Young Catholics attending World Youth Day celebrations in Sydney may find themselves swamped with offers of free condoms after a court overturned legislation giving police the power to arrest anyone who “annoys” pilgrims.
Activists opposed to the church’s stance on contraception and abortion successfully appealed against the laws, passed by the New South Wales government…
Three judges agreed, saying the measures designed to help police keep order during the six-day festivities “should not be interpreted as conferring powers that are repugnant to fundamental rights and freedoms”.
University students Rachel Evans and Amber Pike, who challenged the legislation, said they and other protesters would now hand out condoms, stickers and leaflets to pilgrims. “Symbolic coat-hangers”, designed to draw attention to the problem of backyard abortions, would also be distributed.
I’m pleased – phew! Not even surprised – that the Australian courts overturned this egregious butt-kissing piece of law.
Even though there have been significant changes drawing a measure of power away from political conservatives in recent elections in Oz – the idgit effect persists.
What would Jesus wear?
– Lamb Skin Condoms –
I don’t know a thing about Ozzie courts and legislature but this stinks of some pandering legislator putting this crap on the books to curry favor with his base KNOWING the courts will knock it down.
Whoever sponsored the legislation should be kicked out of office. Whoever voted for it should be voted out of office the next go around. Those voting against the legislation should be told: “We are watching you!!” Same as in good old USA.
“but the pope says I’m not suppose to wear one”
Awesome, wish I had that one in my arsenal.
but the pope don’t mind poop on his pole
Catholic chicks are freaky…trust me on this one. I guess its all the guilt and oppression holding back floodgates of lust. Once you crack the dam you better be ready!