One of the more interesting comedy teams working today. Out of England, they go after advanced issues such as the banking crises. Very good satire done in a unique British style slightly reminiscent of Bob and Ray. Americans will miss a few of the local British references. Watch all three.

  1. KD Martin says:

    “Oh my God! We’ve lost everything! Should I jump out of the window?”

    These guys are hilarious. Nice find.

  2. rectagon says:

    Very good stuff! Excellent find John. Of course… our real estate economy (let’s just say we are somewhat north of the border… a hint which will mean nothing to most Americans) is benefiting from cheap houses either being shipped north… or just plain bought outright where they are so we can have a winter location to park my RV>

  3. joaoPT says:

    Brilliant guys. Had them on my blog for months (but I think I’ve seen them first here on DU)

  4. morbo says:

    Paul Solmans piece on the Newshour last night had some excerpts. Funniest was later in the show, the WashPo reporter who replaced Mark Shields this week citing the Bird&Fortune bit about a “cock up”. To which David Brooks pointed out “I don’t think you can say that on US TV” 🙂 Hilarious!!!

  5. DarkJesus says:

    I think we need Bremner, Bird, Fortune…and Dvorak.

  6. Esteban says:


    You need to get these guys on Cranky Geeks. I’d love to hear their take on the neverending saga of Microsoft versus Yahoo.

  7. Thanks for posting this on twitter.
    The Daily Show could learn a thing or two from these gents.

  8. smallbob2 says:

    Nice comment (#2). I have looked at a map and I do know what lies north of the border. I love how you Canucks insult us. It’s too bad we can’t be perfect like you guys. Interesting grammar by the way’ we can have a winter location to park my RV’. If you dislike Americans so much, stop bothering us and stay away from our blogs and websites. If we are so vile, why do you have anything to do with us?

  9. John S says:

    #8 smallbob2 nobody hear likes elitists like you! So la-dee-da you looked at a map! Does that make you superior to us reglar folk! Take your fancy coffee and “Obama” poster and leave us alone!;-)

  10. rectagon says:

    Smallbob… at which point did I say I dislike Americans? At which point did I say we were perfect? Just curious.


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