The audacity of ego – The Boston Globe — I guess I was wrong about the kid gloves.

Something has triggered the media. Here is an interesting editorial from the liberal biased Boston Globe.

Perhaps it’s a message to the Obama camp to back off on his dourness a bit! Meanwhile Obama wants no satire? What would he be like if he was President? Could he mandate it?

JUST LIKE the Obama girl, Obama has a crush on Obama

Barack Obama always was a larger-than-life candidate with a healthy ego. Now he’s turning into the A-Rod of politics. It’s all about him.

He’s giving his opponent something other than issues to attack him on: narcissism.

A convention hall isn’t good enough for the presumptive Democratic nominee. He plans to deliver his acceptance speech in the 75,000 seat stadium where the Denver Broncos play. Before a vote is cast, he’s embarking on a foreign policy tour that will use cheering Europeans – and America’s top news anchors – as extras in his campaign. What do you expect from a candidate who already auditioned a quasi-presidential seal with the Latin inscription, “Vero possumus” – “Yes, we can”?

Obama finds criticism of his wife “infuriating” and doesn’t want either of them to be the target of satire. Tell that to the Carters, the Reagans, the Clintons, and the Bushes, father and son.

There’s no such thing as a humble politician. But when Obama looks into the mirror, he doesn’t just see a president; he sees JFK.

He is also attacked by the Indy Star in an opinion piece here with a similar theme.

So soaring has been Obama’s rhetoric and so dazzling his smile that we’ve missed the possibility that the Illinois senator is less the lanky rock star and more the purse-lipped church lady, clucking his tongue in disapproval of the chuckling masses.

  1. Lewis Perdue says:

    “how does reminding everyone that McCain is a war hero who endured torture not a positive reference?”

    The point is to figure out which politician has a thicker skin when cartoonists skewer them.

    Two cartoons. Two politicians. Two pieces of satire. One howls and one’s calm.

  2. RickM says:

    Lewis – McCain certainly didn’t like the cartoons of his mistress and his lobbyist/campaign managers.

    He revels in anything that talks about his time as a POW. He’s beginning to use POW like Guliani (SP?) used 9/11. I suspect that he also, has nothing else to say.

  3. bobbo says:

    #36–perdue==what #37 says. My post was to the point that the cartoon you showed was NOT a “skewer.”

    I suppose idiot thoughts are easier to hide in cartoons. Its a picture and very subject to interpretation. If you don’t like it, then you are dumb or just don’t get it.

    but add a few words, and it becomes clear that indeed, you don’t really know whats going on.

    To restate for emphasis, regarding that McCain cartoon, wouldn’t a fair reading of it be that McCain is a tortured war hero and his tormentors are the ones being criticized?

    Hence the weakness of cartoons. Too ambiguous, people can read into them what they wish and refuse to see what they don’t wish. Thus revealing the beauty and power of the written word.

  4. MikeN says:

    WIth all the comparisons to Jimmy Carter or JFK, it appears he is most similar to Dan Quayle or George W Bush!

    It is always a bad idea to say never or always.
    I’ve been to 57 states.
    Israel will always be a friend of Israel.
    I will be meeting with these people for maybe the next 8-10 years.

  5. bobbo says:

    #39–Mike==all 4 statements could be correct, or slips of the tongue.

    You know, if you keep saying that Obama’s public speaking is most similar to Bush, you might be quite similar to Bush yourself, you know==as in retarded?

    I like the fact that Obama took back the responsibility of being CIC instead of giving it away to the Generals as only a Chicken Hawk cowardly politicians would do, did do, ie Bush did it. I didn’t see any teleprompters around. Did that erroneous phrase fall off the talking points.

    Funny==McCain cornered/forced Obama into going to Iraq and all the Pundits said it was a no win situation for Obama. HaH! Its a big win.

    Course with all the adulation, we can expect another vacuous round of opinions on Obama’s god complex.


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