1. Personality says:

    So MSNBC newscasters are becoming like Fox newscasters. Invite a guy on to do an interview, then just yell at him for 40% of the interview. Great, lost what respect I had the that news source.

  2. YeahRight says:


    Can you please name me an american news source that YOU trust ? Can’t wait for the answer !

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Tell you the truth, this does leave me wondering about MSNBC. I’m sure Bugliosi thought he was on safe ground with this crowd, and to their credit they didn’t give him a free ride.

  4. Personality says:

    #2 Dvorak.org/blog


  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    Well, at least freedomizing Iraq will pay for itself.

  6. amodedoma says:

    the curse of Charlie Manson finally caught up with him, helter skelter indeed…

  7. ECA says:

    ???, in your dREAMS…

    we are going to RULE over Iraq, better then we control Israel..
    we are instigating a control structure in the middle east. And making ALOT of other nations VERY upset.
    This will only lead to ANOTHER 50 years war, or Iraq being EATEN by the other nations..

    If we leave, we have created a Vacuum for another nation to TAKE OVER..(guess who).
    If we Stay, its a GIANT magnet for all those that have a PROBLEM with the USA..

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #8 James – I tried to ping ECA on his caps myself but was informed by others on this blog that ECA is ‘we todd it’ and I should leave him alone.

  9. Shubee says:

    Vincent Bugliosi is obviously a serious-minded man that doesn’t believe that the rich and powerful are exempt from the laws that are meant to prosecute murderers.

  10. deowll says:

    I don’t think Bush committed murder. He was careless enough to have created a situation in which a lot of people died and still are dieing because we weren’t/aren’t in control of the situation but that is a lesser charge.

    I’m curious about what happens after the next president takes office. They have played fast and loss with a lot of laws and I don’t think they are the kind of people that can do a complete job covering their tracks. Nothing I’ve seen so for suggests most Bush appointies are that good about anything.

  11. it's just an expression says:

    There is no substance to this claim & these continued attempts to dethrone our beloved President wastes precious pixels & causes global worming. I wish mother nature were here to strike them from the record.

  12. Matt Garrett says:

    Gulf of Tonkin anyone? This guy is yet another moonbat with a law degree.

  13. Mr. Catshit says:

    #13, Matt,

    So, do two wrongs make a right?

    Buglosi is not my idea of a perfect person, but I do give credit that he knows and understands the law. Much better than do most idiots like you.

  14. whipjacka says:

    You cant prosecute the Commander and Chief for deploying soldiers to a situation that you don’t agree with. It undermines the whole system and executive branch. Especially since people still agree with the War in Iraq.

  15. seniors says:

    This is in response to Vincent Bugliosi’s claim. Irrespective of what the intelligence agencies advised, the fact that Iraq had invaded Kuwait would give a reasonable person probable cause to believe that Iraq might use weapons of mass destruction against the United States if Iraq had them. It is this invasion that distinguishes Iraq from other countries that have weapons of mass destruction. The foregoing describes the possible imminent threat and resulting reasonable doubt that Mr. Bugliosi’s argument is unable to overcome.

  16. HPM says:

    VIDEO: Bugliosi giving an extensive talk encompassing the main points in his book…


  17. Pittsburgh says:

    #17, “imminent threat” refers to a then-current situation, not a 10-yr. old one. The President’s own statements referred to 2002, but it turned out that actual intelligence was changed by him and his team to establish the bogus “imminent threat”. The defense of reasonable doubt might be put forth in court by Pres. Bush’s lawyers, but the statements of the President and his team would undermine it.
    #15, the Commander-in-chief can’t be prosecuted while in office. After he leaves office he can be found guilty of fraud that resulted in the deaths of Americans, and that can be prosecuted in each governmental jurisdiction from which a killed American soldier came.
    #12, the substance is great. The President has been allowed to act without accountability so far. You misuse the verb “dethrone”, because the President is not a king.
    #11, right you are that this administration has played loose with the law — “subverted” laws one might say. Many facts have already come out from the President’s team and the book suggests that there is already enough known to bring a case to court. The book informs the reader a lot, about what conditions can trigger a murder charge, so there is a good case for prosecution for murder. The conspiracy of fraud by the administration against Congress and the public is very significant in the prospective case.


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