– Obama’s Inexperience Tough to Ignore I won’t run these sorts of stories if someone can show me something Obama has actually done. This sort of thing is not going away anytime soon.

If Obama had virtually no impact as either a community organizer or as a lawyer, he was even more invisible in the state Senate and later in the U.S. Senate.

In both bodies, Obama had a reputation for voting “present,” thus avoiding controversial decisions that could be used against him later. In the U.S. Senate, he has missed more than one in five votes.

Only one of the measures Obama has sponsored as a U.S. senator was enacted: a bill to “promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

Contrary to Obama’s portrayal of himself as a unifier, on every bipartisan effort in the Senate to forge compromises on tough issues, Obama has been missing in action.

In sum, it would be difficult to imagine a more mediocre record. Most candidates for dog catcher have contributed more to society. Yet with the help of adoring reporters, Obama has managed to parlay extraordinary speaking and political skills into a presidential campaign built on sand.

The idea that America might entrust its security and future to someone who has never demonstrated an ability to get anything of significance done is scary.

  1. Unbound says:

    It’s amazing that someone that is supposed to have some credibility is posting an article that contains garbage like “Most candidates for dog catcher have contributed more to society.”
    Is this the regular type of source that Dvorak uses for his “Journalism”? What a sad joke of a “Journalist” this man has become.

    [Dvorak replies: Journalist by your half-baked standards or not. Let it be known that you are in fact the carping “AWAKE” — who said he was permanently OFF this blog for good because it makes you a “lesser person.” This supposed forever exit took place on July 9th.]

  2. Jägermeister says:

    I won’t run these sorts of stories if someone can actually show me something Obama has actually done.

    And this is all about achievements… What got Bush elected?

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Obama has enough experience and surrounds himself with very smart people and is very intelligent himself.

    He’s got more than enough experience.

  4. tom_streeter says:

    Newsmax? Really? I’m actually fairly pissed at Obama for his FISA vote, but Newsmax? Their analysis is worth what, exactly?

    And how about the things McCain has actually done? Keating 5. That fabulous war that’s worked out so darn well. Phil Gramm as economic advisor?

  5. lucidologist says:

    I like it! Way to stir up the pot a little bit!

  6. aartimus aardvark says:

    Yea, Obama doesn’t have that much experience … kind of like Lincoln:

    Both were born into modest circumstances. Both, through their intelligence and initiative worked their was up, first through the practice of law and then through political office. In keeping with their times, Lincoln was a self-taught frontier lawyer while Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. Obama became a civil rights attorney fighting for the rights of the poor and disadvantaged on the south side of Chicago. Lincoln rode the circuit in Illinois as a defense lawyer. They both served in the Illinois legislature, Lincoln in the state assembly and Obama in the state senate. Lincoln served one two-year term in the U.S. House of representatives. Obama is currently in the forth year of his first term in the U.S. Senate. Lincoln was elected President at the age of 52. If Obama wins the Democratic Party nomination and the general election, he will be sworn into office at the age of 47.

    And here’s a comparison of experience vs. success as president:

    Not much correlation of success with experience, but definitely a negative correlation with war hero status — 6 of the 10 worst presidents were war heroes.

  7. Robin says:

    sounds like JFK in 1960

  8. n74jw says:

    Well, look at what Obama has done. He has done very little, if anything. Why did he pass on 131 out of 156 pieces of legislation while he was in Chicago?

    He’s a bad choice for President…

  9. Robin says:

    sounds like JFK in 1960-he just ran on his daddy’s money

  10. Mr Titslinger says:

    President “Obama”: Mr. Gardner, do you agree with Oprah, or do you think that we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?
    [Long pause]
    Chance the Gardener: As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.
    President “Obama”: In the garden.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.
    President “Obama”: Spring and summer.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes.
    President “Obama”: Then fall and winter.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes.
    Oprah: I think what our insightful young friend is saying is that we welcome the inevitable seasons of nature, but we’re upset by the seasons of our economy.
    Chance the Gardener: Yes! There will be growth in the spring!
    Benjamin Rand: Hmm!
    Chance the Gardener: Hmm!
    President “Obama”: Hm. Well, Mr. Gardner, I must admit that is one of the most refreshing and optimistic statements I’ve heard in a very, very long time.
    [Oprah applauds]
    President “Obama”: I admire your good, solid sense. That’s precisely what we lack on Capitol Hill.

