1. Cursor_ says:

    Just more semite on semite violence.


  2. Paddy-O says:

    #32 – Too true.

    I always thought it would have been better to create a Jewish state out of part of Germany. Fair is fair…

  3. Mr. Fusion says:


    If you enjoy being shot then volunteer. Please. Paint a target between your eyes. Quit suggesting others shouldn’t complain.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #34 “For those in denial that Israelis don’t attack unarmed Palestinians.”

    I’m sure they do.

    1: They aren’t fighting an army, they are fighting terrorist’s who are “civilians”.

    2: The terrorists hide amongst non-combatant who end up getting shot, bombed, etc.

    Solution: Terrorist stop attacking or, fight as a uniformed military & live away from non-combatants.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #35 “If you enjoy being shot then volunteer.”

    Sorry, I’m not as stupid as you or the pali’s.

  6. Wretched Gnu says:

    I absolutely knew, before I even glanced at the comments, that the majority of them were going to explain why this kid being shot by the soldier is really more proof of Palistinean evil.

    Never underestimate the racist stupidity of Americans.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #38 “Never underestimate the racist stupidity of Americans.”

    Pali’s aren’t human?

  8. Captain Bullshit says:

    If you listen closely the blindfolded guy yells, “There’s a bee on my toe! Get it off! Get it off!!!!!” The soldier obliges.

  9. Fedup says:

    WTF? Some mental giant has posted this obviously doctored video for the purpose of portraying Israel as the “bad guy”. Again I say…WTF??? Where’s the sympathy for the 4 yr old that her had bashed in and her father shot by the terrorist??? Dvorak has allowed this site to be taken over by the fools on the wacky left….Even if this video was real how does being shot at close range with a rubber bullet compare to a rifle butt bashing out the brains of a 4 year old child?

  10. Jägermeister says:

    I guess this video is fake too…

  11. Joe says:

    It sure doesn’t help the Israeli cause to have these events happen. It also spotlights the culture that teaches an IDF solder how far he can bend the rules. By any standard a reprehensible act.

  12. Naom says:

    As most Israeli Jews will tell you, Arabs are sub human animals and deserve to be treated as such. God’s Chosen people in that sickfuck, bastard state of Israel are racist to the core.

  13. Wretched Gnu says:

    #40 et al: I don’t think you want to go there. The final tally of innocent Palestinians killed vs. innocent Israelis killed in their conflict is at least 10 to 1.

    As usual with right-wing blowhards, they somehow believe that if an entire family is wiped out with a missile, that somehow doesn’t count as butchery. “Hey, they weren’t specifically targeted!” Guess what? Suicide bombers don’t target specific people either. Dimwits.

  14. Pete says:

    #2 In my book I trust them more then Fox News.

  15. MV says:

    #36: 1: They aren’t fighting an army, they are fighting terrorist’s who are “civilians”.

    Palestinians are fighting Europeans who have colonized Palestine.

  16. MikeN says:

    Historically, Palestine meant Israel.

    The Jews were there for thousands of years. They didn’t choose the location of Israel by accident, which is what so many are claiming today.

  17. Fedup says:

    As soon as one of you child murderer supporters can show me proof that any Israel soliders has gone into the home of an innocent palestinian and pulled a 4 yr old child from her bed in the middle of the night and bashed in her head with a rifle butt until her brains spilled out I withhold my sympathy for someone that was shot with a rubber bullet. I thank Allah that none of you child murdering sympathizers where in charge of this country in the 1930-40’s. We would all be speaking German or made into lamp shades. Just go back to smoking your pot and using the back door and everything will be OK….

  18. Fedup says:

    As soon as one of you child murderer supporters can show me proof that any Israelis soliders has gone into the home of an innocent palestinian and pulled a 4 yr old child from her bed in the middle of the night and bashed in her head with a rifle butt until her brains spilled out I withhold my sympathy for someone that was shot with a rubber bullet. I thank Allah that none of you child murdering sympathizers where in charge of this country in the 1930-40’s. We would all be speaking German or made into lamp shades. Just go back to smoking your pot and using the back door and everything will be OK….

  19. JPV says:

    Magnus Patris said

    Well it’s from that paragon of truth, Al Jazeera. What do you expect?


    Al Jazeera is mistrusted by Muslims as being a Western propaganda tool and Westerners mistrust it as a Islamic propaganda tool.

    Either way, they it is generally seen as far more “objective” than most other Arab news outlets.

    The truth is, that despite the MSM bias in the US, Israel is a completely despicable country.

  20. Jopa says:

    To all the bleeding hearts out there:
    Kiss my ass.

    So he shot his leg with a rubber bullet…. I am misty eyed.
    Yeah it hurts like hell, but so is being hit by the billions of rocks that they are throwing at the soldiers.
    They have rocks, we have rubber bullets.

    I’ve seen much worse in G8 summits when wacky leftists and Anarchy nutters clash with police over NOTHING. Burning down shops, breaking down cities.

  21. jopa says:

    #47 – you probably mean:
    Jews who lived in the land of Israel for 3,000 years are fighting Arabs who invaded Israel a few centuries ago and brutally colonized it.

  22. Wretched Gnu says:

    #47 hee.. you’re kidding, right? Apartheid in Israel is justified because of Arabs “brutally cononizing” the land 300 years ago?

    Ok, sure… The progeny of all brutal colonizers must go home! So… where does that leave *you*, exactly..?

    Oy… the right wing brain is truly paper-thin…

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #48, Lyin’ Mike

    The Jews were there for thousands of years. They didn’t choose the location of Israel by accident, which is what so many are claiming today.

