I’ve been hoping for a good third party movement but it looks hopeless. Bob Barr just doesn’t cut it either. Another cliche-laden guy running for office. He won’t answer actual questions.
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Another shifty politician type.
There is a lot about the Libertarians I like, especially on social issues and liberty. I just do not share their unwavering blind faith that unregulated free market capitalism will solve all our problems.
My hope for the libertarians is to take back the GOP from the neo-cons and theo-cons. Ron Paul is on the right track in that regard, but its an up hill battle, and wont happen until the GOP gets thoroughly trounced.
NONE of them have what it takes to be the leader.
They are all plutocrats. Ladled by special interest and corporate money. So they will roll over and be a good lapdog.
The US changed in 1925, yet our government is still one based on old agrarian ideal from the farmer/land owner/country gentry men that started it. Add to that the robber baron mentality that still steers us and we are throughly screwed.
Our nation changed to a consumer nation. We stopped being an agrarian one. And we blew past a post-industrial one. We are now totally different from the 1780’s and 1880’s.
If we do not start changing soon we will go the way the UK, Spain and France has. We will become a parody of former glories and thought of as spineless anachronisms.
We must have new leadership, consumate to the nation as it currently stands, not like McCain one from the Eisenhower years or like Obama’s 1961 Camelot-Kennedy Years.
We must also abandon most of the constitution and get rid of the current model of government
which was great during the revolution years of the 18th and early 19th centuries.
We are a social-economic consumer driven nation. We now need representation along those lines, not through French Revolutionary ideologies.
Representation needs to be along the economic lines. No one really thinks democrat or republican or whig or any of that. We think does this person know what I go through on a daily basis? Can I keep my bills paid, put gas in my car, keep a job, put food on the table and a house over my head?
That is total consumer and economic thinking. No one thinks of candidate along party lines!
It is madness to try and continue with a oligarchic system in this modern era. Especially one that is now made up of plutocrats, whipped into servitude of corporations.
Change will not come from within the system. It must come from without. We need to abandon the current government and start from scratch.
I’d like to know your take on Nader.
He is running again, after all.
Bob Barr now says all those things he voted FOR when he was an arch-conservative Republican congressman, he now is AGAINST.
So was he faking it then, or is he faking it now?
Or is he just another ego-driven pol who has no principles at all?
#2 Cursor_
Your idea to abandon most of the Constitution and get rid of the current model of government shows a lack of thought on your part. It’s not the system that’s the problem, but the politicians that abuse it. If you would like to get rid of something start there.
The people that created our present Constitution knew what they were doing. This can hardly be said of anyone in Washington today.
I mean think about it. Do you really want today’s Washington politicians creating a new constitution?
Barr won’t be a relevant force nationally. However, he may take enough votes from McCain in Georgia to swing the state to Obama, which would be stunning coup.
I don’t think we need to abandon the Constitution or change the current form of government. What we need is, perhaps, narrower requirements for candidates for President! I mean, the ones that have made it to election day leave a lot to be desired. Seriously, what are the requirements now? Over 35yo, born here (in the US), and live here for the past 14 years (Section 1, Article 2 of the Constitution)? I think garbage collectors have higher requirements than that.
We also need to amend the Constitution and take whatever power the judges have to pass law away from them. It’s not their job, it’s the legislative branch’s job.
The Fed government should regulate and control energy (including sale) – all mass form of energy (power grid, fuel, etc).
The Fed government should regulate and control health care.
Those are my two biggies that should be regulated and controled by the government. Energy is way too crucial these days and should not be left totally in the hands of corporations. The only thing corporations care about is profit. Although a good gesture by the president to lift the ban on off-shore drilling, I doubt corporations will spend money to drill there when they’re making so much money with they oil they have now. What should have been done was the government drill there and sell that oil as a public good for discounted prices.
I also mention health care because the cost of it has totally sky-rocketed, meanwhile the value hasn’t kept up with the price increase. I don’t trust HMOs controlling the outcome of my healthcare. I somehow trust the government a little more.
Anyone know anything about this guy?
#7, I somehow trust the government a little more.
You shouldn’t. It was because of the government’s medicare and HMO acts, etc. that has caused the price of healthcare to rise so dramatically. The problem is a gov subsidized demand mixed with a gov restricted supply (from the Cato Institute, not my opinion).
Interesting tidbits from http://www.freedomkeys.com:
From 1985 to 1989, unpaid hospital care grew slightly, from 5.5% to 6.0% of billing. But government underpayment shot from 0.6% to 5.0% – the same years private insurance premiums started skyrocketing.
To compensate for the lost income from the government, they have to increase their bills to everyone else (insurance companies, which then pass the cost on to their customers). If the government can’t handle the medical programs it has now, it surely can’t handle one that covers everybody.
Here is an interesting disquisition on healthcare costs and a possible solution. I really like the part about a tax credit vs a tax deduction. Just give the money back and then leave it alone! This way, there is no government bureaucracy to monkey up the works.
Of course, the gov would never agree to reducing anyone’s tax burden so this idea is dead in the water. If they can’t control where the money goes, they don’t want no part of it.
Back on subject: I’m voting for Bob Barr. This video is not one of his better ones, unfortunately. I’ve seen some of his other interviews and he really does answer the questions. I am not sure what was going on in this one.
Seems like he answered the questions just fine.
Measure him on the scale of a real person, perhaps he won’t rank so high. Measure him on the scale of a national politician, he’s one of the best, and way above McCain or Obama.
Good government is NOT meant to be written in stone. When a nation is so set in stone it will fall like Rome did.
Oligarchies are archaic. They no longer fit in a modern world. We no longer can remain flexible and progressive in this world’s climate with our present government.
You may fear to radically change things, but then neither did the colonists when they were told they would no longer be British citizens.
But you go ahead and cling to tradition and worm-eaten ideals of the past. The rest of us will just move on and leave you to your delusional past glories.
Are Bob Barr and Pual thinking about teaming up? I think they should. You can sign the petition at
or you can go to this site and participate in the polls and sign the petition
the movement is growing, PUT PAUL ON THE TICKET!!! SAVE THE COUNTRY!!! YEAHH