Would you feel the same about this pic if that were a hybrid?

Ferrari to slash sports cars’ carbon emissions: president

Sports car manufacturer Ferrari intends to cut its vehicles’ greenhouse gas emissions by nearly half and is working on developing hybrid vehicles, the company president said Saturday.

“We want to reduce our CO2 emissions by 40 percent between now and 2012,” said Luca Cordero di Montezemolo told the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, in an interview to be published Sunday.

But he insisted that any future hybrid Ferrari would still be “fundamentally a Ferrari.”

But could it beat this?

  1. deowll says:

    What the heck are they talking about? All I see is a nice picture of girl.

    To be blunt for people like myself a hybrid would take forever to pay for itself if it ever did. Of course this thing is toy so who cares?

  2. PeterR says:

    A silver Ferrari? Real Ferraris are red!

  3. qsabe says:

    You have the first intelligent mention of how electric should be used. .. Each wheel has it’s own motor. All the engine does is generate electricity when the batteries get low, which can also be plugged in for an overnight charge. The first step into the world of throw away transportation. Like a lawn mower, when they wear out, you just buy another one. .. Use the oil to make plastic bodies to sit in. .. Toys R Us transportation for the masses. .. If all you want to do is get from here to there, why give all the results of your work to Cheney, his stooge Bush and their Arab buddies.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #26 “and you still haven’t addressed my point that a vehicle is judged on its looks and performance, not on its core technology.”

    I did. I agree with those two points. Answer my Q.

  5. smartalix says:


    Then I don;t get your point. Please rephrase your question.

  6. boru says:

    Chris & qsabe–

    The very first car Porsche designed (when he was a very young engineer, in 1903, as I recall) had electric motors at each wheel hub. Too bad there wasn’t better electric power production/storage then.


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