Crowd “Mooning” Amtrak Estimated at 8,000; Police Crack Down – San Diego Channel 6

Geez, that’s a lot of @$$’

More than 50 law officers dispersed an estimated 8,000 people drinking alcohol and mooning trains as they passed between San Diego and Los Angeles. The annual “Moon Over Amtrak” party was shut down due to complaints about public nudity.

This reminds me of the movie Braveheart, and the parody made with chimps.

California Highway Patrol officers were called in to assist Orange County sheriff’s deputies shut down the impromptu event, where thousands of people bared their rear ends to passing Metrolink and Amtrak trains.

What, no tasers were used?

No arrests were made.

I’m shocked!

  1. moss says:

    He said, “crack”…

  2. Cinaedh says:

    If I was on the train, I’d be disappointed.

    I mean, how many times in your life do you get a chance to see 8,000 drunken bare asses, all at the same time, all lined up on the side of railroad tracks?

    This was a once in a lifetime, grandly artistic event and the prudes went and spoiled it.

    Bad prudes! Bad, bad prudes!

  3. thirteen says:

    no minorities = no arrests.

  4. #2 – Cinaedh,

    They had to break it up … crack kills!

    Besides, just imagine what happens when someone takes out a lighter …

  5. Mr. Fusion says:


    Oh, most of the crowd were children? Well, never mind.

  6. Dave W says:

    I saw this in the local paper. First of all, it is(was?) an annual event. I keep missing it because I don’t think about it until I hear the annual news reports.

    Second, I was actually on the train about 15 years ago on what happened to be the right day. Back then, it was maybe 80 people. (That’s 160 cheeks), not anywhere near 8,000.

    Oh and #3, right you are. All the asses were, pardon the expression, butt white. But then again, 15 years ago, in South Orange County, they didn’t allow minorities out on the streets, unless they were gardeners or housemaids. :).

  7. admfubar says:

    hhmmm, needs the old drew cary show’s theme “moon over parma”

  8. deowll says:

    Some people just won’t give up their God given right to demonstrate that humans are chimps. Their legs are just a little longer and their arms are just a little shorter but when it comes to behavior. They are still dead on.

  9. rrguy says:

    Cracks me up!

  10. Rick Cain says:

    I think butts are the least innocuous part of what could be considered nudity.


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