Warning: Music track is coarse.

  1. Mister Ketchup says:

    I can’t be sure but I think the music on this video was produced by knee grows. I stopped counting the number of mother fuckers.

  2. QB says:

    Who pays for their health insurance?

  3. deowll says:

    I liked the little witch that scared herself.

    At least the guys were wearing padding when they landed.

  4. Jim in Seattle says:

    Did you have to pick one with such offensive music? Can’t even show this to my kid.

  5. jas says:

    great video, why oh why does it have to have that music track… not kid friendly warning too please john

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    wow! mascots are much more entertaining when they are sliding down a set of stairs face first.

  7. Jon says:

    This is one of the most popular videos in the world at the moment. This shows you how low Western Civilization has sunk…

    Err.. sorry, I was channeling someone else.

  8. TVAddict says:

    John, of course the music is coarse so stay the course. I’m gonna have a Coors. I’m glad I didn’t join the Corps.

  9. MayhemVC says:

    Music is course like a golf course or coarse as in harsh?

    [Course as in misspelled. – ed.]

  10. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Did you have to pick one with such offensive music? Can’t even show this to my kid.

    There’s probably a solution.

    Let me think.

    Oh, yeah. Hey, don’t show it to your kid. Problem solved.

  11. natefrog says:


    Ever hear of a “mute” button? Wonderful invention.

  12. Kelvington says:

    The alligator in the huge inflated head falling down the stairs tore me up!

  13. DavidtheDuke says:

    I liked the one being attacked by the entire football team.

  14. Bob says:

    Site’s called ‘Dvorak Uncensored’, why would anyone expect it to be ‘kid friendly’?


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