The audacity of ego – The Boston Globe — I guess I was wrong about the kid gloves.

Something has triggered the media. Here is an interesting editorial from the liberal biased Boston Globe.

Perhaps it’s a message to the Obama camp to back off on his dourness a bit! Meanwhile Obama wants no satire? What would he be like if he was President? Could he mandate it?

JUST LIKE the Obama girl, Obama has a crush on Obama

Barack Obama always was a larger-than-life candidate with a healthy ego. Now he’s turning into the A-Rod of politics. It’s all about him.

He’s giving his opponent something other than issues to attack him on: narcissism.

A convention hall isn’t good enough for the presumptive Democratic nominee. He plans to deliver his acceptance speech in the 75,000 seat stadium where the Denver Broncos play. Before a vote is cast, he’s embarking on a foreign policy tour that will use cheering Europeans – and America’s top news anchors – as extras in his campaign. What do you expect from a candidate who already auditioned a quasi-presidential seal with the Latin inscription, “Vero possumus” – “Yes, we can”?

Obama finds criticism of his wife “infuriating” and doesn’t want either of them to be the target of satire. Tell that to the Carters, the Reagans, the Clintons, and the Bushes, father and son.

There’s no such thing as a humble politician. But when Obama looks into the mirror, he doesn’t just see a president; he sees JFK.

He is also attacked by the Indy Star in an opinion piece here with a similar theme.

So soaring has been Obama’s rhetoric and so dazzling his smile that we’ve missed the possibility that the Illinois senator is less the lanky rock star and more the purse-lipped church lady, clucking his tongue in disapproval of the chuckling masses.

  1. Improbus says:

    Wow, SNL might be worth watching this next season just to see them lampoon his pomposity. I will still be voting for him (lesser of two evils) but he really needs to hang out with Bill and smoke some weed. The Big O is wound up a little to tight.

  2. bobbo says:

    “As a student of journalism” I’d think you’d recognize a completely fabricated story line?

    In essence, Obama is being criticized for acting JUST LIKE every other politician. Read it again, thats what it says.

    Now to avoid this approach, I guess when all estimates are that 100,000 people will want to be at your nomination, you should arrange space for 15,000? Is that humble, or plain stupid?

    No, what we have here AGAIN AND AGAIN, is the media not covering the news at all but rather making up their own news, their own slant, showing how “clever” they can be. Its like movie reviews on Wednesday==can hardly find anything about the movie, all you get is “attitude” from the oh so clever reviewer who’s main interest is wanting you to know how many books he’s read.


  3. Noam Sane says:

    “Obama finds criticism of his wife “infuriating” and doesn’t want either of them to be the target of satire.”

    Depending on the ferocity, you probably wouldn’t like it either. The Bush dead-ender 25-percenters are a nasty bunch, especially as their brand of knucklehead conservatism swirls the drain.

    That said, the fact that he says he doesn’t like it means squat. He’s a politician like any politician, and he’s going to get hammered. But he’s free to say he doesn’t like it – right?

    Maybe you should photoshop him!

  4. haydenb says:

    I’m becoming disinclined to keep reading this blog with all the Obama bashing that I feel is about to start. It’s annoying enough that you guys are always ripping on Bush, and I don’t even like him. Now it just seems like you’re posting obviously biased drivel in order to ‘excite’ people.

    Bobbo got it right on the spot.

  5. gquaglia says:

    I’m sorry, but this guy is a complete douchebag.

  6. Bobbo..these were links to editorials/opinions, not news stories. You Do know the difference don’t you? You seem to be some sort of expert on journalism by the sounds of it. I’m surprised you didn’t notice the words “OPINION.”

    And as for Haydenb… we bash Bush, we bash McCain, we bash Obama, we bash this, we bash that. Gosh. Have you spotted a trend? And you are disenchanted?

    Seems to have taken a while.

  7. Brons says:

    Here’s the thing. You’ve got a nice splashy headline. But all it is is a quote from an Op Ed commentary by someone who doesn’t like Obama. Just a lot of hot air. No evidence that Obama believes what he is accused of, just, well basically name calling.

    It’s a reasonable tactic for getting a fight started in the school yard during recess, but does it actually help the national dialog.

    I am disheartened. I find my self visiting here less and less often, and being disappointed almost every time taht I do.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #5 “I’m becoming disinclined to keep reading this blog with all the Obama bashing that I feel is about to start.”

    I’ve NEVER seen you complain before about bashing other people. Why so sensitive about bashing Omama?

  9. Dave W says:

    We have an old saying here in the USA: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

    That said, I understand that JFK was amused by the comedy album “First Family”. Of course it was not a particularly mean spirited satire.

    Heck, I don’t usually like being mocked or having my faults pointed out. But later after some time has passed, I usually figure out that it was justified. :).