  11. Libertican says:

    Yes, Dvorak found one of the most biased online news portal to link to. Yes, Barack Obama has less political experience than nearly every POTUS candidate that ran this cycle. However, my analysis of the Barack Obama campaign is that people are willing to make a large bet on what his potential is, not his record. That may or may not be a bridgejumper sucker bet. I just hope that if he is elected, the media can grow a couple and shows his faults without losing their card carrying liberal status or worse being called a racist.

  12. billabong says:

    I and the rest of us Yellow dog Dems are going over the cliff with Obama.He has no chance at getting elected. When 15 percent of the electorate will not vote for you,it’s over.That said have you heard the new McCain campaign slogan?”Hey you kids get off my lawn”.

  13. Laxdude says:

    To me the biggest strike against Obama is his wife, who was a cog in the massively corrupt Daley Chicago Democratic machine. Once that stink gets on you you can’t scrub it off.

    But I am a Canadian, we choose our political leaders in a drink-off.

    I am still convinced that Obama was not running ‘for real’, he was getting ready for the next time. He just started doing so well that it was now or never. Having to rebuild the US to what it was will not make anyone popular. He was just laying low in the senate, giving some nice sounding speeches and getting ready for 2012 or 16. All he had to do was not pull a Chapaquitic. As it stand now…he will have to do some heavy lifting. The best thing for him would have been for McCain to win.

  14. McCullough says:

    The two party system is destroying this country.

  15. admfubar says:

    time to move to a multi party system………….
    toga! toga! toga!!.

    oh wait not that kind of party…..

    uhm , maybe that is the kind of party we do need…….

  16. SG says:

    It seems like for the last 8 years that it has been mainly just one party destroying this country. Go ahead. Keep sinking $10 BILLION a month into a war that has had NO positive effects and MANY negative effects.

  17. Dr Dodd says:

    Obama has performed work in his community and there is that 154 days he spent in the senate and there was the…?

    Still, he is black so that more than qualifies him to be president, right?

    When you write it down it makes you wonder what the hell is this guy doing running for president? Even a more important question is how stupid do you have to be to vote for him?

  18. MikeN says:

    Obama just needs to be better than his opponents to win. People didn’t like Hillary’s war stance, so they voted for Obama(well actually they voted for Hillary and he won on points). Now Obama is adjusting his positions to the point where he is Hillary, but less corrupt. Now he just needs to better than McCain, which he is in terms of war.

  19. chuck says:

    Compared to W., Obama is a workaholic.

    W. has spent more time on “vacation” than actually being President. During his first term he didn’t veto any legislation. (I don’t think he knew he could veto a bill.)

  20. bhelverson says:

    It’s funny how some people think that they can give Obama experience merely by claiming that he has experience. He has none. And pretending that he has experience doesn’t make it true.

    Like it or not, George W. bush had experience as Governor of Texas. Obama has less experience than bush.

    I will be voting with billabong, but I am preparing for the first term of President John McCain. For many Americans, he will be an easy choice.

  21. ECA says:

    In the U.S. Senate, he has missed more than one in five votes..

    WOW, better then 1/2 of congress..

    Can i ask a question?
    Which would you rather have…
    A PROVEN diplomat/lobbyist/Politician??

    Or someone that CANT LIE so well between his teeth??

  22. ECA says:

    Its TIMe for the CRAP war…
    its going to hit the fan, and Everyone is going to have an opinion…and in the END someone is going to say..
    “I TOLD YOU SO!!”

  23. chris says:

    Obama has done more to bring people together than John McCain! He is so sly about it though. Wherever a compromise happens Obama is there masterminding it. He realizes that normal politicians are egomaniacs, so he has skillfully exits the room right before the news cameras get there. That way they can primp for the flash bulbs.

    I love Obama, and I can tell you that he will solve all of the worlds most intractable problems in his first 90 days in office.

    Obama has been forced to come out into the open with his conciliatory nature recently, all because of that witch: Hillary Clinton.

    People don’t understand that if you project an inviting sense of self you can convince all interest groups to go along with you.

    I just wish we could all get along. That is the hope that Obama brings me. Everything will work out in the end if you can allow yourself to smile at nasty people.

    For everybody who doubts Barack let me just ask you one thing: how many governmental offices did George Washington hold before becoming president?

  24. ArianeB says:

    12 “When 15 percent of the electorate will not vote for you,it’s over.” – it means 85% will vote for you.

    13 “To me the biggest strike against Obama is his wife, who was a cog in the massively corrupt Daley Chicago Democratic machine. Once that stink gets on you you can’t scrub it off.” – um Cindy McCain is an heiress to a Beer distributor with ties to organized crime. She herself stole drugs from a charity to support her own addiction, and lost her doctors licence over it.

