– Obama’s Inexperience Tough to Ignore I won’t run these sorts of stories if someone can show me something Obama has actually done. This sort of thing is not going away anytime soon.

If Obama had virtually no impact as either a community organizer or as a lawyer, he was even more invisible in the state Senate and later in the U.S. Senate.

In both bodies, Obama had a reputation for voting “present,” thus avoiding controversial decisions that could be used against him later. In the U.S. Senate, he has missed more than one in five votes.

Only one of the measures Obama has sponsored as a U.S. senator was enacted: a bill to “promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

Contrary to Obama’s portrayal of himself as a unifier, on every bipartisan effort in the Senate to forge compromises on tough issues, Obama has been missing in action.

In sum, it would be difficult to imagine a more mediocre record. Most candidates for dog catcher have contributed more to society. Yet with the help of adoring reporters, Obama has managed to parlay extraordinary speaking and political skills into a presidential campaign built on sand.

The idea that America might entrust its security and future to someone who has never demonstrated an ability to get anything of significance done is scary.

  1. ECA says:

    i WONDER IF THE COST OF REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS, is equal to setting up a REAL voting system that YOU AND I, can vote on ALL measures brought forth..

  2. jlm says:

    I’ll take his inexperience over Bush 2.0 any day.

  3. bobbo says:

    # 53 John C Dvorak said, on July 16th, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    I’m just sayin’….

    Well, thats a “problem” because you aren’t saying very much if anything.

    You say: “Obama’s Inexperience Tough to Ignore” and OBAMA SAYS: “Your experience brought us the Iraq War, No energy policy, No Border Control, Declining Dollar amd on ad infinitum.” (sic)

    I think reading the entire thread is a valuable learning opportunity as to what make Obama attractive.

    My considered opinion: NO CANDIDATE for President has a proven record of ability to do the job (except those running for second terms?). All such votes are based on an estimation of the person’s character, credibility, competence, compassion (where did all those “C’s” come from?) and ideology. Sadly, this is often mispresented as “Would you like to have a Beer with him?”

    In the end, its a crap shoot with externalities controlling much of what goes on. Who would Bush have been without 9/11. What will Obama be like as the world turns away from the Dollar?

    For me the vote is between someone who might feel some responsibility to bring change and someone who wants to continue the BushCo failed policies. My fingers are crossed, and god bless America.
    Standing on its own, you statement i

  4. jbenson2 says:

    “I’m voting for Barack Obama.”


    “He’s the only candidate who can really change this country.”

    “Change it into what?”

    “A country full of hope.”

    “Hopeful for what?”


  5. tcc3 says:

    His having been a Con Law professor is a good thing. I think its important to have a president that has read the document he has sworn to defend and protect.

  6. Pete says:

    Dude, he has had sex with a black woman, that’s more than probably 75% of everyone here.

  7. DavidtheDuke says:

    “His having been a Con Law professor is a good thing. I think its important to have a president that has read the document he has sworn to defend and protect.” I wouldn’t say he’s being very fervent about that. Not that Mccain is. Too bad everyone’s too busy with their new 3G phones and PS3s (me included, no better) to actually change things.

  8. bobbo says:

    #64–jb==clever tautology, and possibly too much truth to it, “but” the change I see might be a tad bit of refusing to pander to the public with easy political tricks. My example for that would be not supporting the gas tax holiday. Its only a small feather weight policy stance, but with enough feathers, you’ve got a comfy pillow.

  9. The Warden says:

    I don’t know where John lies on the political spectrum but I get a sense that he’s a cynic of both parties which is fine with me but why does he have such other left wing zealots on here posting stories? Unless John, you are a left wing radical hippie skippy Berkeley type? Even if you are, I still dig ya. But man, GET A HAIRCUT! You are starting to look like a 70’s porn actor. You might as well just start groing a porn stach to complete the image! 😛

  10. Noam Sane says:

    This is posted on the same blog as “Walking catfish storm parking lot!”

    Your opinion carries a lot of weight, John.

  11. bobbo says:

    #70–Noam==how does posting on the same blog as “Walking catfish storm parking lot” affect the opinion offered at all?

    That would be like calling YOU an idiot for posting here……..oh, wait!

  12. Calin says:

    70 posts, and not one person has stated what Obama has accomplished.

    I just keep reading, “Anything’s better than Bush”….who isn’t even running. It’s quite sad really.

  13. fatman says:

    I would not hire someone for a leadership position and if he only has 145 days experience in a non-leadership position.

  14. bobbo says:

    What has McCain accomplished? Without looking it up, as that is the premise, I can think of:

    1. McCain/Feingold–consensus legislation that did nothing to make election campaigning any better than it was.

    2. Several pro open border votes with a final acknowledgment that he would change his long record and start voting the way people want, but recently went back to the “comprehensive” approach.

    3. Evidently wasn’t involved so directly in the Keating Five that he avoided indictment himself, but he certainly didn’t stop this corruption in his own state.

    4. Never engaged in pork barrel politics. THAT is a very good accomplishment. Once again, couldn’t provide any leadership to get Congress as a whole to stop doing it.

    Seriously–the war in Iraq is working, the economy is basically good, “no new taxes” HAH! Idiot on a stick.

    Simply speaking its hope for a change verses a guarantee for no change at all.

    What are you going to do, vote third party, or for unicorns?

  15. JimD says:

    Yeah, like Bush’s VAST EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN AFFAIRS HAS DONE AMERICA PROUD ??? A very big NOT !!! We need CHANGE, and if the new guy might be more cautious and willing to speak and negotiate with other governments before siccin’ the Pentagon on them, we might not be a WORLD-WIDE PARIAH, and have our TROOPS BLEEDING AND DYING FOR A “MISSION” THAT SEEMS TO HAVE NO GOALS, WHILE COSTING ***BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EVERY MONTH*** !!! Well, yeah, maybe we need someone with less experience !!!

