The mans pet cat.

Jul 22nd, 2008 | PROVIDENCE, R.I. — State Police arrested a man early Tuesday whose blood alcohol level allegedly was .491 — more than six times the legal limit — which they believe is the highest ever recorded in Rhode Island for someone who wasn’t dead. Stanley Kobierowski, 34, of North Providence, was arrested after he drove into a highway message board on Interstate 95 in Providence, Maj. Steven O’Donnell said. After police arrived, Kobierowski had trouble getting out of the car, then grabbed it and refused to move, forcing troopers to carry him to the breakdown lane before taking him back to their barracks, O’Donnell said.

A Breathalyzer test showed Kobierowski had blood alcohol readings of .489 followed by .491, O’Donnell said, the highest readings anyone at the State Police or the Department of Health could remember for someone who didn’t end up dead. The legal limit in Rhode Island is .08. A blood alcohol of .3 is classified as “stupor,” .4 is “comatose” and .5 is considered fatal, according to the health department.

Then Captain Obvious said:

“Our only assumption could be that the person has a serious alcohol problem,” O’Donnell said.

  1. jralls says:

    It’s not “80 proof”. Yeah, it says .491, but it’s really .491% (.00491). If the veins were full of pure whisky, there wouldn’t be any room for blood!
    (And he’d be dead…)

  2. lou says:

    I think he would have made it home at 3.0.
    A seasoned veteran.

  3. MotaMan says:

    Prolly didn’t even have a hangover the next day.

  4. sean says:

    McCullough must not drink much. That’s a high BAC but barely newsworthy, and definitely misleading to say “80 proof”… How about “.08 proof”? Even I would drink that and I’m a lightweight.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    It’s not popular but I would oppose going any lower than 0.08% blood alcohol for driving.

    Are people really a danger at 0.08? I’d like to see a statistic of how many accidents are caused by people at 0.081.

    OK — I’ll check…

    Most DWI are caused by people .2 or higher.

    So isn’t catching the 0.081’ers just clogging up the system?’

    BTW: I am very careful and never even have come close to risking a DUI. Fortunately for me, my wife is happy to be a designated driver. In the UAE, there was a ZERO level for DUIs!

  6. Moose says:

    Having lived in RI for 16 years, I have to ask: Was he a lawyer?

  7. Moose says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  8. ChrisMac says:

    I predict that his lawyers children will have a good Christmas.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    This must be the guy on the advertising poster who proclaims, “Beer! It’s not just for breakfast anymore!”

    Seriously, I’m surprised he survived. .08 is bad enough just walking. 5x that leaves college kids in the morgue.

  10. Chris Mac says:

    Now that we have all the facts…

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    The highest recorded level was 0.914. Apparently he was a pedestrian who was treated “after a car knocked him off his feet”.

    He was conscious the whole time.

  12. sierra_papa says:

    4.9 per mill? Piece of cake.
    Polish national record (lethal)is 15.9. The strongest survivor had 14,8.
    Source: (in polish).

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I say badges and free cars for all the winners!!

    [Badges? We don’t need no steenkin’ badges! – ed.]

  14. yarrburger says:

    Bait and switch! Come on Mac, that is a bad headline there. I am sure that you understand that one degree of proof is equal to two degrees of percent, hence, o.491%(read as four hundred ninety one thousandths of one percent)is equal to 0.2455 proof.
    Please correct the headline, and while you’re at it, can you lose the cat picture too? Eddie Davidson looks like a drunk puss, maybe use his picture.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, yarr,

    The picture is to entice James Hill to make an appearance.

  16. lou says:

    Could be the new spokesperson for Bud.

  17. idrinktherforeiam says:

    He may not have been that drunk. There is an
    old trick, that is said to beat the breath test. If you belch or burp while blowing in
    the tube your reading is so high it MIGHT
    get thrown out by a judge as an error.

  18. kevinsmith2050 says:


    i would like to get in that circle..

    kevin Smith


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