(click pic to embiggen.)

Check out the comparison between old and new.

  1. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Despite the minor national news coverage, there is still not one person out of a thousand who is aware that this happened, and only about one out of 100 of them understand the significance of it.

    Related question: Does anyone know if Obama is getting presidential briefings yet? I’m wondering if his support for the draconian fisa disembowelment is related to that.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    I’m so glad that Mr. Hope & Change voted for this.
    It shows how different he’d be than the current administration. Mr. CHANGE at your service.

  3. MikeN says:

    Barack Obama will monitor this so no freedoms will be lost. Why can’t you understand that Uncle Dave?

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    Don’t know why the Liberals are made so aghast by these things. The more you demand the government provide you, the more freedom it has to take away to comply.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #4 “Don’t know why the Liberals are made so aghast”

    Because they are ignorant of, and don’t learn from history.

  6. MikeN says:

    Perhaps Obama will have this be monitored by his proposed ‘civilian national security force’

  7. Nothing To See says:

    #4 #5
    Are you…er…seriously arguing for smaller less powerful government and blaming LIBERALS for big intrusive government? You might want to check with a peer and ask a 5th grader to remind you who is President. (hint, it’s a Republican) Bush & Reagan gave us by FAR the biggest increase in government. Granted Republican increases are mostly military and spying, and Democrats are mostly social. But the implication that if you want a smaller less powerful government you should vote Republican is a LAUGH. Obama and the other Democrats SURE ain’t perfect on these issues, but Bush and the Republicans are FAR FAR FAR worse. Bush and the Republicans have given us the MOST powerful and intrusive government in our history. Why would I vote for MORE of that? Obama isn’t perfect, but his government would be 75% less crappy that McCains…I’ll take that. 🙂

  8. natefrog says:

    #4, #5;

    Apparently you forget that it was the “OMGWTFBBQ!!! SAVE ME FROM THE SCARY TERRORISTS!!!!” right-wing nutjobs who pushed such wonderful bills as the Patriot Act and this through initially. Not many Republicans voted against the FISA update, and a sickening number of Democrats voted for it. If the people in our “soccer mom save the children” society had a better handle on Probabilistic Risk Assessment, this country would be better off.

    For the record, Obama lost my vote after this one. Time to vote Libertarian.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    #7, who said anything about a particular political party? You are seeing what you want to see.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Just goes to show that the wing nuts don’t know satire when they see it.

  11. ECA says:

    Lets see…
    Can ANY moron understand it?? No. Good.
    Can I interpret it ANY WAY I WANT?? Yes. Good.

    Let me make this SIMPLE..
    To monitor, ALL sources of information exchange.
    Phone, computer, Cell, NEW PAPER, BOOKS, mags, Pictures, words, programs, P2P, USER/NEWS GROUPS, SPAM and soforth.
    Now take ANY idea you have to HIDE DATA/Msg and MULTIPLY by 100 for all the EASY ways to encode data and insert a msg.
    I dont care if you are using a computer to do the work..I dont care if you are useing 10,000 computers to do the work..
    1. you are going to need a WHOLE Duplicate of the USA NETWORK and backbone to keep ANY amount of speed in Capturing the DATA.
    2. you will need 1/2 as many computers to SORT and look for KEYWORDS/DATA/TRANSCRIBE/DECOMPRESS/-
    TRANSLATE/DECOMPILE/SORT/COMPARE(with 10,000 other sources)/-
    and soforth…EVERY BIT of information..

    Can you say/conceive of a Code that is 64bit, 64 characters long, and can use 512 different characters per letter.. And thats the EASY one.
    Add to this:
    Different languages.
    Translating from 1 language to another to another and finding reference.
    which means…that i can make ANYTHING say ANYTHING.
    Encoding this into a program, or HTML background, into a picture..

    The amount of DATA to be looked at, compared to the amount of Data to DECODE, would be horrendous.. 1 page would take 1 day..
    Even if it took 1 second, per page of Data captured…1 day would be close to 20+ years of Decrypting…

    Might as well pay EVERY PERSON in the USA wages to do the work.. AND STILL you wouldnt make a DENT, int he amount of DATA captured.

  12. ECA says:

    I can see it now..
    EVERY WOW, Every STEAM SERVER, being monitored..
    some person has to monitor CHAT in every game that crosses a border..Even being OFFLINE and monitoring CHAT, wont do if they use hand signals.. so they have to be LOGGED IN and watching.

    Can you say…ADD 1000 to your PING??? For all the Extra persons IN GAME, or monitoring..

    Or WHY NOT, do as China has done..
    LOCK IT DOWN so we cant get anything IN/OUT of the USA net..
    Less then 1/4 of the User/news groups..
    No international news..Unless it goes thru a USA group.
    NO gaming off shore..(cuts the legal issue of Online Gambling)

    WOW, what a free nation.

  13. natefrog says:


    Or it just goes to prove that after the last eight years, it’s increasingly hard to tell what is satire…

  14. deowll says:

    Vote for everybody in Congress to go home.

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    But surely if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, right?

  16. Uncle Patso says:


  17. ECA says:

    equality OF THE amount OF LEGALITY, AND vIDEO CAMERAS to WATCH THEM as well as US.


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