At first glance, Cesare Bonizzi looks like the archetypal Capuchin monk – round-faced, stout, with twinkling eyes and a long flowing white beard. But beneath his robes beats a heart of metal.

Brother Cesare is the lead singer in a heavy metal band which has just released its second album.
A former missionary in the Ivory Coast, he lives in a small friary in the Milan hinterland.

The 62-year-old monk’s love affair with heavy metal began when he attended a Metallica concert some 15 years ago.

“I was overwhelmed and amazed by the sheer energy of it” he says.

Hard rock and heavy metal have, over the years, been criticised as the work of the devil. Its a claim which Brother Cesare, also known as Brother Metal, says is nonsense.

Rock on, bro!

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Well that’s not so big a deal..

    At 62 he isn’t much older than most metal heads.

    Including Metallica. They are now in their mid-forties.

    I wonder if they do metal covers of prayers in latin? That would work as most people have no clue about latin anymore.


  2. Improbus says:

    Rock on padre!

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Even a monk can sound like the Cookie Monster!

  4. CountSmackula says:

    I love how the BBC’s media player volume goes all the way to 11. “It’s one louder.”

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    #6 your right! It does!!

    I wonder if it does that for every video or just this Heave Metal Monk!

  6. Cinaedh says:

    Too bad he’s not a U.S. citizen because he’s just the sort of old fart needed to run for President.

    I’ll bet he’s even surfed the ‘Net!

    As another bonus, he’s ten years younger than the current old fart candidate. At 62, he could be ‘the young one’.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    #4 Pedro
    You mean Matisyahu?

  8. Angel H. Wong says:


    Would you believe that Shakira and her jiggly butt wanted to do a double concert with him but the idiot refused citing that in his religion women should not do what he is doing?

    Sounds to me that religion IS ruled by homos.

  9. pedro says:

    #12 – pedro

    Ricky Martin can teach him everything about golden showers…

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – “pedro” …

    That was my post… I put “pedro” by mistake…


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