often on tallest place of the city) showing like that her humility to the virgin Mary. You can not even imagine how many people do this in the 2 or 3 days of the ceremony. Rich, poor (many gypsies too), old, young just crawl and crawl… In the “last mile” there is a red carpet that makes crawling more comfortable for the old ones. The rich ones actually crawl just the carpet. If you are there you can have real fun by watching the strings from the girls who crawl…

    In fact this hole write me down some names and I will read them for you in the church is very popular and many people who go there carry huge lists of random names that are read by the priests to get the god’s blessing. It’s the kind of thing you go once and you just never go back.


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