The video displays some of the impressive capabilities of this aircraft at the 2008 Farnborough Airshow in the U.K.

  1. JimD says:

    Nice plane, but what about NATIONAL HEALTHCARE FOR ALL AMERICANS ??? Can’s afford that, but we can PISS AWAY HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS ON TOYS FOR MILITARISTS ??? Just askin’ …

  2. Improbus says:

    Your tax dollars at work … keeping defense contractors busy. GO USA GO USA!!! meh!

  3. karanua says:

    As i Live in england I see nothing but a black screen, this a virus delivery device Dvorak?

    [Ed. – See post #9, also, try refreshing the page]

  4. bobbo says:

    You know, we spend all this money on weapons, we attack other countries unilaterally, we refuse to talk to countries we disagree with, BushCo is being expressly charged with human rights violations from several respected international entities, and for some unfathomable reason, foreigners don’t respect us.

    I don’t get it.

  5. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals! Grr!

    LOL – You guys are pathetic.

  6. Bill says:

    no video

    [Ed. – See post #9, also, try refreshing the page]

  7. Sea Lawyer says:

    #1, providing for common defense is the fundamental mission of any government, providing “free” healthcare is not. Complain more though, please.

  8. apeguero says:

    This F22 program brings in a lot more in tax revenue than #1 and #2 might think. It creates a lot of work not only during testing and development and production, but also during actual use due to the airbases housing these jets. They’re obviously needed for national security.

    Honestly though, with the high number of illegal alliens and people cheating the system in this country out of welfare and other benefits, comments like that on #1 really irk me. There is healthcare for the people that can’t afford it and it’s called medicaid no? If you work then you can get your own healthcare through your employer. If you’re in the Military (including National Guard), you are eligible for Tricare (I pay $81.00/month for some pretty damned good healthcare since I’m in the Guard), that’s affordable to me and many others like me that are either in the Guard or are Fed employees.

    I agree to a certain extent that we should work on a National Health Care plan but it’s not as simple as cutting funding for the F22 in order to fund it. I’d rather see cutting aid to illegal aliens first before I see us cutting funding to a deterent weapon crucial for our national security.

  9. Gasparrini says:

    #3, What? I live in England also and the video plays just fine. Do you have any type of plug-in that removes advertisement? Try disabling it.

    The video comes from the Aviation Week page, and can be found here:

  10. rosebush says:

    #4 -> US Citizens are too busy with daily life. Making sure they get their next paycheck, so that can support their lifestyle. Worrying about losing their jobs & health insurance. Nothing will ever be accomplished unless we all stop working and storm the buildings & halls of our so called representatives.

    We (US Citizens) are all afraid of our Corporations & Government.

    The day must come we have to stop fearing them and that is the day me must take action. If change is going to happen, people must not be afraid to lose their jobs, homes, and their lives. We must must stand together and bring the system to a halt. Every Citizen must do this.

    If not, then our representatives will not hear us nor will they ever listen. They only serve the few who control the wealth.

    The US Government is lost and broken for the rest of us who are trying to make a living and better ourselves & family.


  11. BillM says:

    video works now.
    This thing is making maneuvers I have only seen in bad sci-fi movies. Wonder how it can maintain aerodynamic control when it is in such strange configurations?

    [Ed. – Fly-by-wire and thrust vectoring is being employed to achieve this]

  12. bobbo says:

    #7–Sea Lawyer, miscreants and militarists of every stripe: Common Defense, yes==but why spend the country into oblivion to provide for unilateral offense? Futher, seems to me with our Oceans as natural defenses, maybe some more attention should be spent on “providing for the General Welfare” before dumping trucks of money on Corporate Welfare?

    Lets take 100 Billion and build 5 planes providing jobs for 7000 people, or the same money on green energy systems &/or healthcare and provides jobs for 50,000 people and a better general welfare for all?

    Military Spending creates jobs===idiot talking.

  13. Antonio says:

    Very Cool! Can’t wait to see it in Oshkosh next month.

