Right here people. This is what it’s like. If you think loneliness is bad, this is what they turn into.

And now she’s available again. This is Tricia Walsh. The famous YouTube divorce woman. They wonder why we men don’t want to get married. Maybe it’s because they are more interested in what they get when we die?

Here’s some more! Reminds me of my X. This is video #2.

And this is the 3rd video. But today he’s free @ last!

Some people think she married him for his money. What do you think?

  1. admfubar says:

    uhm lets see … she is a nut job……………..
    what did this guy see in her???

  2. bobbo says:

    I’d be pissed too if I were her (from what she has said). Imagine being dumped by this guy:


    I still have to give the edge to a good looking babe who is complaining she doesn’t get enough sex. I wish her a happy future.

  3. Peter iNova says:

    You don’t have to be a guy to be a dick.

  4. Jim says:

    Time for Tricia to do a Playboy photo shoot.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow! She’s really is a nutjob.

    It took him 9 years to get away from her, and a $750,000 payment. That means she got $83,333 per year to warm his bed. Apparently something she didn’t do so well…

    In cases like this, I always say it’s better to rent than to own!

  6. Brian says:

    One of the first things she said in the first video was he was 25 years older than she was. She obviously married him for his money, he got what he wanted (a good looking trophy wife), then he dumped her without paying her a cent. Good for him.

  7. Dr. Dreidel featuring Ho-Lip Tex says:

    Bitches ain’t shit but hos and tricks
    Lick on deez nuts and suck the dick.
    Gets the fuck out after you’re done
    then I hops in my ride to make a quick run.

    (I prefer the Ben Folds cover, but the original Dr. Dre version is also quite good)

    [Rap has such clever, intelligent lyrics. – ed.]

  8. CountSmackula says:

    She reminds me of my 1st ex-wife.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Dr,

    Did your mother have any kids that lived?

  10. Hmeyers says:

    I love to read/hear stories of idiot rich men who marry someone beautiful for a trophy wife.

    It’s funnier than seeing some rich guy [often ugly] driving a fancy car and thinking he’s cool in it.

    Life’s irony is most people want to be rich, but being rich is a major pain in the ass and doesn’t make the food better, movies more enjoyable or people like you more and managing all that cash and the assets is like a job in itself.

  11. comhcinc says:

    i just got married last week. lucky for me i am completely broke. right?

  12. igor says:

    already been posted here

  13. lou says:

    She reminds me of a shinny car I bought when I was younger.Then I looked under the hood and found out I got a lemmon.

  14. jlm says:

    crazy eyes

    – ed.

  15. “helptws@hotmail.com”? Jeez. You’d think she could at least spring for a domain name.

    I imagine “Trissher” would get a lot more donations if she did the videos in Playmate Mode.

    And $750,000 to lose that looney-tune? A bargain at twice the price.

  16. blah says:

    So they are both idiots.

    [Bingo! – ed.]

  17. The Outlaw says:

    I think she might be angry. Just needs a little stank on the hangdown.

    @Mr. Fusion, I’ll bet they regret that. She’s so ugly she could be a modern art masterpiece.

  18. Personality says:

    There are some normal women out there, who had somewhat normal childhoods. But they are few and far between.

  19. Dr Dodd says:

    Don’t you just love the smell of angry shrew in the morning. You know that bitter self-serving odor that smells like nothing else in the world.

    It smells like vengeance.

  20. BubbaRay says:

    Proof that if it flies, floats or f*cks, lease it.

  21. drwh0 says:

    Never had sex? That’s grounds for an annulment not a divorce. If the marriage was not consummated, then it is not legally completed.

  22. Dugzor says:

    Wow, she’s quite the nutbar.

  23. dejavuyou says:

    I’m just glad they didn’t spawn any kids.

  24. Winston says:

    > uhm lets see … she is a nut job
    > what did this guy see in her???

    Various gonadal attractors overpowered cognitive center?

  25. Thinker says:

    Can you say trophy????

  26. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Saw 5 sec of the video and I divorced her.

  27. hhopper says:

    The moral to this story is:

    If you want to get married, don’t marry a money-grubbing asshole.

    (I’ve been married 40 years and don’t have any complaints.)

  28. BubbaRay says:

    Hop and I were born married.

  29. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    Unfortunately, irony doesn’t carry well over the internet. The song that I quoted from is actually about a man (Eric Wright, AKA Easy E). You see, rap can be much more clever than a lot of people give it credit for 🙂

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28 & 29, Hop & Bubba,

    There is nothing wrong with being married. I figure if it was good enough for my parents, it should be good enough for me.


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