There is no drug problem at Westlake Boys High School, says its headmaster Craig Monaghan.
He is defending the school after a two-week investigation found 12 year 10 pupils using or dealing cannabis. The pupils were excluded from the school for “gross misconduct”.
Mr Monaghan guarantees there are no more Westlake students using drugs in school. “I’m 100 percent certain there are no drugs left in the school…
North Shore police area commander inspector Les Paterson says It is almost impossible to prevent students getting drugs into schools. “What can we do – set up border patrols?
Schools need to rely on education, common sense and good parenting to stop drugs problems, he says.
“It would be draconian and bizarre to go down the route they have in the United States where you basically get searched on your way in.
The reporter doesn’t realize the searches, here, are for guns.
I have to wonder what sort of education the school provides about sex – in light of their fascination with Zero Tolerance.
Thanks, K B
It would be nice if these uptight pricks ever figured out that not everything related to drugs is a “problem.”
I think we need a zero tolerance policy banner here!
Well, if you can’t have a drup free school, at least you can have delusions of having a drug free school. Is this priciple on LSD or what?
It just goes to show you that drugs will never be erradicated through enforcement. It is a demand issue in this country. If they took all of the money being wasted on the drug war, and put it into abuse and education, then you would see a significant decline in drug usage in this country.
I’m not saying you have to legalise all of the illicite drugs, but their current polocies are not working.
The “War on Drugs” is not about saving people from drugs it is about power for the enforcers. Just another piece in the jigsaw that is Police State Amerika.
he sounds like iran’s “prez”, on his thoughts about homosexuals in iran………..
He’s 100% sure because he hasn’t been able to score in a week.
I love how it seems that anyone who uses the term “Amerika” would have also thought the USSR was a Workers’ Paradise.”
That’s one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Are you on drugs?
Get Real !
People will be burning herb long after he is 6 feet under.
… and the wind whispered .. Mary
The Police are handling the problem a lot better than the school, which should suggest how badly the school is handling the problem.
#5 gets the prize — that’s pretty funny!
Is there a single totally drug-free school in America?
(Maybe some homeschools. But maybe not!)
You have to wonder about any headmaster who would make such a claim.