• Blackberry and Palm release new phones.
  • Apple says it bought 1 million iPhones already.
  • EU to regulate SMS roaming charges.
  • Netflix looks like it is going on the Xbox360. It may never work out if the Net clogs up as predicted by at least one study. Load expected to be 100X worse.
  • Icahn and Ballmer on Yahoo deal. But it’s not their company. Yahoo will reject any offer.
  • Xbox360 to go to 60GB.
  • IBM reveals 8-core Power 7 chip.

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  1. chuck says:

    Did Apple report how many of the 1 million phones have been successfully activated?

  2. boru says:

    Naysayers or lovers alike, the iPhone 3g is the best rollout of any CE product to date.

    Sorry, Pedro.

  3. boru says:

    Anticipating flaming, I’m also surprised “Burn Notice” has had considerable success in its second generation.

  4. When I saw that figure ‘1 Million iPhones sold in the first 3 days, I almost turned purple with frustration.

    Here in Hong Kong our sole iPhone ‘provider’ 3 issued 500 iPhones and the (more than) 60,000 who registered on 3’s website have been left in limbo, as far as information goes.

    I went into a 3 store and was told it would be about a month before more are available.

    Hong Kong has a population of about 7 Million (about that of New York City) and I’m certain NYC had more than 500 phones to sell.

    Hence the turning purple upon hearing the 1 Million figure. What the hell?

  5. JimR says:

    Pedro knows he’s wrong about apple.

  6. Miss_X2b says:

    I could imagine oil companies executives right now… “The ants have money to burn on buying telephones, they should have money to burn in their car engines. Looks like the economy is doing well. Let’s raise the price of gasoline even more.” 🙂

  7. Cinaedh says:

    Apple says it bought 1 million iPhones already.

    Well, that’s one way to boost sales.


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