Would you feel the same about this pic if that were a hybrid?

Ferrari to slash sports cars’ carbon emissions: president

Sports car manufacturer Ferrari intends to cut its vehicles’ greenhouse gas emissions by nearly half and is working on developing hybrid vehicles, the company president said Saturday.

“We want to reduce our CO2 emissions by 40 percent between now and 2012,” said Luca Cordero di Montezemolo told the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, in an interview to be published Sunday.

But he insisted that any future hybrid Ferrari would still be “fundamentally a Ferrari.”

But could it beat this?

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    She’s a hybrid? What type? Android? Biobot? Femebot? or full out Robot from iRobot? They could call her iCarumba!

    oh, nice car too.

  2. Dr Dodd says:

    Just an observation, but I’d say that the babe would be higher maintenance than the car. As to which would be the most fun to drive… well I’ve always preferred orange over silver.

  3. thirteen says:

    more evidence the Green movement is about poverty vs wealth. Too many poor people on the highway slowing down rich folk.

  4. smartalix says:

    Ferrari is a philosophy, not a technology. The balance of power, comfort, and handling that makes a car what it is as a ride is independent of the core technooogies involved.

  5. smartalix says:

    Oops, I must have been distracted by somehting in the image…

  6. GregAllen says:

    There is an Electric Drag Racing Association:

    The problem, so far, with electric power is that you can have power or distance, but not both.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t have much interest in buying a Ferrari now and I don’t see that changing much over the next few years. If someone has one they need to get rid of though, I do have room in my driveway.

  8. qsabe says:

    Aren’t they all Hybrids now. .. Ever since that rotten homo Canadian invented the Wonder Woman breast plate cowling so in vogue, we haven’t been able to see real. .. Bring back the sixties.. Nature as god intended it to be displayed.

    Oh the car is nice, whats the MPG on it..

  9. MikeN says:

    Hybrid cars don’t do very will with regards to air conditioning.

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #8 – Damn homos wasting their time and technology on fake womens breast and shit.

    #9 – Who cares, they’re still cool.

  11. JimR says:

    I’d rather breathe fresh air any day.

  12. Peter iNova says:

    #9 Obviously you don’t have any direct experience with hybrids.

  13. JimR says:

    #12, Obviously you misunderstood my very succinct statement.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    #11: Obviously you haven’t lived in Vegas in the summer. Only 106 today.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    A Ferrari is a Ferrari based on performance and looks. Degrade either and you’ll kill the brand.

  16. JimR says:

    #14, Obviously, that’s why I stay away from Vegas in the summer.

    106?!! Yuck.

  17. Uncle Dave says:

    #16: Hasn’t got up to 115+. Still early. When it does and it’s sunny, leave your car out, closed up for a few hours. Inside temp will be over 150.

    But, as they say, it’s a dry heat.

  18. smartalix says:


    The powertrain technology is not a factor in either. You could build a supercar that runs on steam if you like, and it would run with or faster than what’s currently there.

    This is purely an applied technology issue, and the price point of a Ferrari guarantees that the resulting device will use state-of-the-art tech to acheive its goals. Worried about air conditioning? cover the roof with solar cells like the Maybach.

    The track, skidpads, and timing devices do not see what kind of engine is in the vehicle, and neither does the sheet metal. If you please on thoise points it could be spring-wound for all it matters.

    (Come to think of it, pre-tensioned torsion devices are another good kinetic-energy approach to get powerful acceleration. You wind them when you brake and the spin-out speed at start is controlled by pedal pressure. You could smoke the tires with captured energy. You read it here first.)

  19. JimR says:

    #18, wind-up cars!. I love it!!

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #18 “The powertrain technology is not a factor in either.”

    But weight to power ratio is… At least for performance.

  21. Todd Peterson says:

    Where’s the Ferrari???


  22. smartalix says:


    That was redundant. What part of my post did you not understand?

  23. chris says:

    BMW has a technology that uses the heat produced by the engine to boil water to turn a steam turbine. In Ferrari’s case I think that brakes that also generate power would be good.

    People think that hybrids have to suck. Of course the Prius is a very ugly car, but I think it is made specifically to be ugly. It’s like eating grape-nuts cereal, you really feel like you’re doing something good because it sure isn’t the taste that attracts you.

    Imagine if power scavenged from somewhere was routed to electric motors on the front wheels. There is no spool up; give it juice and it gives instant on torque.

    The accord hybrid uses an electric thing that looks like a fat toilet seat for on call power. It ends up making the car faster. You wouldn’t want to mess with the rear end because those parts have to be pretty beefy to handle Ferrari sized power.

    I think the future of automobiles is to have individual electric motors working in combination as brakes at each wheel. It would make cars so much less complex. Then you could buy the car body and get a longterm agreement on replacement of the wheel motors. Imagine the engine would just need to charge batteries. When a motor stays at a constant speed it can be made super efficient. The transmission would consist of power cables running into the wheel motors. Simple, beautiful!

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #22 Umm no. How much power does the new system add
    vs. the weight? What don’t you understand about power to weight ratio?

  25. eyeofthetiger says:

    Neodymium magnet. Now we can work on what would take off her fake tan residue of that paint job.

  26. smartalix says:


    You are being obtuse. Your comments are the same as if I said “if a flying vehicle meets aerodymanic requirements and can generate proper lift, it can fly”, with you respoiinding “but if the engine is made out of lead it can’t fly”. Your comment is a non-sequitur that sounds intelligent but isn’t

    Now I already said that a car is a combination of its looks and performance, and you chime in that you don;t think the performance will happen. those are two different arguments. This is aside from the fact that satisfactory tech already exists at that price point, so you are wrong there, and you still haven’t addressed my point that a vehicle is judged on its looks and performance, not on its core technology.

    Are you that bad an interlocutor on every subject? I only thought you were a dick when it came to politics.

  27. hhopper says:

    I have a hybrid. It generates 340 HP and the air conditioning couldn’t work any better. It charges the batteries on coasting and braking. 0-60 in 5.2 seconds. 25 mpg in town. The engine is super-ultra-low emission. The best of all worlds as far as I’m concerned. Lexus GS450h.

  28. BubbaRay says:

    There’s a good video of this car from a segment of “Jay Leno’s Garage” on Cage Match:


  29. smartalix says:


    Exactly. Some are too dense to comprehend that green doesn’t mean lame or are using the boogieman of pussified automobiles to further the reactionary agenda of the american auto industry.

  30. joaoPT says:

    The American automotive industry is a gonad replacement thing, as clearly depicted (in the picture)

    Ha! Just kidding. it’s the world automotive industry, not only the American one.


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