    Anyway, what Mr. Obama wants and what he gets are very likely to be two different things. You can’t always get what you want….take it Mick.
    The thing is that after 8 years of Bush, satire has lost its luster. The real thing, the cast of characters, situations, audacity, was so unbelievable that satire was nearly unnecessary.

    I hope that Obama is not as pompous as the articles make him appear. I will most likely vote for him. I usually vote Libertarian, but am not amused by the LP’s use of “born again Republicans” like Barr, and I actually like Obama, and most importantly he is not that nut job McCain.

    I suspect that he (and Michelle) will get properly put in their places after a couple of weeks at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., realizing that it can’t be stopped, so you might as well either ignore or enjoy it.

  10. eyeofthetiger says:

    It seems every time I turn on talk radio there is a satire song about how Obama thinks he knows how to solve all the worlds problems or that his campaign is void of any real agenda. I miss the days when pundits had to carry water for the war machine. Also, lately it seems the only way McCain can stand as president is to be in front of Romney holding on to a belt loop on his special pants.

  11. Rich says:

    Someone that vain should not have ears like a rhesus monkey.

  12. bobbo says:

    #7–JCD==yes, of course its an opinion piece, and its totally fabricated by attitude and not by facts or telling us about the candidate. Just like a movie review, another opinion piece that is all too much about the author’s style, substance and hubris rather and actually void in substance on the actual issue under review.

    I could go thru the article line by line, but that would be tedious. As I do here sometimes on similarly vacuous postings, I could rewrite the article to make it say Obama is humble. Like Mr Potato Face, you just change the elements anyway you like because there is no substance, just a potato.

    You were right though, this article takes the gloves off. Imagine a liberal paper taking supporting evidence from what Mr. Limbaugh says?

    I’m not a journalism expert of any kind. I only have an abiding interest in words, what they mean, the psychology of them. Almost an “anti-journalism” interest?

    As I posted 1-2 days ago==just more inconsequential crap media “coverage” of politics. Personality drek. But YOU played into it keeping the ball rolling. Do you see that, is that what you intended to do?

    Not a big deal one way or the other, just my opinion.

  13. snoitpo says:

    At some level Sen. Obama is the Jackie Robinson of this generation. I have friends who know Sen. Obama, and they say he is quite a funny guy in private. Maybe we’ll glimpse that side of him if he gets elected to president.

    Whatever we see of Jackie Robinson today, in his day he was subject to racial slurs and threats every day of his career. And every day Mr. Robinson carried himself above the taunts and scares that he experienced and focused on playing baseball. I suspect Sen. Obama is going through a lot of the same, and we don’t see him being distracted from the message he is trying to deliver: it is possible for a black man to become president.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #16 What message IS he trying to deliver? Change is out the window (see his recent actions).

  15. bobbo says:

    #17–Paddy==change is out the window. So right you are. But you are being so very subtle. Do you want change or just more Bush? If more Bush, does that mean you are going to vote for Obama or for McCain?


  16. jbenson2 says:

    Consider Obama and McCain: One received an Ivy League education as a young man. The other spent years of his youth in a Vietnam Prisoner of War camp and suffered lifelong injuries. Guess which one whines more about his hardships?

    Barack Obama is many things — an inexperienced senator and a smooth talker (if a teleprompter is used). But he, along with his wife, are whiners. Obama whines about “white man’s rules,” and how unjust things are right in his own memoir published just five years after leaving law school.

    Barack Obama won over the liberal base of the Democratic party because he mastered the art of complaining and won over the Whine Caucus. Today the Democratic party is dominated by groups claiming victim status — blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, unwed mothers, artists, pampered academics, environmental activists, the poor, the unemployed, animal rights activists, women, homosexuals.

    Barack Obama knows the language of victimhood has become a central tenant of modern liberalism. He uses it effectively.

    So as the general election ramps up, get used to more whining. Unfortunately, it’s an integral part of modern liberalism.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #18 “Do you want change or just more Bush?”

    No I don’t. That’s why Omama is out for me. He just helped pass a FISA bill that gives telco retro immunity. At least McCain didn’t vote for it.

    So, you going to vote for Omama and his “Change”?

  18. MikeN says:

    And the late night comics and Comedy Central have basically laid off Obama.

    From the Borowitz Report:

    Obama Releases List of Approved Jokes About Himself
    Bid to Help Late Night Comics

    Saying he is “sympathetic to late night comedians’ struggle to find jokes to make about me,” Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) today issued a list of official campaign-approved Barack Obama jokes.

    The five jokes, which Sen. Obama said he is making available to all comedians free of charge, are as follows:

    Barack Obama and a kangaroo pull up to a gas station. The gas station attendant takes one look at the kangaroo and says, “You know, we don’t get many kangaroos here.” Barack Obama replies, “At these prices, I’m not surprised. That’s why we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”

    A traveling salesman knocks on the door of a farmhouse, and much to his surprise, Barack Obama answers the door. The salesman says, “I was expecting the farmer’s daughter.” Barack Obama replies, “She’s not here. The farm was foreclosed on because of subprime loans that are making a mockery of the American Dream.”