  14. billabong says:

    A flying brick.This is american ingenuity?

  15. qsabe says:

    The most amazing thing I read in post here are the number of people who want you to believe they are capable of rational thought, who still back the maniac and his thief buddy, while seeing the country crumble around them. His policies are great.. Yea!

  16. Sea Lawyer says:

    #12, “the general welfare” is not an open-ended concept. Having an organized postal system promotes the general welfare, yet Congress evidently required an explicit granting of power to establish it.

    I do agree though that we spend far more than we should on the military, but I would say that of all areas of this government.

  17. B. Dog says:

    I’m not usually real violent, but it sure used to piss me off when those Russians had those fighters that could do those cool cobra stunts at airshows. Now we can do it too.

  18. bobbo says:

    #16–Sea Lawyer==how can I argue with you when you speak in such logical absolutes? As you say, nothing is open ended, who can argue against that? And that being the case, what does the comment mean?

    General Welfare is not open ended, Common Defense is not open ended. What to think?

    Lets see==is the government spending enough on food inspection? on alternative energy development? Border security? Veterans Health and Education Benefits?

    I’m sure some tinkering could be done all falling short of being open ended.

  19. apeguero says:

    The most amazing thing I read in post here are the number of people that keep calling Bush a criminal and every other thing yet their Democratically controlled Congress hasn’t taken any steps to impeach him nor Cheney. There’s no there there.

    July, August, September, October, November, December, a couple of weeks in January 2009, and if you played it right then Obama will replace “BushCo”. Who knows, maybe he’ll have the balls to arrest Bush and Cheney before they step off the podium or maybe they’ll realize that Bush did what needed to be done, in the situation we ended up in this current decade and it actually wasn’t illegal.

  20. stormcoder says:


    If you want to know what a national health care system would be like, visit a VA hospital sometime. The experience is ridiculously bad and only the people who can’t afford to go somewhere else go there. Now just think about that scaled up.

  21. UNKN says:


    All those cobra stunts that killed lots of people in the crowd?

    Sure we’ve had our crashes but yeah.

    That J turn was pretty hot, they may cost alot but they sure look like fun to fly.

  22. bobbo says:

    #20–stormie==yes, scale it up and what do you have?===why its the F-22 Raptor.

    Good point.

  23. Sea Lawyer says:

    #18, see? something else we can probably agree on – having permanently forward deployed forces and engaging in preemptive offensive wars is beyond the boundaries of what I would consider to be “defense.”

  24. Paddy-O says:

    Anyone that has been a pilot & knows the basics of dogfighting can see that any other plane that goes
    up against the F-22 doesn’t have much of a chance.

  25. amodedoma says:

    The whole concept of ‘Peace through superior firepower’ requires continous technological renovation. If we were still flying around in F14’s our margin of technological superiority would be negligible to our neighbours. How do you expect to inspire fear and respect without it? Let’s face it, nobody wants to go to war against an enemy that may be able to defeat you. Fine example of long term R&D, shame though, a pilotless craft costs less, manuvers better, and doesn’t risk a pilot’s life.

  26. GigG says:

    Sing along.

    “…PROVIDE for the common defense, PROMOTE the general welfare…”

    Do you understand the difference?

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #26 – Don’t waste your breath. These are the same idiots who don’t know the founding docs don’t give us rights but state rights we naturally have.

    Natural rights DON’T include the right to your neighbors wallet, or, material possessions (unless you earn them for yourself).

  28. condor says:

    I was going to make a “why don’t we spend the money on education” or “Bush is a war monger” post but then I’d be a freakin idiot.

    Bush didn’t start the F22 project and let’s give the money to the needy instead, has been argued for thousands of years. You clueless morons have anything else to add?

  29. amodedoma says:

    In the words of Ozzy – ‘thank god for the bomb’.
    If it were possible for these humans to temper their ignorance with love perhaps they may survive long enough to live in societies that have no need of military force. Personally, I wouldn’t give them very good odds.

  30. smartalix says:


    Bad example. Medicare is the more apt comparison.


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