(Click chart to enlarge.)
Who knew the Onion would be right? [Thanks Mister Justin]
BTW, this chart is out of date. Remember the good, old days of $3 gas? Good times, good times…
BTW, this chart is out of date. Remember the good, old days of $3 gas? Good times, good times…
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Who knew the Onion would be right?
A lot of people I know. 300,000 more than thought the other way, if popular vote had any meaning. Oh well. Too bad we don’t live in a democratic nation (i.e. one person, one vote).
What amazes me is that Texas doesn’t fight this harder. I would have thought that California had the lowest number of electoral votes per capita. However, it turns out that it takes 4 votes in Texas to equal just one vote in Wyoming.
Ignoring the Bush family for a moment, does anyone really think that Wyoming residents have greater value than Texas residents?
Sea Lawyer said
here’s a little game – demonstrate to me how the president controls how much money an individual saves, and I will admit that the savings rate is a part of his legacy.
Also by using the Fed to create an artificial bubble, which has now burst and caused chaos in the banking industry, and necessitated bailouts which have further eroded the value of the dollar.
Due to this, and numerous other disastrous Bush administration economic policies, the dollar has lost nearly HALF it’s value since that idiot took office.
Oddly enough, when the value of the dollar declines, it’s harder for Americans to make ends meet, and therefore harder to save money. However, being a complete and utter moron, I don’t expect you to be able to understand that.
Misanthropic Scott said
Ignoring the Bush family for a moment, does anyone really think that Wyoming residents have greater value than Texas residents?
Yeah, actually I think that any pile of dried out dogshit has more value than any single IDIOT that resides in Texas.
#13, sea lawyer;
You know what? You’re the one that made the claims, you defend them. You don’t get to ask me questions and change the topic.
Got that? Good.
Someone needs to pay attention to the FACT that most of that gas price rise occured AFTER the Demcrats took over Congress.
We all keep forgetting (me too) that it’s Dick Cheney and pals who’s running us into the ground. GWB isn’t smart enough to push such a fiasco off alone. But he a great blame deflector for those that are, like Dick. When Obama or McCain gets into office. You can bet they’ll have some guys doing the real work of screwing things up for them too.
#30: “Easy… things such as being against minimum wages and unions. Allowing illegal immigrants into the country, which lower wage for Americans… …”
Oh, Bush is “against unions” and illegals are jumping the border, let me go throw a second mortgage on the ol’ homestead and buy iPods for all the kids. Oh, I give up, we’ll just say that you win since this thread is really quite boring and it’s just not worth arguing with somebody who uses the Federal Reserve’s lowering of interest rates as an example of how Bush caused you to not save any money.
So where on the chart does it show just how much fatter everyone has gotten?
I think many of these things like less people having health care, more debt, and decline in savings are problems government cannot solve.
These problems have been festering long before George Bush became president. Although I agree he and Congress have done little to prevent the housing mess and try and educate consumers on wise spending.
Many of our problems stem from business taking jobs overseas and into Mexico. These were jobs with health care, good wages which brought with it consumer spending. It was America’s demand for cheaper goods that provided the catalyst for companies to seek out cheaper labor.
Yup, the Pres has ultimate power over everything. That’s why Obamalamadingdong is going to lower the oceans first thing when he gets in (he told us so in a recent speech).
I just love the way the wing nuts are all in such denial.
Face it, Bush is a disaster. Not only for the US, but also the world as a whole. I know you assholes don’t care and that is why we are in such a mess.
At least now when band wagoners start complaining about bush they can quote these facts rather then saying “just because”
If any of us are still alive and there’s still electricity to run the Internet after The Barack of Obama’s first term, the tune will be different. Things would definitely be a lot worse now if Gore or Kerry had gotten in.
#44–Bigfoot==I agree, Obama is going to get a lot of blame trying to clean up/survive the Bush legacy. God Save America.
Only the most disingenuous or stupid can even conjure up the audacity to defend Bush, the antimatter Midas who turns everything to shit with his touch. What a bunch of loser crybaby apologists. The country will be better, safer, and healthier financially when that empty suit leaves office, preferably in irons.
