A porn-loving college professor described sexual fantasies involving female students and teenage girls in e-mails to a fellow educator, correspondence that may result in his dismissal after the University of Texas Board of Regents hears his case later this month. In sexually-charged missives sent from his school account to a colleague, Ronald Ayers, a 60-year-old tenured economics professor, wrote that a “dumb” female student had the “full-figured nude model/pron star look,” and wondered whether she “waitresses in a nude or topless bar on weekends.” Adding that the student seemed the type to seek “the approval of older men,” Ayers noted, “I make no predictions other than that I will get together with her.” In another e-mail, Ayers described how a “exhibitionist” student “likes to show off her brief thong to me as I teach.” Another student is described as “a beautiful sexy grannie” who Ayers intended to ask on a date “when the class is over.” In other 2005 e-mails to Palo Alto College Professor Duane Conley, Ayers reported on the “amazing variety” of 99-cent lingerie available at the local Goodwill store, where he purchased about 10 items, including an “unwashed thong with the delightful aroma.” In other letters, Ayers recalls flirting with a former female student and details his dealings with young female salespeople, including one with a “cheerleader” look who was “eager to be liked, like my new dog I just got.”

I don’t know what is more crazy – the fact that this guy wrote hundreds of these perverted missives, or that he expects someone to believe that a salesgirl rocking a cheerleader look would be puppy-dog-eager for a 60-year-old Humbert Humbert wannabe pulling a teacher’s salary.

  1. QB says:


  2. Kev50027 says:

    Woah, I thought you were younger than 60, Dvorak.

  3. Long Tailed Monkey says:

    You’d be surprised at how many young girls will do an old man. Most aren’t used to being treated nice. Once for the price of a donut I got to make a long distance call.

  4. deowll says:

    Professors sometimes make good money and in exchange for money some women will put up with the men who have it.

    I think the phrase was sugar daddy/mark/john.

    The women are called courtesions (sp), mistresses, or less nice things.

  5. Mister Ketchup says:

    Here’s a collectable for him:


  6. QB says:

    OK, Ketchup. I just threw up in the back of my mouth.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Would it surprise anyone to discover that most university professors are introverted mentally inbred nutjobs?

    Most of them, specially in the physics and particularly mathematics disciplines are deeply afflicted with asperger’s syndrome. They got to where they are by creating and living in a world all their own and NOT interacting with humanity as a whole.

    So it’s not surprising at all that this professor thinks he is “all that”, because in his own little world he IS “all that”.

    I have dealt with enough of them to know…

  8. DIAF says:

    #7: Having dealt with plenty of math dept professors, I’d have to say that you’re full of shit. Yes, there are some eccentric ones. The fact is, however, there are egotistical jackasses in every profession. Math professors are no exception, but they aren’t some group of ‘mentally inred nutjobs’ like you suggest. Don’t hate on math departments because they wouldn’t give you a good grade.

  9. amodedoma says:

    The only thing this dumb ass did wrong is write this kinda crap down. Almost all the hetero guys I know talk like this about women (not around them). It’s a result of sexual frustration. Poor old creep probrably hasn’t had contact with a woman in years. Anyone that thinks this is sick in someway is probrably a woman, they have no idea what it’s like to carry a raging pair of hormone factories between the legs. They’ll call him a perv and he’ll lose his job because he was stupid enough to write about his fantasies. Typical thought-police scenario, if you want to punish people before they act wrongly, you got to get them while they’re still fantasizing.

  10. UNKN says:

    I prefer the term “sweater puppies” myself.

  11. Gunt says:

    Aw come on. This professor sounds like 99% of ALL men. The fact that the submitter thought this was “news” is, frankly, scary. Must be one of those religious nutjobs.

  12. lakelady says:

    Just goes to show that professors aren’t necessarily all that smart. The stupid thing here is that he used the school account for this. Do it from a personal account and no one would hardly blink.

  13. the answer says:

    Freud would have had a field day.

  14. Looks like a publicity stunt of some sort…can’t figure out for what. AS for the poster being a religious nutjob, I do not think so. She just dislikes the use of public facilities for personal use. Or something.

  15. I think this is more interesting.

    Butt ugly Ronnie Wood dumped by wife for his hookup with teenage Russian waitress.

    the real victim. Awww

  16. Mac Guy says:

    #9 – I believe you were addressing #8. I’ve dealt with a great many professors on a professional level, and the vast majority I dealt with were good, honest, decent folk. However, I have encountered some professors who were grossly lacking any social skills whatsoever, but those were not the norm. The “pure sciences” had an inverse relationship of social skills to education level – the higher the education level, the lower the social skills.

  17. bobbo says:

    First comes the age of awareness,
    then ability,
    then consent,
    then engagement,
    then inability,
    then memories and wishes.

    Anyone who thinks this incident is anything but the last stage of man (as in “men”) is an ageist. If I can’t look forward to an active fantasy life, what have I got?

  18. UNKN says:

    Real victim my….

  19. Brian says:

    So he talks about his students the way a majority of men talk about other women…exactly why is this news again?

    Oh noes…he might use his position of influence to get women you might not?

    Give me a break…

  20. LtJackboot says:

    Ketchup, I don’t know buddy. Fuck that was sick dude.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    That’s an average straight nerd fantasy.


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