Consumerist – July 16, 2008:

We’re always told not to worry about our bank failing because our deposits are insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC. Well, in case you were wondering what happens when a bank actually does fail, look no further than the great state of California, where IndyMac has been taken over by federal regulators and its customers are getting a taste of all the FDIC has to offer.

We’re hearing reports of customers being kept outside of the banks for ours, forced to line up in the sweltering heat, and being threatened with arrest if they get upset about it.

From the L.A. Times:

In exactly which manual of customer service does it say the following: When your customers arrive at your place of business, do not open the doors and invite them inside. Instead, guard the doors and tell your customers to wait for hours in the sweltering heat outside. If they grow restless, threaten them with arrest.

  1. Dr Dodd says:

    #31 Mr. Fusion

    Well you’ve certainly twisted what I said to meet your own psychotic interpretation. But all is not lost for your words do say a lot about you.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, Dr. Duh,

    If I misinterpreted what you wrote and their meaning then please set the record straight.

    Is it or is it not permissible for someone to criticize their government and branches thereof?

    Do you or do you not afford the same consideration of free speech you demand for yourself?

    Did you or did you not suggest a poster move to a totalitarian country because you disagreed with what he had to write?

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    #33 Mr. Fusion

    I see that your education is lacking in the meaning of patriotism. This is understandable considering the barrage of lies and negative indoctrination being spewed from various quarters.

    >True, True and True. Aced that one!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, Dr Duh,

    Why do you and your ilk hate America?

    BTW, you scored wrong, wrong, and wrong. They aren’t True or False questions.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #30 “I don’t get it – why would anyone line up at the bank? Who actually has savings in a bank these days?”

    And if they did, why would they put more than $100,000 into one bank?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    A bank transfer will be held up until the regulators can determine if there is enough money to go around. Cash is cash and absolute.

  7. John S says:

    #11 MikeR where in Canada do you live? I have never had that experience and I have been in every province in Canada.


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