Hah. Be thankful we’re alive to have this debate. Gore or Kerry and that’s not a given.
# 47 – BigCarbonFoot
So, to paraphrase, you think all Democrats are out to murder all U.S. citizens, for no particular reason.
That’s an interesting delusion, to say the least. Did the aliens beam it directly into your brain or did they deposit it during the anal probe?
Yes we’re “safe” so all this mess must have been worth it. What a sad little man you are. Go hide under your bed and cling to your propaganda.
I think, more than anything else, the 21st century will be known for the loss of individual liberty to the Nanny state, by both sides of the aisle. The right to the megacorps, and the left to special interests, Washington has made it perefectly clear their our best interests of “the whole of the people” are not at the forefront of their actions.
This is what Egyptian-Americans, who are living in Da Nile get when they vote for something that they would like to have a beer with, rather than a person with a brain!
#50 Angus
You make an excellent observation and one with every possibility of becoming true.
Politicians have successfully divided the people into Democrat and Republicans camps and have conquered us by always keeping us fighting among ourselves while they steal the whole show.
>> Hmeyers said, on July 17th, 2008 at 7:48 pm
>> Will the unhappy grumpy sourpusses who hang around here become happy people when/if Obama is elected?
You act like we’re grumpy for no reason.
We’re grumpy because the Republicans have screwed America bad. Second Great Depression bad.
Yes, the looting of America makes me “grumpy.”
> You act like we’re grumpy for no reason.
No. Your reasons are irrational. You are a fanatic and fanatics are not what elect Presidents.
This Omama guy is going to be interesting. He’ll probably get elected. He’ll have both houses of Congress with him. TOTAL power. Same as Bush league.
Since his “cure” for a recession is the opposite of natural economic law dictates, how are the Dems going to justify a continually weakening economy?
Looking for predictions of future justifications:
List them.
#54, Thomas,
No. Your reasons are irrational.
So everyone who has seen their job go to China is irrational?
So is everyone that can only find work for less than half their previous salary irrational?
So is everyone that has seen their gas go from just over $1 / gallon to over $4 is irrational?
So everyone who has seen the massive debt for the Iraq fiasco, to be paid by our children, irrational?
So is everyone watching various Government agencies break the law with impunity irrational?
So is everyone being overwhelmed by health care costs irrational?
So is everyone trying to buy something imported, for twice what it cost in 2000, irrational?
So is the 75% of Americans that do not approve of Bush irrational?
So is everyone worried that Government intrusion into our personal lives irrational?
So is everyone that thinks over 1,000,000 Americans on the “Do Not Fly” list is over kill irrational?
Or are you just some other fucked up irrational asshole trying to justify your vote for Bush?
You are a fanatic and fanatics are not what elect Presidents.
Then how the hell did that asswipe steal a second term?
Don’t worry! McSame will continue all W’s wonderful policies. Mission Accomplished!
#55, Cow-Paddy
Since his “cure” for a recession is the opposite of natural economic law dictates, how are the Dems going to justify a continually weakening economy?
What ever the fuck “natural economic law” is. How about using some economic principle, something we haven’t seen in this country for 7 ½ years.
The economic health of America is weak because the Bush led Administration has sold it to the closest wing nut bidder. It will take a lot of time and effort to get it back to where it should be. And the wing nuts are going to complain, whine, and obstruct the whole time.
This is typical wing nut tactics though. Create the mess then blame the Democrats.
#58 “What ever the fuck “natural economic law” is. ”
And this is how the Dems will screw it up further,
(doesn’t seem possible after Boosh but it is) the people that support Omama think that economics and the forces that governs it is mutable by fiat.
#56 Mr ConFusion – Don’t confuse the neocons with the facts. To them this is all a manifestation of that commie left wing conspiracy started around the golden age of Nixon and Vietnam (good times, good times). There are no facts that can be presented that would change the neonut’s perception on reality. Unless the ‘facts’ were say presented by one of their high priests of talk radio.
Still waiting for your defense, sea lawyer.