– Obama’s Inexperience Tough to Ignore I won’t run these sorts of stories if someone can show me something Obama has actually done. This sort of thing is not going away anytime soon.

If Obama had virtually no impact as either a community organizer or as a lawyer, he was even more invisible in the state Senate and later in the U.S. Senate.

In both bodies, Obama had a reputation for voting “present,” thus avoiding controversial decisions that could be used against him later. In the U.S. Senate, he has missed more than one in five votes.

Only one of the measures Obama has sponsored as a U.S. senator was enacted: a bill to “promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

Contrary to Obama’s portrayal of himself as a unifier, on every bipartisan effort in the Senate to forge compromises on tough issues, Obama has been missing in action.

In sum, it would be difficult to imagine a more mediocre record. Most candidates for dog catcher have contributed more to society. Yet with the help of adoring reporters, Obama has managed to parlay extraordinary speaking and political skills into a presidential campaign built on sand.

The idea that America might entrust its security and future to someone who has never demonstrated an ability to get anything of significance done is scary.

  1. MikeN says:

    There’s a reason I put ban in quotes. The law has been passed already, but I’m not sure if it actually bans anything.

    The consensus bipartisan are very different things. Obama was bipartisan when there was more of a consensus and very little objection from his party. McCain has gone against his party on a number of issues, including campaign finance reform. That bill was definitely not a consensus, as it passed something like 58-42, and McCain’s insistence is what made it pass.
    Yeah the bill doesn’t achieve what it claims, but you can say that about nearly every bill.

  2. Noam, I have no idea why I’m being attacked. I just found the guys column worth reading. Also as for the fact that Obama does not write his own speeches, I wonder if he writes his own books? I’m just not seeing the substance. That said I am sure the guy is smarter than me. According to the New Yorker article he only picked up his oratory skills over the last decade or so. It’s not his natural way of talking. His original patter was supposedly that of a droning academic.

  3. MikeN says:

    #72 Calin, I told you one of Obama’s accomplishments. He helped derail immigration amnesty, or so McCain claims.

  4. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, the pivot to Afghanistan is not impressive at all. John Kerry did that too. It is a way of sounding tough to make up for pacifism in Iraq. This is what bothers me most about Obama on foreign policy, and why I thought Hillary was most likely to start a war with Iran. I’m worried Obama will send troops not to Afghanistan but to a new location to show how tough he is, perhaps to Darfur or somewhere else in Africa.

    Iraq is heading towards a drawdown stage(as has been planned all along), so Afghanistan will be more of a focus.

  5. Malcolm says:

    #20 “Like it or not, George W. bush had experience as Governor of Texas.”

    Your ignorance of Texas politics is typical. The Texas Governor is purely a figurehead and has next to no actual power and does nothing in the way of actual governing. Purely a figurehead, sort of like the Queen. Get a few facts straight befor you shoot off your mouth.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    Read all the comments & not one met the challenge. 95% of the people I know have more exec experience than this guy.

  7. Ivor Biggun says:

    #58, Clinton did his best to derail what Reagan/Bush I got started. Fortunately he only had 2 years to try to foul up the economy before the Republicans got elected to control of congress. We are now suffering under the seeds of what Clinton planted. The banking crisis comes from laws enacted to force banks to lend to folks who don’t qualify. All he did about terrorism was make a few tough-sounding speeches and bombed a couple of empty buildings in Baghdad. Oh yeah, he was just a harmless yokel getting Lewinskys in the Oval Orifice.

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    Heh, McCain-Feingold is an excellent example of why I will NOT vote for John McCain. Looks more and more like Bob Barr is going to be getting my vote, assuming that I do.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    “NOBODY is qualified to be president.”

    The qualifications for president are simple:

    1. Natural born citizen
    2. Age 35
    3. 14 year resident of the United States

  10. ECA says:

    Vote for Daffy duck..

    dont vote/I WIN..
    sponsored by the council for daffy duck for president.

  11. arpie says:

    Let me ask something here. Answer sincerely, if you dare. Have you actually, yourself, looked into each candidate’s positions? Have you read and analyzed their plans? Have you read about their past? I really mean yourself, not hearsay.

