Their chests rise and fall and you can hear a tiny heartbeat, but these babies for sale over the Internet are not alive.

“Reborn babies” are disconcertingly life-like baby dolls carefully crafted in vinyl, which have become swiftly popular mainly with collectors, but also with nostalgic grandparents and grieving parents.

Made and collected by an online community of enthusiasts, they are painted several times to create the mottled colour of newborn skin, have mohair hair and eyelashes, and are weighted to make them feel as heavy as human babies.

Fans of the hobby, who call it “reborning”, are mostly women and increasingly guarded about discussing it since media reports highlighted their purchase by bereaved parents, prompting some to portray the hobby as macabre…

“You get this repulsion from some because it looks so life-like and they just see a dead baby,” said Sue, 56, who bought her first doll in June.

“Looking at my reborn I’ve never seen a dead baby — she has too much colour in order to be dead…”

The term “reborn” is used to distinguish custom-made baby dolls from those mass-produced in a factory, says Deborah King, who took up doll-making as a hobby three years ago and now sells dolls via Reborn Baby.

“My daughter wanted a sibling and I didn’t want to have any more children, so I made her a doll instead,” said the 32-year-old mother of two.

King’s Web site features lists of baby dolls photographed in cots and dressed in frocks, some of which are described as “premature”. Most have girls’ names and are described as waiting for “adoption”.

Human beings are capable of going over the edge about anything. It can be realistic dolls or Britney Spears.

Somewhere out here are folks who still just have hobbies.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Dolls for adults. Sort of like my blow-up Betty.

  2. moss says:

    And there also are cops who break into cars to rescue babies – and discover they’re dolls.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    The Merriam-Webster definition of reborn is “born again”.

    Either I don’t get it — or I do get it and it makes me feel like puking.

    The terms ‘macabre’ ‘zombie’ ‘golem’ and ‘mentally ill’ seem far more applicable to this activity.

  4. Why says:


  5. Personality says:

    Hi. Are you looking for the perfect gift for that messed up relative or friend? Do you know someone who demonstrates pedophile tendencies, but don’t want to see them in jail? Do you have a loved one who has recently lost a child and they need to fill the void immediately, ASAP? Have you ever met a person who wants a baby but you know deep down in your heart that they would be the most absolute worst parent in the world? Does that extremely lonely aunt of yours who has multiple social disorders and can’t spend more than 4 minutes in a public place need a companion other than her 17 cats? Do you personally feel the need to have a creepy life like stuffed baby in your home?
    Well then you are in luck!
    Introducing Reborn Babies!

  6. sadtruth says:

    “…It can be realistic dolls or Britney Spears.”

    Or realistic dolls of Britney Spears?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Proof there are a lot of weird people out there.

  8. Improbus says:

    Those dolls are way to life like. They give me the creeps.

  9. Noel says:

    Is anyone else thinking that paedophiles are just citing the death of a child as their reason for purchase because it seems more reasonable?

  10. Jacob says:

    Great, now I can ride in the carpool lane!

  11. LotsaLuck says:

    >“…It can be realistic dolls or Britney Spears.”

    >Or realistic dolls of Britney Spears?

    I believe I’d like the 2001 model, not the 2008 model. Thank You.

  12. Li says:

    These dolls have fallen into the uncanny valley, and are now being washed down the river of creepy.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    And speaking of Britney, wouldn’t we all feel just a little better if she only had a “reborn baby” and not the real thing?

    “Darn it, Officer, I sat the baby on the roof of the car so I could find my keys, and I forgot it was there when I drove away.”

  14. Jennifer says:

    I fracking hate those things. They are toys for emotionally stunted women. My mother in law lived here for over a year and my house was overflowing with the retarded things. Her grandchildren were entirely abstract to her, but she could relate to little plastic babies and toddlers. One of the freaky things had a battery so it looked like it was breathing…locked in a glass case. Thing gave me nightmares.

  15. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #14 Jennifer – Now that is a creepy mother-in-law.

  16. bh28630 says:

    Ronnie Spector… what a voice!

  17. GigG says:

    The fact that bereaved parents are buying them is really not good for the their mental health.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Jennifer,

    I think I would be sleeping with a loaded 357 under the pillow loaded with silver bullets, a wooden stake very close at hand, garlic strung around the bed, a locked reinforced door, and one eye open.

    You have my empathy.

  19. Cursor_ says:

    I say buy them and let the mayhem begin.

    First fun thing to do with them is get a camera, set them all on a carney ride, start it up and film the madness!

    Make sure you get good shots of them breathing in the cars before you start the ride!


  20. hhopper says:

    Damn, they look really real. Boy, could I have a lot of fun with one of these fake babies out in public. People would be fainting right and left. Toss the baby against the wall in a restaurant after a fake argument…

  21. deowll says:

    Hhopper, Be my guest. My guess is you’d end up in jail for creating a public disturbance but don’t let that stop you. ?8^)


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