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I am surprised that you would run this photo as it is obviously photoshopped. Think about how old Obama would have been when Jane was denouncing the Vietnam warm. The picture is not even funny as there are enough idiots out there who won’t put two and two together.
“All we are saying….. is give PS CS3 a chance.”
Not Photoshopped I was there.
Is this some sort of metaphorical suggestion???
I belief it!
I have a lithograph circa 1970, based on that photo of Jane in my garage.
However, there is no potus candidate, podium ,or microphone in it. Instead, is a portrayal of a grunt from the 1st Battalion, Third Marines, offering smiling Jane, his “proud ember”.
I know people that will believe it. They are successful, otherwise, seemingly intelligent people.
But they will swallow ANYTHING to support their biases, and not just about race. They get red in the face at the mere thought of a “liberal”.
I sometimes wonder if they could even define that term but; I’d never ask. I’d hate to be the cause of their medical emergency.
There is no way that Obama was at that rally. He was dropping acid with Ginsberg at the time. Purple microdot or orange barrel probably.
I’ve always admired Hanoi Jane for putting her celebrity status at risk to do what she thought was right. Further I think she was right about everything I know of her doing and saying except for sitting in the AA Battery and she apologized for that. She was afterall an actress and used to posing as directed. I don’t blame her that much.
I know there are still several varieties of right wing nutballs that still defend the loss of life and money in Vietnam. How war and death has captured the terrain of patriotism and ousted the health and safety of our troops is beyond me.
Then she turned religious and I have to shun her now. Poor Ted.
Wait a damn minute… this is the photo I remember:
Cripes, I was expecting complaints about the mediocre Photoshop job. What is wrong with you people!
Of course Hopper comes in with genuine crap, so now I’m looking good.
The slack-jawed, mouth breathing McSame supporters will fall for this. They fell for the Swift Boat Liars. It works on an uneducated, basically selfish society.
in reply to #7 stu
“liberal” to me that wants to use other peoples money. Someone that wishes the government to willfully take the property/monies of private individuals. Frequently, albeit not always the money seems to be spent on causes that the individual does not desire or wish to support.
Our founding fathers had wisdom in not allowing an income tax, the garnishment of the sweat of the brow is a kin to slavery.
That’s my job isn’t it… to make you look good? [snicker, cough, cough]
Hop, of course it’s your job. Get to work, you [beep] lackey.
clio said,
“liberal” to me that wants to use other peoples money. Someone that wishes the government to willfully take the property/monies of private individuals.
How very Humpty Dumpty (Through The Looking Glass)
#9 “Further I think she was right about everything … except for sitting in the AA Battery …. She … I know there are still several varieties of right wing nutballs that still defend the loss of life and money in Vietnam.”
I’ve only heard libs defend Vietnam. It was after all started and deepened by lib admins.
I don’t dislike Jane & I think the war was stupid. I just think that the law should have been applied to her. It was treason and she should have been penalized.
Why is that a slur? I don’t consider being called a Vietnam veteran a slur. Everyone knows Obama is anti-war(or at least was).
#18 – “Why is that a slur? I don’t consider being called a Vietnam veteran a slur.”
I think the slur is being positioned with a traitor…
#13, clio,
the garnishment of the sweat of the brow is a kin to slavery.
So you would rather be a slave owner and send other people to give their lives in battle so you can keep what’s yours.
Racist, selfish asshole.
#17, Cow-Paddy,
I’ve only heard libs defend Vietnam. It was after all started and deepened by lib admins.
Wrong. Try Eisenhower started it and Nixon, after adding the most men and equipment plus extending the war to Cambodia and Laos, ended it.
WOW Dvorak is showing his stripes the last 3 days……trying to scare up as much traffic as possible by attacking Obama..adn helping the repubs …i do think Dvorak is a racist in de-nile and following the repub script…..if we cant beat them start the racism and name calling…and no he wont let this post thru
Sill trying to smear Dems with Jane Fonda?
Wowie wow wow, the conservatives need new material.
Wow, does no one have a memory longer than 4 years?
The first time this picture was photoshopped it was with John Kerry and Jane Fonda.
Anybody remember John Kerry?
I certainly believe you about this being a slur against Kerry.
This just shows how the conservatives are done. They got nothin’.
They are so hopelessly trapped in the past. They think the “War on Terror” is like WWII.
Reality check, cons:
1) Terrorism is a strategy, not an army
This is not 1944 or 1968.
Asymetrical warfare is completely different than previous wars. Even if America “wins” in Iraq, it won’t slow down global terrorism at all. Probably, it will fuel it.
Now calling him an untouchable is a slur.
#20 Mr Fusion
Have you ever even read a history book?
Although the US helped the French financially, Eisenhower never allowed US military intervention.
Vietnam was a French problem until Kennedy (D-MA) decided to send in advisors. Your hero Johnson(D-TX) is the guy responsible for sending in US troops.
By the time Nixon came along Johnson had already created a nightmare from which he slithered away leaving the mess for Nixon to clean up.
This was a problem because most politicians know only how to create problems and rarely solve them.
Jane should have been shot for treason decades ago.
Dr Duh
I posted a researched and cited reply, carefully refuting your stupid, uneducated, asinine, ridiculous, wing nut comment. The Administrator decided to flag the comment for review. We will see if it later does get posted.
As I pointed out in that post though, you are still a moran who does a disservice to every military person who has ever served by your ignorance of history.
#28–Fusion==could you post your link again and not get it banned? Seems to me Dr Dud is mostly correct at #26 so I’d like to read a criticism of it.
#29 bobbo
The one point that could be expanded upon is that Kennedy did send in Special Forces which actually got the ball rolling, but Johnson was responsible for the major troop increases.