    Go to the effing websites of each one and read their platforms. See if it makes sense, and choose your guy.

    However, if you choose to vote based purely on what someone else says — be it O’Reilly or Olberman — you’re a fool. If you choose to vote based on soundbytes or out-of-context videos, you’re a fool. If you choose to vote for any side simply because you’re consider yourself republican or democrat, you’re a fool. If you choose to vote because of a single wedge issue, you’re a fool. If you think politicians never have to compromise, you’re a fool. If you think issues are black and white and have no nuances, you’re a fool. If you choose to vote against your own interests (how are gas prices treating you?), you’re a fool. If you choose to vote because of race (for or against), you’re a fool. If you choose to vote because of a name, you’re a fool. If you think any one candidate will be 100% with you on all your opinions, you’re a fool. I think you get my drift.

    So, do your homework and don’t waste your vote.

    Now, in my opinion, it really seems to me McCain propose essentially no departure from Bush’s politics, and we’ve all seen where it has led us. He has no plan for the economy (it will all just magically fix itself), has no grasp of the current times (doesn’t even know how to use the interwebitubes), has no grasp of foreign policy (Shias and Sunnis are all the same, Czechoslovakia, etc.), thinks terrorrist are the bogeyman, thinks that there’s an endless supply of oil, has flip-flopped endlessly on the issues most dear to him (torture, campaign reform)… and so on.

    This is enough for me… Obama, if you ignore the stupid soundbites and spin, has been pretty consistent and demonstrates intelligence and an understanding of nuances, compromise, diplomacy, politics and reality.

    The message is encapsulated as “Change”. Change from what we have now, stay-the-course, uninformed, fear and gut based policies, to adaptable, informed, rational decisions. Sounds good to me.

    But don’t get me wrong. I don’t even think you should care about my opinion. Be an adult and make your own *informed* decision. But if you will act like a child, a sports fan rooting for their team, or a religious fanatic following their false prophet, I sincerely hope you don’t vote.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #101 “Have you actually, yourself, looked into each candidate’s positions?”

    But, what if the candidate has almost no track record to look up and changes his position everyday with the wind?

    How does CHANGE fit in when the CHANGE is to support Bush’s illegal activity?

  13. bobbo says:

    #101–arpie==you raise a vexing question. By your keen analysis and the election of Bushieboy to a second term, I would conclude most of the electorate is a fool?

    So, how does a politician attract the majority vote and not lose the support of the minority “I am not a fool” vote.

    Yes, its dirty politics. One thing for sure, it makes all politicians hypocrites or unelectable. Democracy as a political system simply can’t work, and thats why the NeoCons have had such an inroad and McCain is in contention for Bush’s 3rd term.

    Its enough to make one weep.

  14. aartimus aardvark says:

    #92 John, somehow you’ve gotten hooked on Republican talking points. Obama writes more of his own speeches than most politicians, and he definitely wrote his own books. He was too poor and unknown to get a ghostwriter in those days. And what’s that baloney about when he learned his oratorical skills got to do with anything. When did you learn our cranky skills?

    # 94 and, others: You obviously haven’t be paying attention, or you brain has been taken over by Fox News (sic). His position on Afghanistan hasn’t changed. In fact, it’s the standard Democratic position on the GWOT for several years.

  15. I’m looking at the ‘liberal” media for these talking points. Who is Jon Favreau, if Obama is writing his own speeches?

    read this in Newsweek

    and THIS in Huffington/Obama Post:

    and on and on…I could be linking for days. I’ve never seen a speech writer get so much attention. Elect him!

  16. aartimus aardvark says:

    #105 John, re-read my comments. I never said, or even implied, that Obama writes all his own speeches — only that he does more of his own writing than most politicians. Obviously, no one running for president has the time to write all his/her own stuff. Even the Newsweek article about Obama’s speechwriter that your cited said: “His boss is a best-selling author who doesn’t really need his help, having written the 2004 speech that catapulted him onto the national stage.”

    And this is a bad thing?

