1. iDN says:

    If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!

  2. Little Johnnie says:

    This won’t hurt a bit, now drop your drawers and bend over!

  3. admfubar says:

    i need my fix of taco hell!!!!!

  4. hhopper says:

    “Just try and get this needle away from me you damn junkie!”

  5. BubbaRay says:

    How fortunate for you Mrs. Arlsberg, we seem to have one lollipop left.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    It’s none of your business!!! I’m doing it to my own body!!!

    (isn’t that the standard response from junkies)

  7. DoomlordVekk says:

    The Drugs, they no work anymore…

  8. QB says:

    Is it safe?

  9. chris says:

    He’s the one the call Dr. Feelgood…

  10. overtemp says:

    One HMO’s creative approach to reducing payroll costs.

  11. KGMadMan says:

    Mrs. Hilton? Tinkerbell got into your purse again.

  12. ECA says:



  13. QC says:

    This is going to sting a bit.

  14. is the dog on drugs , does he / she have contact lenses or is it just photo red eye?
    Regardless the dog must be shivering from lack of hair on a cold winter day

  15. TVAddict says:

    Yo quiero your meds!

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    photoshopped !!!

  17. Chris Mac says:


  18. Jägermeister says:

    #16 – Mr. Fusion

    I’m sure you go around and tell the kids that Santa doesn’t exist! 😉 😀

  19. Raster says:



    Hey… I feel great! I LOVE being angry!

    Thank you Stimpy!

  20. Dr Dodd says:

    This photo is dedicated to ex-wives everywhere.

  21. Cinaedh says:

    If you want my drugs, you’re going to have to pry them from my cold, dead mouth.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Jag,

    NEVER !!!!!!

    I help Santa out every year filling in when he can’t make it because of some slow waitress or his reindeer ran out of hay or he has a flat runner. Once I filled in because he was busy doing something or other with Mrs Claus. 8)

    BTW: Dog eyes are green, not red.

  23. charlie says:

    Arnolds new pup.

  24. Balbas says:

    Would you like a Photoshop-proof case of red-eye? Just bend over …

  25. Joe Dirt says:

    Looks like hhopper after Dvorak said to stop posting for this blog.

  26. gmknobl says:


    (If I have to explain this, you haven’t been following the Tour de France.)

  27. perrysan says:

    If it worked for Barry Bonds it will work for me!

  28. adogg4629 says:

    rrrrrrr, whoof whoof whoof. Grrrrr Whoof! Grrr-whoof!!


    Here mommy Wienhouse, your morning smack. I’m a good boy! I’m a good boy!

  29. Noah says:

    That’s my dog. His name was Fred. haha This is too funny that a photo my friend ‘shopped’ years ago ended up here. Fred was hit by a car back in 2006. He was an awesome little guy. Nice to see him immortalized on the internet.


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