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hey John, looks like you hit the right button(s).

  17. Sinn Fein says:

    Libs/Dems, don’t worry if McCain is elected since he’s a DIDI, a Democrat In Deed and Ideology…let alone being a RINO, a Repubican In Name Only.

    Trust me, he’ll be hated by 90% of conservatives and 95% of real Republicans before he’s done…which should please you all greatly since he’ll be spending, literally, the majority of his time and programs on your side of the fence.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #75 JimD

    You want change? Change would be electing someone who could solve problems instead of creating them.

    Unfortunately, no one like that is running.

  19. Irv says:

    McCain = WWIII

  20. GigG says:

    I’m a Republican. Bush has done a pretty bad job. But Obama is simply not qualified to be POTUS.

    He might be some day if he spent a couple of more terms in the Senate and then a term as Sec-Something to get some Executive branch experience.

    It also wouldn’t hurt if he took a few years out of politics and got a job in the private sector.

    It really shocked me that the Democrats two primary candidates were both one term Senators. There have got to be better people in their party.

  21. MikeN says:

    >“Your experience brought us the Iraq War, No energy policy, No Border Control, Declining Dollar and on ad infinitum.”

    He’s moving towards McCain’s position on Iraq, his energy policy is no we can’t have more energy, he voted for amnesty, has no clue about the dollar, and on ad infinitum.

  22. MikeN says:

    bobbo, McCain Feingold wasn’t consensus. It is an example of real bipartisanship on McCain’s part, along with McCain/Kennedy and McCain Lieberman.
    He was also part of the Gang of 14 deal on judges, as well as the ‘ban’ on torture.

  23. Rick says:

    #66 – Yeah, and he ate a dog. I’d vote for him just for that. Well, that’s what I’ll tell people.

    I didn’t know who this guy was until everyone started with the pre-primary buzz. I was going to throw my vote away and make a statement like I do every election.

    Then I read his book. Then I read his second book. I was actually impressed with his intelligence. I am not in agreement with much of his platform, and I’m no Democrat nor have I ever been. But if you turn off the TV and isolate yourself from the hype, at least I believe, there is still a reason to like the guy or feel at least less bad that he might win.

    I never felt hypnotized or that I’d joined some big movement. I was genuinely interested in learning more about the guy. So far, he’s panned out to be more the real deal than any other candidate I’ve ever had that chance to vote for. I don’t know if I will, but at this point it wouldn’t break my heart to do so. In light of the majority of elections in my lifetime, that is saying something.

    Why is it that ANYONE who says there is some reason to consider Obama positively must be some whack-job who drank the Kool-Aid?

  24. bobbo says:

    #80–MikeN==hasn’t Obama done something remarkable in the last 2-3 days? He is pivoting off Iraq saying we should move troops to Afghanistan. His base “was” anti-foreign involvement I think. With this move, he maintains his position against Iraq while showing he is pro War. Smooth.

    BTW–as time passes and the death count in Iraq lowers, sure, one can’t argue the surge isn’t working, whether or not it is or isn’t. We’ll have to see as he “refines” his position.

    Re Energy–yes they are both weak. Seems to me McCain leans towards Big Oil drilling while Obama wants alternative energy. Hopefully, specifics will come out.

    Consensus/Bi-Partisan close enough. Point being, it didn’t work and politicians only offer up plans that look like something is being done while in fact only the deckchairs are being re-arranged. They pander, and we buy it.

    Didn’t he flip on the torture ban?

  25. GregAllen says:

    >> Grandpa said, on July 16th, 2008 at 8:16 pm
    >> However, I refuse to vote for someone who feels all Americans should speak Spanish. Nuff said!

    The English-only mob is another factor in America’s decline in global competitiveness.

    Once again, Obama is a smart as all-getout on an issue.

  26. Thinker says:

    Well it does seem like many of our Presidents go in with little experience, though some have had much.
    Usually peacetime presidents get the advantage of not needing much experience.

    I am rather impressed by how Obama has carried himself, but McCain should have had the office sooner. He certainly would have done a better job with Iraq than W. We might not even have gotten involved in the first place.

  27. Dr Dodd says:

    Obama does read a mean teleprompter. Maybe we should consider the guy actually writing his speeches for president.

  28. TheGreyGeek says:

    Well, If anyone “really” reads or can read the June issue of “Chicago Magazine” which has a very good article on who, and how of Obama. It is not a negative story but a true story. You will come to the conclusion that Obama is nothing but just another crooked Chicago politician. Nothing else, just a guy with a big ego ready to roll over anyone that gets into his way to personnel success. Yep, he is charismatic and smart, but, so was Hitler, Mussolini, that so called preacher guy that led that mass suicide in SA and a lot more that I’m not sure really should be leading the Greatest Nation on Earth.

  29. Noam Sane says:

    “But Obama is simply not qualified to be POTUS.”

    You know what? NOBODY is qualified to be president. But this guy is going to have the job in a few months. So get used to it.

    Bobbo, Dvorak an amazing geek, and this is sometimes a fun blog, but I don’t come here for political advice. Especially from a guy who, on TWIT a few weeks back, claimed the economy is in FINE! shape.

    Ask the folks lining up at IndyMac about that, John. Why not just stick to photoshopping pictures of people you don’t like, a habit you share with Fox News.

  30. Rick says:

    Again with the Kool-Aid.


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