  17. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Obamas a mouthpiece and nothing more than a Manchurian candidate. The question is who is really running?

  18. Dr Dodd says:


    I’d place George Soros high on that list.

  19. bobbo says:

    Stupid Repuglicans==calling anyone a Manchurian Candidate when its their own man who spent time in a Communist Detention Center.

    If any of them read anything except talking points, their own stupidity might dawn on them.

  20. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #109 – Interesting, who said I’m a ‘R’. McCain is just the lesser of two evils.

    I happen to agree with the doomsday banner – we’re screwed.

  21. Dr Dodd says:

    #110 BigCarbonFoot

    bobbo thinks everyone that disagrees with his limited view is a Republican. He can’t fathom that anyone would actually look past “the party” in order to understand the bigger picture.

  22. John S says:

    #1 as to Mr. Dvorak’s reply or non-reply to Unbound/awake. He is not the first nor will he be the last to say he will not come to this site again only to return under a different nickname. Your reply did not address what he had to say in his comment. I have read many of your comments and that seems to be a ritual with you. Here is part of what he said in that infamous July 9th comment. “John C. Dvotak After a few of your recent posts, and your smarmy remarks that accompany them, I have to reach one conclusion… you are not just an out of touch old coot, you are a racist out of touch old coot. Out of self respect, I leave this forum. Personally I can’t see myself belonging to any club that would have you as a member.”. Not the most polite way of saying something I would agree.

    “Noam, I have no idea why I’m being attacked.I just found the guys column worth reading.”. You pick stories to post and comment further on them and then become upset when people disagree with you. I read Noam’s comment and noticed that you did not respond to what he had to say about your need to photoshop pictures to prove your point. “That said I am sure the guy is smarter than me.”. What a classy thing to say Mr. Dvorak. “According to the New Yorker article he only picked up his oratory skills over the last decade or so. It’s not his natural way of talking. His original patter was supposedly that of a droning academic.”. Oh I see your comment on him being smarter than you was what people call sarcasm, or humour and him changing his way of talking proves he is actually inferior to you intellectually. Stay Classy Mr. Dvorak.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #102, Cow-Paddy,

    Geeze you whine a lot.

    But, what if the candidate has almost no track record to look up and changes his position everyday with the wind?

    Then don’t vote for McCain !!! Find someone who is steady and doesn’t change their mind all the time.

    How does CHANGE fit in when the CHANGE is to support Bush’s illegal activity?

    Again, then don’t vote for McCain. Vote for the man that will change FROM Bush to what we expect from a President.

  24. bobbo says:

    #112–John==JCD is a person like the rest of us except he provides a forum pretty much free of censorship for folks to comment on all issues including himself. Even with the “anonymity” of the net, such freedom is rare. To label anyone out of touch or a racist doesn’t really move an issue along without providing direct relevant specific examples?

    Absent such direct evidence, I think most of us would become far more abrupt, smarmy, or too little involved than has JCD. I assume its not that he has a thick skin, or doesn’t care, or doesn’t have a differing point of view but rather is a combo of what he posted, and what he didn’t post.

    What he posted was that “Awake” was demonstrably hot headed or dishonest or otherwise defective in some manner to post he was leaving and yet return. Who needs that? I enjoyed seeing Awake called out on his BS. What JCD didn’t say, is how dispiriting it must be to deal with such types over and over again throughout the years? Might even make one “cranky”

    What “ritual” are you referring to? I see no reason for JCD or any of the editors/contributors to respond to the various posters here. After all, they have a life, its we who spend our spare time criticizing strangers who offer their services/opinions for free for our amusement/consideration.

    Sounds to me like you want JCD to “lead” you in some manner, and you don’t recognize that leaving you to your own resources is the lesson you need to learn? You know, disagreeing with someone helps to form your own opinion as much as agreement does? Yes, it does. Only a slightly different skill/appreciation set.

    Meanwhile, I’m pissed too that every single point I raise with every single nub here isn’t responded to with links, charts, and colored graphs. Who are these people?

  25. ECA says:

    Lets analyze a few thoughts..

