1. dm says:

    Nice production quality, but the script could use a punch up.

  2. Geoffrey says:


    torture continues
    wiretapping continues
    habeas corpus remains discontinued
    9.5T federal debt continues to swell from endless foreign adventures geared to colonizing M.E. and nigerian oil and natgas sources

    Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground?

    — George Washington

  3. LtSiver says:

    Surprisingly CNN showed this last night on one of their shows. I was amazed they even knew about JibJab, even though it’s been around for a long time. (and Leno showed their stuff from time to time)

  4. QB says:

    Are you guys still having an election in the US. Please tell me it will stop soon so we can talk about something important like the Cubs annual August choke dive.

  5. ArianeB says:

    I’m already tired of the election season. I wish the two of them would just be senators for a couple of months and give us a break.

    At least until they announce their running mates anyways, because lets face it, its ALWAYS funny!

  6. joaoPT says:

    Outstanding cartoon, fibble subject.


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