    So how did they chose that location? Was it recommended by their friendly Travel Agent?

  24. ethanol says:

    Good lord, you Jew-hating bastards live for this shit at Dvorak.org/blog! Zorkor and JPV were long ago identified as members of Hamas, don’t bother reading or responding to their posts. I am surprised to see Mr. Fusion joining the bandwagon.

    Let’s review history again. 1948, the British who controlled the territories known as Israel, the West Bank, Gaza Strip, offered to create a state known as Israel. The United Nations voted in favor of this. The U.K. offered to do this in response to the genocide attempted on the Jews, which occurred in Europe AND the Middle East as it is documented that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was working with the Nazis.

    Upon creation of Israel, Israel expelled approximately 400,000 arabs, known as Palestinians. This is an ugly truth. What people don’t realize is that the arab nations expelled 600,000 Jews living in those countries. The Jews that were expelled were welcomed in Israel and other countries. The Palestinians were NOT ACCEPTED by their arab brethren. Thus they ended up stuck in this small areas that became refugee camps.

    Since 1948, The arab nations have many times attempted to COMPLETELY DESTORY Israel. They have not succeeded. Most arab countries have refused to acknowledge the existence of Israel and continue to vow to destroy it, not counting the terrorist groups funded by said arab countries that also vow to do the same. If your house was surrounded by neighbors that vowed to destroy you would you not be taking every precaution to protect it?!?

    Israel has never attempted to destroy an arab neighbor. They had that opportunity in 1967 to march all the way to Cairo, but chose not too. Would Hezbollah do the same? No? OK then. There is NO equivalence when discussing Israel’s defense versus the antipathy of their arab neighbors.

    Now back to this post. Sucks that police everywhere have problems with power getting to their head. This guy should get his appropriate punishment. But here is the interesting fact about Israel: This is open and on the news, and this guy will get his proper justice. What neighboring arab country can say the same when the police abuse their power?!?

    OK, now all of you Jew-hating assholes, STFU!

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, ethanol,

    Let’s review history again. 1948, the British who controlled the territories known as Israel, the West Bank, Gaza Strip, offered to create a state known as Israel. The United Nations voted in favor of this.

    That is as far as you need to go. What you won’t mention is that no one asked the Palestinians is they minded having another country plopped down in their land. How about we create a state for Palestinians here and displace you from your home. Yes? You like that idea?

    OK, now all of you Jew-hating assholes, STFU!

    First, I am not a “Jew-hating asshole”. I might be an asshole but I do not hate Jews. I do not like Israel stealing Palestinian land. Nor do I like Germans stealing from Jews or English settlers stealing Bantu land in Rhodesia and South Africa.

    Second, I use to side with Israel. It was the “Christian” culture I had grown up in. Until one day in the early 1990s I read a newspaper story. It was about an Israeli who died during a Palestinian uprising. I forget how the person died, and even his age and sex, only that he had been provoking the Palestinians. At the end of the story there was a statistic that this was the third Israeli to have died. Yet over 1000 Palestinians had died since the uprising had started.

    None of those thousand Palestinians had a story written about them. Many of the Palestinians had been killed by Israeli settlers stealing their land, or because they didn’t like them, or their ambulances were held up at check points by the Israeli Army, or Israeli bombs blew up their apartment building. But all of them were just numbers. The Israeli was a person worthy enough to be named.

    That article unintentionally started me thinking of the injustice the west has inflicted upon the Palestinians. Yes, the people like you will continue to blindly believe that every Israeli life is valuable but every Palestinian life is worthless. And you will continue to ignore history and only look at the points you want to see. And you will continue to get your shorts in a knot and tell others to STFU because you don’t like the truth coming out. And you will continue to demonstrate to all what a Jewish bigot is.

    Third, I don’t hate all Israelis. There are many who realize that the State is currently following the same course as the Germans did during the 1930s and many other European countries did before that to the Jews.

  26. Wretched Gnu says:

    #56 — I hope you understand that none of your opponents read what you imagine to be the history lesson of your post. Why? Because the moment we read that anybody who is opposed to right-wing policies and apologies is a “Jew-hater,” we know we’re dealing with a fool. Why bother to read one sentence more?

  27. mark says:

    #58. Your comment was perfect.

  28. bobbo says:

    Editor==next time you update this blog, could you create the ability to have a “your friend just posted” feature? I hate missing a post by zorkor.

    #56–ethanol==how do you reach the conclusion that the jews forced the palestinians out? It makes sense to me that many would have left on their own accord. It is also true that the palestinians that stayed have a better life than the average arab?

    I’d like to emphasize a point you made==the arabs of the area fought for Hitler during WW2. Given my firm belief that we are all born the same, amazing what culture and religion can do to a human being?

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #60, Bobbo,

    how do you reach the conclusion that the jews forced the palestinians out?

    It was easier than you think. When the fighting started, many Palestinians fled the contested areas. When the fighting stopped, they were forbidden to return. All land and buildings were confiscated.

    the arabs of the area fought for Hitler during WW2.

    Not true. The British held the entire area during WWII. While many chaffed at the British domination, there wasn’t any armed rebellion or uprising.

    German provocateurs tried to stir up the pot and foment rebellion, but never succeeded. some Arabs joined German military units but were largely ineffective. These included neighboring countries as well.

    Now for the shocker. Some Jewish groups offered to fight for Hitler too.

  30. MikeN says:

    There were jews in the area too. The term Palestinian itself is disputable with regards to whether it represents a different culture. There was never a Palestinian state to begin with, and the one that was formed in 1948 got overtaken by its arab neighbors, Jordan and Egypt.


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