    1. the next president is a CLEAN UP hitter.
    He has to clean up whats happened in the PAST, and that is a LOAD OF CRAP. Many of the things JWB has done will come up in the next season.
    2. as a clean up, if anything goes WRONG, he gets blamed for ALL OF IT..
    3. are we being HERDED..FORCED to pick a certain Class/group/race/FEMALE?
    think about this… we had 8? choices, and it was PUSHED that these 3 would run. WERE THERE OTHERS, that were BETTER?? It came down to 3. 2 males and a female…1 male old and ABIT OFF, and a Black male, and a FEMALE with a PAST history of BEING in the white house, Already. Is one SIDE throwing the game?? JUST to get a Black or FEMALE president?? and in the end claim…SEE WE TOLD YOU, Blacks and FEMALES cant RUN THIS COUNTRY.

    also think about it..
    If one of these is chosen, female of Black..
    Will our congress, reps and CORPS…Listen and DO THEIR BEST for this new president?? Or are they going to FIGHT him tooth and nail…JUST to make him look bad.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #115 “Lets analyze a few thoughts..”

    Sounds like 2001.

    1) Economy heading into recession.

    2)Terrorism on the rise, terrorists in country starting to carry out largest attack on US soil since the war of 1812…

    Blamed for 1&2 that were from the Clinton admin.

    In short, all presidents inherit. Hell, we STILL have troops deployed from Truman’s war.

    Now, your point 3 strikes a cord. None of the top candidates from either party made it (weren’t allowed).

  27. bobbo says:

    #115 & 116===Re Point 3==you both make bald claims with NO evidence or thought process behind it. Just a conclusion.

    There were polls taken thoughout showing the ranking of Obama starting low and growing. McCain was written off early in the process and had to drive his own bus.

    Its clear to this objective observer that the Dem Candidates won based on Money/Grassroots support rather than the worn out glory of tired senators==what made them “More Qualified?” Your opinion gets one vote just like everyone else.

    With McCain–his main opposition was a combination of religious oddballs who don’t believe in evolution but do believe in magic underwear and ideological nutballs advocating philosophical purity devoid of practical reality. Again, your opinion is one vote.

    People running for president win and lose for many complex interacting reasons. Who is the most qualified has no agreed on definition. Paradoxically, one of the best “real experiences” Obama offers the electorate to gauge his qualification is the very way he won the nomination.

    Job well done.

  28. QB says:

    As an outsider looking in on your election and situation I’ve got to wonder who is qualified to sort out your problems?

    1. Overseas you’ve obviously got to shut down Iraq asap. It’s just killing you.

    2. You need to finish what was started by you and your allies in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). This means working with your allies and regional partners in a productive manner.

    3. Straighten out your financial sector. Subprime losses and Bear Stearns bailouts show unprecedented weakness. Everyone was invested aggressively as if it was a low risk environment and you are losing investment capital at a remarkable rate. You have little room to wiggle with your central bank policies – in fact Bernanke’s panicky management has contributed significantly to oil prices.

    4. Figure out how to thrive in the global economy. Historically when the world’s biggest economy falters then demand drops, commodity prices fall, and inflation drops. The opposite has happened. Asia, Europe, South America and your friends up here in Canada are feeling relative little heat from your problems. Yes I know India is experiencing inflation and Ontario is hard hit – but overall.

    5. Big problem and JCD has really brought this out in the last few weeks => regulatory problems. The US has been the world’s largest creditor and basically ran the global economy but is now the biggest debtor. This means governance of financial and commodity markets needs global management and policy. The US will be highly resistant to this but you’re now at the mercy of world markets. This will require an incredibly deft hand in the US and abroad to manage.

    So neither McCain or Obama really seem ready to handle this. Obama is more likely to succeed globally (with good advisors) but he won’t be able to sell solutions domestically. The opposite is the problem for McCain.

    Have fun with this one.

  29. Bryan Price says:

    As somebody that has some experience with government, even at the lowly state level, I’ll take a so-called inexperienced candidate over an experienced candidate, as the inexperienced one won’t have the experience of fucking over the US citizens and taxpayers.

    Posting this from South Africa because you can’t.


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