Guitar Hero has turned millions of people into rock stars with plastic guitars. But can they shred on a Nokia?

The answer is a resounding yes.

Cellphone carriers are rolling out a mobile version of Activision’s rock music game, and customers are subscribing at a pace that could make it the most successful console-to-cellphone crossover game in history. As the cellphone rapidly emerges as the next computing platform, cellphone games would seem to be a natural application…

As of May, the latest period for which M:Metrics provided data, Guitar Hero’s mobile version ranked at No.9, but it had climbed from No.85 in three months. It will go further. Hands-On Mobile, which adapted the game on behalf of Activision, said it would introduce Guitar Hero III Backstage Pass, a new version of the game for Sprint and AT&T customers with other carriers to follow.

I’m not a gamer. I can only comment that improving technology for gamers improves it for everyone.

Web browsing should get faster. Richer colors and a lot more detail will magically appear. All’s right with the world.

  1. the answer says:

    Wow this is a major cash grab. It’ll fail horribly for two reasons 1) Guitar hero isn’t a game you play alone. It’s a friends game 2) no one over the age of 14 will have small enough fingers to play.

  2. bdcapps says:

    I agree with the answer. Although I have fun playing guitar hero by myself the whole point to the game is that you are playing a toy guitar.

  3. comhcinc says:

    woohoo yet another way for people to pretend that they can play guitar!

  4. Angel H. Wong says:


    The iPhone has a screen big enough to play it, plus the Apple tech support team will see dollar signs on their eyes after replacing so many damaged touch screens.

  5. James Hill says:

    There are already knock-offs in the App Store for the iPhone.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Hopefully the “battery life/charge” technology will keep pace with the growing, prolonged uses of these cell phones. Sometimes I think creating more ways to use up the battery charge, other than talking to someone as was intended, is foolish. Makind a call, and playing Tetris, should be all that it does.


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