    Personally, I do not believe that candidates should be judged by their wives, but if you want to …

  25. MikeN says:

    >he will solve all of the worlds most intractable problems in his first 90 days in office.

    Chris, this is ridiculous. Do you really think he will complete his promise to get rid of all the world’s nuclear weapons in 90 days?

  26. The Warden says:

    aartimus aardvark ,

    There is one thing your post doesn’t mention that is very crucial distinction between Lincoln and Obama. While both were lawyers, Obama never did much with his degree. On the other hand, what is omitted from the excerpt you posted is that Lincoln was one of the most powerful and established abd respected lawyers in the country as his claim to fame came from representing the Railroad companies, which also made him very wealthy. Lincoln had a TON more experience especially working in the real world where Obama has no such real life experience.
    From wikipedia..

    Prairie lawyer
    In the 1920s, historical markers were placed at the county lines along the route Lincoln traveled in the eighth judicial district. This example is on the border of Piatt and DeWitt counties.
    In the 1920s, historical markers were placed at the county lines along the route Lincoln traveled in the eighth judicial district. This example is on the border of Piatt and DeWitt counties.

    By the mid-1850s, Lincoln’s caseload focused largely on the competing transportation interests of river barges and railroads. In one prominent 1851 case, he represented the Alton & Sangamon Railroad in a dispute with a shareholder, James A. Barret. Barret had refused to pay the balance on his pledge to the railroad on the grounds that it had changed its originally planned route. Lincoln argued that as a matter of law a corporation is not bound by its original charter when that charter can be amended in the public interest, that the newer route proposed by Alton & Sangamon was superior and less expensive, and that accordingly, the corporation had a right to sue Barret for his delinquent payment. He won this case, and the decision by the Illinois Supreme Court was eventually cited by several other courts throughout the United States.[13]

    The civil case which won Lincoln fame as a lawyer was the landmark Hurd v. Rock Island Bridge Company. America’s expansion west, which Lincoln strongly supported, was seen as an economic threat to the river trade, which ran north-to-south, primarily on the Mississippi river. In 1856 a steamboat collided with a bridge, built by the Rock Island Railroad, between Rock Island, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa, the first railroad bridge to span the Mississippi. The steamboat owner sued for damages, claiming the bridge was a hazard to navigation. Lincoln argued in court for the railroad and won, removing a costly impediment to western expansion by establishing the right of land routes to bridge waterways.

    Possibly the most notable criminal trial of Lincoln’s career as a lawyer came in 1858, when he defended William “Duff” Armstrong, who had been charged with murder. The case became famous for Lincoln’s use of judicial notice — a rare tactic at that time — to show that an eyewitness had lied on the stand. After the witness testified to having seen the crime by moonlight, Lincoln produced a Farmers’ Almanac to show that the moon on that date was at such a low angle that it could not have provided enough illumination to see anything clearly. Based almost entirely on this evidence, Armstrong was acquitted.[14]

    Lincoln was involved in more than 5,100 cases in Illinois alone during his 23-year legal career. Though many of these cases involved little more than filing a writ, others were more substantial and quite involved. Lincoln and his partners appeared before the Illinois State Supreme Court more than 400 times.

  27. lexonex says:

    john, you will be attacked for posting The Truth….

    The Obama Kool-Aid Crowd are not interested in any facts…

    What is it that a large city organizer does? Answer: Obama=Sharpton

  28. Rick says:

    I don’t have any insults or such to sling, but I think the “phenomenon” that is the Obama campaign is relevant. There are a LOT of people associated with his “movement” that are not a small matter. Even the way the campaign has been run is substantially indicative of what that organization might be able to do.

    I’d be curious how one might evaluate someone for a job that most needs a new perspective and methodology. How can you find experience by that definition? It is like asking someone what their blind-spot is. They can’t answer until they can see it…and then, well…

  29. Phillyboy says:

    Why has this race become a race issue. In Philadelphia in the black neighborhoods, you see nothing but Obama signs. This SHOULD NEVER be about race. A candidate is not better because he is black.
    The black clergy preaches how good he is because he is black. Many of the white yuppies follow Obama, because he has been oppressed so long.

    WAKE UP this is the president we are electing and we don’t have much to pick from.

    Forget what color they are, witch one will suck less.

  30. hhopper says:

    Christ almighty, we may not have a choice again this time, but ANYTHING is better than GWBush.


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