    A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Why the long face?” Barack Obama replies, “His jockey just lost his health insurance, which should be the right of all Americans.”

    Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
    Barack Obama: The New Yorker magazine, which should be embarrassed after publishing such a tasteless and offensive cover, which I reject and denounce.

    A Christian, a Jew and Barack Obama are in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. Barack Obama says, “This joke isn’t going to work because there’s no Muslim in this boat.”

  19. bobbo says:

    #19–Dave===you say: “I’d like to vote for someone above the office of mayor who might actually get elected.” /// Thats not very libertarian of you, but it is stupid, so there may be a fit. Throwing your vote away to third party candidates too often get you the candidate most unlike your desired choice. No==you should vote for the candidate you most agree with (or least disagree with) who has A CHANCE of winning. Voting for who might win is letting everyone else in some poll do your decision making. I assume you actually mean to vote who you think is best, has a reasonable chance of willing, and that feeling will be nice?

    #21–Paddy==yes, its Obama for me. The least worse of two candidates. So, you are going to vote for McCain because he is less like Bush than is Obama because of the FISA vote? Imagine it all coming down to one issue? There must be other issues that overcome the most liberal voting record in Congress to make him so Bush like? What are they, in your mind? Just a slight difference in emphasis?

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #24 – As both Boosh & Omama are very dishonest I’d stay clear of both persons…

  21. Beonarri says:

    Didn’t the Clintons and Bushes want this for their families? I distinctly remember both wanting to keep the press away from the kids.

    Sheesh, nothing new here. Move along.

  22. Lewis Perdue says:

    “Obama is being criticized for acting JUST LIKE every other politician.”

    Well, not exactly.

    Rolling Stone runs a “McCain Being Tortured” cartoon … something that actually happened to him. And he takes it in stride. No whining, no ballistics.

    The whole story, including the ‘toons, is here:

  23. bobbo says:

    #27–Perdue==how does reminding everyone that McCain is a war hero who endured torture not a positive reference?

  24. MikeN says:

    Obama just said he will have to deal with Maliki for maybe the next 8-10 years! Where are all the usual suspects to complain about a creeping dictatorship? Especially when you throw in his vote for FISA reform, and his call for a civilian national security force, etc?

  25. n74jw says:

    Obama is running for the highest office in the land, and he expects every media outlet and critic to not take a shot at him. I would have hoped he had a thicker skin than that. If the critiques are infuriating, then perhaps he should stay in Chicago and do nothing.

    Obama is a politician, like all the rest. He is not for change, just out to get his name into the history books, that’s all.

  26. CZen says:

    From what I’ve seen, most of the people objecting to the satire of Obama have been the media and Liberals (Contrary to some peoples beliefs, the so call MSM is not all liberal.).

    The media to some degree have treated Obama as a saint. So with that I intro the new prayer to our savior from the current political system.

    In the name of Reverend Wright, Obama, and Steven Ayers we pray. Obama hear our prayers.

    Our Obama, who art in Washington,
    Hallowed by thy children.
    Thy Presidency come,
    Thy Legislation be Done,
    In Washington as it is in Chicago.
    Give us this day our daily gas ration,
    As we repent for our carbon addiction.
    And lead us not into trepidation,
    But deliver us from George Bush.
    For thin is the Presidency, the Congress and the Supreme Court.
    For Four to Eight years.

  27. RickM says:

    Obama doesn’t like satire about his wife … what’s the matter with that? Would any politician? Has any first lady been portrayed as an AK-47 toting partner of a Muslim terrorist.

    This is just a continuation of the New Yorker flap, and shows again how much the mainstream media relates to the rest of America. Most Americans see the New Yorker Cover not as satire, but as illustrative of fact. It’s especially galling to hear the Indianapolis Star (my home town newspaper) complain about this. This is a newspaper that was published by Dan Quayle’s Uncle.

    Both of these opinions are speculative at best, written by people who actually read the New Yorker. Most Americans don’t, and most Americans don’t see this as a joke.

  28. MikeN says:

    The guy who wrote the New Yorker story, he was kept off of Obama’s flight to Europe. So John has been proven true.

  29. Don says:

    Obama is just another scummy Illinois politician. The sooner the rest of the world comes to that realization the better.

    Here in illinois, we send politicains to jail with more regularity than crack dealers. Obama was broght up in this system, and has a bunch of scummy hangers on that he will appoint to some kind of office when he gets to the White Hous.

    Hello world, read my words. He is not the second comming. In fact, he is just another scummy Illinois politician who is better at covering his tracks than some of his peers.

    It will be fun to see Michelle and Hillary face off though.


  30. deowll says:

    I think it was a President that said, “If you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.”

    If you run for public office you are going to be a target. If you actually become President you are asking to become the biggest target in the nation worked over every night by late night talk show hosts.


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